
Tania Stathaki

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16EEGeorgios Tzimiropoulos, Nikolaos Mitianoudis, Tania Stathaki: A Unifying Approach to Moment-Based Shape Orientation and Symmetry Classification. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18(1): 125-139 (2009)
15EEStamatia Giannarou, Tania Stathaki: Shape Signature Matching for Object Identification Invariant to Image Transformations and Occlusion. CAIP 2007: 710-717
14EENikolaos Mitianoudis, Tania Stathaki: Underdetermined Source Separation Using Mixtures of Warped Laplacians. ICA 2007: 236-243
13EEAsher Mahmood, Philip M. Tudor, William Oxford, Robert Hansford, James D. B. Nelson, Nicholas G. Kingsbury, Antonis Katartzis, Maria Petrou, Nikolaos Mitianoudis, Tania Stathaki, Alin Achim, David R. Bull, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah, Stavri G. Nikolov, Artur Loza, Nedeljko Cvejic: Applied Multi-Dimensional Fusion. Comput. J. 50(6): 646-659 (2007)
12EENikolaos Mitianoudis, Tania Stathaki: Joint Fusion and Blind Restoration For Multiple Image Scenarios With Missing Data. Comput. J. 50(6): 660-673 (2007)
11EENikolaos Mitianoudis, Tania Stathaki: Batch and Online Underdetermined Source Separation Using Laplacian Mixture Models. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 15(6): 1818-1832 (2007)
10EENikolaos Mitianoudis, Tania Stathaki: Pixel-based and region-based image fusion schemes using ICA bases. Information Fusion 8(2): 131-142 (2007)
9EEStamatia Giannarou, Tania Stathaki: Novel Statistical Approaches to the Quantitative Combination of Multiple Edge Detectors. ICIAR (1) 2006: 184-195
8EESarah Lee, Tania Stathaki: Mammogram Analysis Using Two-Dimensional Autoregressive Models: Sufficient or Not?. ICIAP 2005: 900-906
7 Sarah Lee, Tania Stathaki: Endomorphic modelling for two-dimensional time-varying autoregressive model signals. ICME 2004: 1451-1454
6EEAdam I. Wilmer, Tania Stathaki, Steve R. Gunn, Robert I. Damper: Texture analysis with the Volterra model using conjugate gradient optimisation. ESANN 2001: 211-216
5 Georgios Stathakis, Tania Stathaki: Two Dimensional Volterra Parameter Estimation Using a Zero Tolerance Optimisation Formulation. ICIP 2000
4 Tania Stathaki, Ioannis Fotinopoulos, Anthony G. Constantinides: Root moments: a nonlinear signal transformation for minimum FIR filter design. NSIP 1999: 85-89
3 Min-Cheol Hong, Tania Stathaki: A Regularized Least Mean Mixed Norm Multichannel Image Restoration Algorithm. ICIP (2) 1998: 828-832
2 Kaaren May, Tania Stathaki, Anthony G. Constantinides, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos: Iterative Determination of Local Bound Constraints in Iterative Image Restoration. ICIP (2) 1998: 833-837
1EEMin-Cheol Hong, Tania Stathaki, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos: A Mixed Norm Image Restoration. ICIP (1) 1997: 385-388

Coauthor Index

1Alin Achim [13]
2David R. Bull [13]
3Cedric Nishan Canagarajah [13]
4Anthony G. Constantinides [2] [4]
5Nedeljko Cvejic [13]
6Robert I. Damper [6]
7Ioannis Fotinopoulos [4]
8Stamatia Giannarou [9] [15]
9Steve R. Gunn [6]
10Robert Hansford [13]
11Min-Cheol Hong [1] [3]
12Antonis Katartzis [13]
13Aggelos K. Katsaggelos [1] [2]
14Nicholas G. Kingsbury [13]
15Sarah Lee [7] [8]
16Artur Loza [13]
17Asher Mahmood [13]
18Kaaren May [2]
19Nikolaos Mitianoudis [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16]
20James D. B. Nelson [13]
21Stavri G. Nikolov [13]
22William Oxford [13]
23Maria Petrou [13]
24Georgios Stathakis [5]
25Philip M. Tudor [13]
26Georgios Tzimiropoulos [16]
27Adam I. Wilmer [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)