
Radu Negulescu

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18EEXiaohua Kong, Radu Negulescu: Semihiding operators and active-edge specification. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 25(9): 1831-1846 (2006)
17EEXiaohua Kong, Radu Negulescu: Bolstering Faith in GasP Circuits through Formal Verification. ASYNC 2004: 113-124
16EENisrine Saadallah, Xiaohua Kong, Radu Negulescu: High-Speed Reduced Stack Dual Lock Circuits. ASYNC 2004: 219-228
15EERadu Negulescu: General Testers for Asynchronous Circuits. ASYNC 2004: 28-38
14EEJanusz A. Brzozowski, Radu Negulescu: Duality for Three: Ternary Symmetry in Process Spaces. Theory Is Forever 2004: 1-14
13EEXiaohua Kong, Radu Negulescu, Larry Weidong Ying: Refinement-based formal verification with heterogeneous timing. STTT 4(3): 359-370 (2003)
12EERadu Negulescu, Xiaohua Kong: Semi-Hiding Operators and the Analysis of Active-Edge Specifications for Digital Circuits. ACSD 2001: 189-
11EEXiaohua Kong, Radu Negulescu: Formal verification of pulse-mode asynchronous circuits. ASP-DAC 2001: 347-352
10EERobert Berks, Radu Negulescu: Partial-Order Correctness-Preserving Properties of Delay-Insensitive Circuits. ASYNC 2001: 74-
9EEXiaohua Kong, Radu Negulescu, Larry Weidong Ying: Refinement-Based Formal Verification of Asynchronous Wrappers for Independently Clocked Domains in Systems on Chip. CHARME 2001: 370-385
8 Xiaohua Kong, Radu Negulescu: Formal Verification of Peephole Optimizations in Asynchronous Circuits. FORTE 2001: 219-234
7EERadu Negulescu: Process Spaces. CONCUR 2000: 199-213
6EEJanusz A. Brzozowski, Radu Negulescu: Automata of Asynchronous Behaviors. Theor. Comput. Sci. 231(1): 113-128 (2000)
5EERadu Negulescu: Event-Driven Verification of Switch-Level Correctness Concerns. ACSD 1998: 213-
4EERadu Negulescu, Ad M. G. Peeters: Verification of Speed-Dependences in Single-Rail Handshake Circuits. ASYNC 1998: 159-
3 Radu Negulescu, Janusz A. Brzozowski: Relative Liveness: From Intuition to Automated Verification. Formal Methods in System Design 12(1): 73-115 (1998)
2 Janusz A. Brzozowski, Radu Negulescu: Automata of Asynchronous Behaviors. Workshop on Implementing Automata 1997: 29-45
1EERadu Negulescu, Janusz A. Brzozowski: Relative liveness: from intuition to automated verification. ASYNC 1995: 108-117

Coauthor Index

1Robert Berks [10]
2Janusz A. Brzozowski [1] [2] [3] [6] [14]
3Xiaohua Kong [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [16] [17] [18]
4Ad M. G. Peeters [4]
5Nisrine Saadallah [16]
6Larry Weidong Ying [9] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)