
Gary Clemo

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7EESoodesh Buljore, Markus Muck, Patricia Martigne, Paul Houzé, Hiroshi Harada, Kentaro Ishizu, Oliver Holland, Andrej Mihailovic, Kostas Tsagkaris, Oriol Sallent, Gary Clemo, Mahesh Sooriyabandara, Vladimir Ivanov, Klaus Nolte, Makis Stametalos: Introduction to IEEE P1900.4 Activities. IEICE Transactions 91-B(1): 2-9 (2008)
6EERussell J. Haines, Tim Lewis, Gary Clemo: Towards Integrated Wireless Systems: Inter-Mode Monitoring Techniques (Abstract). ISCC 2006: 3-7
5EERussell J. Haines, Gary Clemo, Alistair Munro: Toward Formal Verification of 802.11 MAC Protocols: Verifying a Petri-Net Model of 802.11 PCF. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
4EERussell J. Haines, Alistair Munro, Gary Clemo: Toward Formal Verification of 802.11 MAC Protocols: a Case Study of Applying Petri-nets to Modeling the 802.11 PCF. VTC Spring 2006: 1171-1175
3EETim Lewis, Neil Fanning, Gary Clemo: Enhancing IEEE802.11 DCF using Genetic Programming. VTC Spring 2006: 1261-1265
2 Georgios Kalogridis, Chris J. Mitchell, Gary Clemo: Spy Agents: Evaluating Trust in Remote Environments. Security and Management 2005: 405-411
1 Georgios Kalogridis, Chan Yeob Yeun, Gary Clemo: Flexible Delegation Security for Improved Distribution in Ubiquitous Environments. SEC 2003: 361-372

Coauthor Index

1Soodesh Buljore [7]
2Neil Fanning [3]
3Russell J. Haines [4] [5] [6]
4Hiroshi Harada [7]
5Oliver Holland [7]
6Paul Houzé [7]
7Kentaro Ishizu [7]
8Vladimir Ivanov [7]
9Georgios Kalogridis [1] [2]
10Tim Lewis [3] [6]
11Patricia Martigne [7]
12Andrej Mihailovic [7]
13Chris J. Mitchell [2]
14Markus Muck [7]
15Alistair Munro [4] [5]
16Klaus Nolte [7]
17Oriol Sallent [7]
18Mahesh Sooriyabandara [7]
19Makis Stametalos [7]
20Kostas Tsagkaris [7]
21Chan Yeob Yeun [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)