
Alistair Munro

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20EENaventhan Mahadevan, Guy Nason, Alistair Munro: Multi-Dimensional Network Function Estimation. ICC 2008: 468-472
19EEWeihua Helen Xi, Alistair Munro, Michael Barton: Link Adaptation Algorithm for the IEEE 802.11n MIMO System. Networking 2008: 780-791
18EESiok Kheng Tan, Alistair Munro: Adaptive Probabilistic Epidemic Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks in an Urban Environment. ICCCN 2007: 1105-1110
17EESwati Sinha Deb, Alistair Munro: Closing the Loop for Dynamic IP QoS Provisioning: A Case Study. LCN 2007: 368-375
16EERussell J. Haines, Gary Clemo, Alistair Munro: Toward Formal Verification of 802.11 MAC Protocols: Verifying a Petri-Net Model of 802.11 PCF. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
15EERussell J. Haines, Alistair Munro, Gary Clemo: Toward Formal Verification of 802.11 MAC Protocols: a Case Study of Applying Petri-nets to Modeling the 802.11 PCF. VTC Spring 2006: 1171-1175
14EESedat Gormus, Dritan Kaleshi, Joe McGeehan, Alistair Munro: Relaying and routing in wireless networks: a throughput comparison. VTC Spring 2006: 440-445
13EEYuliang Li, Alistair Munro, Dritan Kaleshi: Multi-rate Congestion Control over IP Multicast. ICN (2) 2005: 1012-1022
12EEYuliang Li, Alistair Munro, Dritan Kaleshi: Multi-rate congestion control using packet-pair bandwidth detection with session and layer changing manager. IPCCC 2005: 485-490
11EEJianhua He, Dritan Kaleshi, Alistair Munro, Yiming Wang, Angela Doufexi, Joe McGeehan, Zhong Fan: Performance investigation of IEEE 802.11 MAC in multihop wireless networks. MSWiM 2005: 242-249
10EEHiroshi Harada, Alistair Munro: Special Section on Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Networks. IEICE Transactions 88-A(7): 1771 (2005)
9EETerence Song, Dritan Kaleshi, Alistair Munro: CORBA-Based Stream Control and Management for IP-Based Production Studio Networks. MMNS 2003: 1-17
8EEDharmayashdev Rai Basgeet, Pascal Dugenie, Alistair Munro, Dritan Kaleshi, J. Irvine: SMM: mathematical framework of a scalable mobility model. MSWiM 2003: 74-81
7EEPascal Dugenie, Alistair Munro, M. H. Barton: Toward assessing subjective quality of service of conversational mobile multimedia applications delivered over the internet: a methodology study. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 4(1): 59-67 (2002)
6EEAlistair Munro: UMPTIDUMPTI - Anytime, Anywhere, Anybody - UMTS for ALL. Flexible Working - New Network Technologies 1999: 133-149
5 Brian Carse, Terence C. Fogarty, Alistair Munro: Evolutionary Learning in Computational Ecologies: An Application to Adaptive, Distributed Routing in Communication Networks. Evolutionary Computing, AISB Workshop 1995: 103-116
4 Brian Carse, Terence C. Fogarty, Alistair Munro: Adaptive Distributed Routing Using Evolutionary Fuzzy Control. ICGA 1995: 389-396
3 Bairong Zhang, Alistair Munro, Michael Barton: The formalization and analysis of CCR protocol and service. FORTE 1994: 87-99
2 Liang Chen, Alistair Munro: Applications of Modal Logic for the Specification of Real-Time Systems. FME 1993: 235-249
1 Alistair Munro: Home Automation Systems: ODP in the Kitchen? Open Distributed Processing 1993: 277-288

Coauthor Index

1M. H. Barton [7]
2Michael Barton [3] [19]
3Dharmayashdev Rai Basgeet [8]
4Brian Carse [4] [5]
5Liang Chen [2]
6Gary Clemo [15] [16]
7Swati Sinha Deb [17]
8Angela Doufexi [11]
9Pascal Dugenie [7] [8]
10Zhong Fan [11]
11Terence C. Fogarty [4] [5]
12Sedat Gormus [14]
13Russell J. Haines [15] [16]
14Hiroshi Harada [10]
15Jianhua He [11]
16J. Irvine [8]
17Dritan Kaleshi [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [14]
18Yuliang Li [12] [13]
19Naventhan Mahadevan [20]
20Joe McGeehan [11] [14]
21Guy Nason [20]
22Terence Song [9]
23Siok Kheng Tan [18]
24Yiming Wang [11]
25Weihua Helen Xi [19]
26Bairong Zhang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)