
Christopher James

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3EEMike Davies, Christopher James, Suogang Wang: Space-Time ICA and EM Brain Signals. ICA 2007: 577-584
2EESrikanth Kallurkar, Yongmei Shi, R. Scott Cost, Charles K. Nicholas, Akshay Java, Christopher James, Sowjanya Rajavaram, Vishal Shanbhag, Sachin Bhatkar, Drew Ogle: UMBC at TREC 12. TREC 2003: 699-706
1EEPatricia Dillon, Wendy Moody, Rebecca Bartlett, Patricia Scully, Roger Morgan, Christopher James: Sensing the Fabric: To Simulate Sensation through Sensory Evaluation and in Response to Standard Acceptable Properties of Specific Materials when Viewed as a Digital Image. Haptic Human-Computer Interaction 2000: 205-218

Coauthor Index

1Rebecca Bartlett [1]
2Sachin Bhatkar [2]
3R. Scott Cost [2]
4Mike Davies [3]
5Patricia Dillon [1]
6Akshay Java [2]
7Srikanth Kallurkar [2]
8Wendy Moody [1]
9Roger Morgan [1]
10Charles K. Nicholas [2]
11Drew Ogle [2]
12Sowjanya Rajavaram [2]
13Patricia Scully [1]
14Vishal Shanbhag [2]
15Yongmei Shi [2]
16Suogang Wang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)