
Dharmayashdev Rai Basgeet

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2EEDharmayashdev Rai Basgeet, Yuk C. Chow: Uplink Performance Analysis for a Relay Based Cellular System. VTC Spring 2006: 132-136
1EEDharmayashdev Rai Basgeet, Pascal Dugenie, Alistair Munro, Dritan Kaleshi, J. Irvine: SMM: mathematical framework of a scalable mobility model. MSWiM 2003: 74-81

Coauthor Index

1Yuk C. Chow [2]
2Pascal Dugenie [1]
3J. Irvine [1]
4Dritan Kaleshi [1]
5Alistair Munro [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)