
Anindya Neogi

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20EEAkshat Verma, Puneet Ahuja, Anindya Neogi: Power-aware dynamic placement of HPC applications. ICS 2008: 175-184
19EEAkshat Verma, Puneet Ahuja, Anindya Neogi: pMapper: Power and Migration Cost Aware Application Placement in Virtualized Systems. Middleware 2008: 243-264
18EESameep Mehta, Anindya Neogi: ReCon: A tool to Recommend dynamic server Consolidation in multi-cluster data centers. NOMS 2008: 363-370
17EEBharat Krishnamurthy, Anindya Neogi, Bikram Sengupta, Raghavendra Singh: Data tagging architecture for system monitoring in dynamic environments. NOMS 2008: 395-402
16EEArun Kumar, Anindya Neogi, Sateesh Pragallapati, D. Janaki Ram: Raising Programming Abstraction from Objects to Services. ICWS 2007: 864-872
15EEArun Kumar, Anindya Neogi, D. Janaki Ram: An OO based Semantic Model for Service Oriented Computing. IEEE SCC 2006: 85-93
14EEKaren Appleby, J. Faik, Gautam Kar, Anca Sailer, Manoj K. Agarwal, Anindya Neogi: Threshold management for problem determination in transaction based e-commerce systems. Integrated Network Management 2005: 733-746
13EEManoj K. Agarwal, Karen Appleby, Manish Gupta, Gautam Kar, Anindya Neogi, Anca Sailer: Problem Determination Using Dependency Graphs and Run-Time Behavior Models. DSOM 2004: 171-182
12EEAnindya Neogi, Sugata Ghosal: Enterprise Computing in the On Demand Era. FTDCS 2004: 125
11EEManish Gupta, Anindya Neogi, Manoj K. Agarwal, Gautam Kar: Discovering Dynamic Dependencies in Enterprise Environments for Problem Determination. DSOM 2003: 221-233
10EEPradipta De, Anindya Neogi, Tzi-cker Chiueh: VirtualWire: A Fault Injection and Analysis Tool for Network Protocols. ICDCS 2003: 214-221
9EEAnindya Neogi, Tzi-cker Chiueh: Compression Techniques for Active Video Content. DCC 2002: 466
8EETzi-cker Chiueh, Kartik Gopalan, Anindya Neogi, Chang Li, Srikant Sharma, Sheng-Ming Shan, Jiawu Chen, Wei Li, Nikolai Joukov, Jie Zhang, Fu-Hau Hsu, Fanglu Guo, Sheng-I Doong: Sago: A Network Resource Management System for Real-Time Content Distribution. ICPADS 2002: 557-562
7EEPrashant Pradhan, Tzi-cker Chiueh, Anindya Neogi: Aggregate TCP Congestion Control using Multiple Network Probing. ICDCS 2000: 30-37
6EETzi-cker Chiueh, Harish Sankaran, Anindya Neogi: Spout: A Transparent Distributed Execution Engine for Java Applets. ICDCS 2000: 394-401
5 Ashish Raniwala, Srikant Sharma, Anindya Neogi, Tzi-cker Chiueh: Implementation of a Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Network-Attached Storage Device. IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems 2000: 89-104
4EETzi-cker Chiueh, Tulika Mitra, Anindya Neogi, Chuan-Kai Yang: Zodiac: A history-based interactive video authoring system. Multimedia Syst. 8(3): 201-211 (2000)
3EEAnindya Neogi, Ashish Raniwala, Tzi-cker Chiueh: Phoenix: a low-power fault-tolerant real-time network-attached storage device. ACM Multimedia (1) 1999: 447-456
2EETzi-cker Chiueh, Tulika Mitra, Anindya Neogi, Chuan-Kai Yang: Zodiac: A History-Based Interactive Video Authoring System. ACM Multimedia 1998: 435-444
1EETzi-cker Chiueh, Anindya Neogi, Paul A. Stirpe: Performance Analysis of an RSVP-Capable Router. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 1998: 39-48

Coauthor Index

1Manoj K. Agarwal [11] [13] [14]
2Puneet Ahuja [19] [20]
3Karen Appleby [13] [14]
4Jiawu Chen [8]
5Tzi-cker Chiueh [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
6Pradipta De [10]
7Sheng-I Doong [8]
8J. Faik [14]
9Sugata Ghosal [12]
10Kartik Gopalan [8]
11Fanglu Guo [8]
12Manish Gupta [11] [13]
13Fu-Hau Hsu [8]
14Nikolai Joukov [8]
15Gautam Kar [11] [13] [14]
16Bharat Krishnamurthy [17]
17Arun Kumar [15] [16]
18Chang Li [8]
19Wei Li [8]
20Sameep Mehta [18]
21Tulika Mitra [2] [4]
22Prashant Pradhan [7]
23Sateesh Pragallapati [16]
24D. Janaki Ram (D. Janakiram) [15] [16]
25Ashish Raniwala [3] [5]
26Anca Sailer [13] [14]
27Harish Sankaran [6]
28Bikram Sengupta [17]
29Sheng-Ming Shan [8]
30Srikant Sharma [5] [8]
31Raghavendra Singh [17]
32Paul A. Stirpe [1]
33Akshat Verma [19] [20]
34Chuan-Kai Yang [2] [4]
35Jie Zhang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)