
Wonil Lee

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23EEJuhee Bae, Young Ju Tak, Wonil Lee, Christopher Howson, Jonathan Munson: Poster: Scalable Service-Oriented Telemetry Acquisition and Distribution. MobiQuitous 2007: 1-3
22EEDukhwan Choi, Seunghwan Ro, Kisung Lee, Wonil Lee, Sukyong Choi, Young Woo Pae: Telematics Applications Based On TOPAZ Platform. CIT 2006: 262
21EEJi Hyun Kim, Wonil Lee, Jonathan Munson, Young Ju Tak: Services-Oriented Computing in a Ubiquitous Computing Platform. ICSOC 2006: 601-612
20EEWooChul Jung, DaeRyung Lee, Wonil Lee, Stella Mitchell, Jonathan Munson: An Event Detection Service for Spatio-temporal Applications. W2GIS 2006: 22-30
19EEDeukjo Hong, Seokhie Hong, Wonil Lee, Sangjin Lee, Jongin Lim, Jaechul Sung, Okyeon Yi: Known-IV, Known-in-Advance-IV, and Replayed-and-Known-IV Attacks on Multiple Modes of Operation of Block Ciphers. J. Cryptology 19(4): 441-462 (2006)
18EEMridul Nandi, Wonil Lee, Kouichi Sakurai, Sangjin Lee: Security Analysis of a 2/3-Rate Double Length Compression Function in the Black-Box Model. FSE 2005: 243-254
17EEWonil Lee, Mridul Nandi, Palash Sarkar, Donghoon Chang, Sangjin Lee, Kouichi Sakurai: PGV-Style Block-Cipher-Based Hash Families and Black-Box Analysis. IEICE Transactions 88-A(1): 39-48 (2005)
16EEWonil Lee, Donghoon Chang, Sangjin Lee, Soo Hak Sung, Mridul Nandi: Construction of UOWHF: Two New Parallel Methods. IEICE Transactions 88-A(1): 49-58 (2005)
15EEWonil Lee, Mridul Nandi, Palash Sarkar, Donghoon Chang, Sangjin Lee, Kouichi Sakurai: Pseudorandomness of SPN-Type Transformations. ACISP 2004: 212-223
14EEYoungdai Ko, Seokhie Hong, Wonil Lee, Sangjin Lee, Ju-Sung Kang: Related Key Differential Attacks on 27 Rounds of XTEA and Full-Round GOST. FSE 2004: 299-316
13EEWonil Lee, Kouichi Sakurai, Seokhie Hong, Sangjin Lee: On the Pseudorandomness of a Modification of KASUMI Type Permutations. ICISC 2004: 313-329
12EEDonghoon Chang, Wonil Lee, Seokhie Hong, Jaechul Sung, Sangjin Lee, Soo Hak Sung: Impossibility of Construction of OWHF and UOWHF from PGV Model Based on Block Cipher Secure Against ACPCA. INDOCRYPT 2004: 328-342
11EEWonil Lee, Donghoon Chang, Sangjin Lee, Soo Hak Sung, Mridul Nandi: New Parallel Domain Extenders for UOWHF. ASIACRYPT 2003: 208-227
10EESeokhie Hong, Deukjo Hong, Youngdai Ko, Donghoon Chang, Wonil Lee, Sangjin Lee: Differential Cryptanalysis of TEA and XTEA. ICISC 2003: 402-417
9EEJongsung Kim, Dukjae Moon, Wonil Lee, Seokhie Hong, Sangjin Lee, Seokwon Jung: Amplified Boomerang Attack against Reduced-Round SHACAL. ASIACRYPT 2002: 243-253
8EEKyungdeok Hwang, Wonil Lee, Sungjae Lee, Sangjin Lee, Jongin Lim: Saturation Attacks on Reduced Round Skipjack. FSE 2002: 100-111
7EEDukjae Moon, Kyungdeok Hwang, Wonil Lee, Sangjin Lee, Jongin Lim: Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of Reduced Round XTEA and TEA. FSE 2002: 49-60
6EEDeukjo Hong, Jaechul Sung, Seokhie Hong, Wonil Lee, Sangjin Lee, Jongin Lim, Okyeon Yi: Known-IV Attacks on Triple Modes of Operation of Block Ciphers. ASIACRYPT 2001: 208-221
5EEJaechul Sung, Sangjin Lee, Jong In Lim, Wonil Lee, Okyeon Yi: Concrete Security Analysis of CTR-OFB and CTR-CFB Modes of Operation. ICISC 2001: 103-113
4 Byeongchang Kim, Wonil Lee, Gary Geunbae Lee, Jong-Hyeok Lee: Unlimited Vocabulary Grapheme to Phoneme Conversion for Korean TTS. COLING-ACL 1998: 675-679
3EEByeongchang Kim, Wonil Lee, Gary Geunbae Lee, Jong-Hyeok Lee: Unlimited Vocabulary Grapheme to Phoneme Conversion for Korean TTS CoRR cmp-lg/9806008: (1998)
2EEWonil Lee, Geunbae Lee, Jong-Hyeok Lee: Phonological modeling for continuous speech recognition in Korean CoRR cmp-lg/9607023: (1996)
1EEWonil Lee, Geunbae Lee, Jong-Hyeok Lee: Table-driven Neural Syntactic Analysis of Spoken Korean. COLING 1994: 911-915

Coauthor Index

1Juhee Bae [23]
2Donghoon Chang [10] [11] [12] [15] [16] [17]
3Dukhwan Choi [22]
4Sukyong Choi [22]
5Deukjo Hong [6] [10] [19]
6Seokhie Hong [6] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14] [19]
7Christopher Howson [23]
8Kyungdeok Hwang [7] [8]
9Seokwon Jung [9]
10WooChul Jung [20]
11Ju-Sung Kang [14]
12Byeongchang Kim [3] [4]
13Ji Hyun Kim [21]
14Jongsung Kim [9]
15Youngdai Ko [10] [14]
16DaeRyung Lee [20]
17Gary Geunbae Lee (Geunbae Lee) [1] [2] [3] [4]
18Jong-Hyeok Lee [1] [2] [3] [4]
19Kisung Lee [22]
20Sangjin Lee [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
21Sungjae Lee [8]
22Jongin Lim (Jong In Lim) [5] [6] [7] [8] [19]
23Stella Mitchell [20]
24Dukjae Moon [7] [9]
25Jonathan Munson [20] [21] [23]
26Mridul Nandi [11] [15] [16] [17] [18]
27Young Woo Pae [22]
28Seunghwan Ro [22]
29Kouichi Sakurai [13] [15] [17] [18]
30Palash Sarkar [15] [17]
31Jaechul Sung [5] [6] [12] [19]
32Soo Hak Sung [11] [12] [16]
33Young Ju Tak [21] [23]
34Okyeon Yi [5] [6] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)