
Roger Mohr

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44EERoger Mohr: Image + Database != Image Database. CVDB 2004: 1
43EEM. Tamer Özsu, Jean Carrive, Sébastien Gilles, Izabela Grasland, Roger Mohr, Thomas Seidl: CVDB 2004 Panel: Future Applications and Solutions. CVDB 2004: 67-68
42EEGustavo Olague, Roger Mohr: Optimal camera placement for accurate reconstruction. Pattern Recognition 35(4): 927-944 (2002)
41EERiad I. Hammoud, Roger Mohr: Interactive tools for constructing and browsing structures for movie films. ACM Multimedia 2000: 497-498
40EERiad I. Hammoud, Roger Mohr: Mixture Densities for Video Objects Recognition. ICPR 2000: 2071-2075
39 Cordelia Schmid, Roger Mohr, Christian Bauckhage: Evaluation of Interest Point Detectors. International Journal of Computer Vision 37(2): 151-172 (2000)
38EECordelia Schmid, Andrew Zisserman, Roger Mohr: Integrating Geometric and Photometric Information for Image Retrieval. Shape, Contour and Grouping in Computer Vision 1999: 217-233
37 Zhong-Dan Lan, Roger Mohr, Long Quan: Precise Matching by Robust Estimation of Deformation and Local Coherence. ACCV (1) 1998: 313-320
36 Cordelia Schmid, Roger Mohr, Christian Bauckhage: Comparing and Evaluating Interest Points. ICCV 1998: 230-235
35EERoger Mohr, R. Buschmann, Lutz Falkenhagen, Luc J. Van Gool, Reinhard Koch: CUMULI, PANORAMA, and VANGUARD Project Overview. SMILE 1998: 1-13
34EELong Quan, Yuichi Ohta, Roger Mohr: Geometry of Multiple Affine Views. SMILE 1998: 32-46
33 Roger Mohr, Patrick Gros, Cordelia Schmid: Effient Matching with Invariant Local Descriptors. SSPR/SPR 1998: 54-71
32 Boubakeur Boufama-Seddik, Roger Mohr: A Stable and Accurate Algorithm for Computing Epipolar Geometry. IJPRAI 12(6): 817-840 (1998)
31EEBoubakeur Boufama, Roger Mohr, Luce Morin: Using geometric properties for automatic object positioning. Image Vision Comput. 16(1): 27-33 (1998)
30EEZhong-Dan Lan, Roger Mohr: Direct linear sub-pixel correlation by incorporation of neighbor pixels' information and robust estimation of window transformation. Mach. Vis. Appl. 10(5/6): 256-268 (1998)
29 Long Quan, Roger Mohr: Uniqueness of 3D Affine Reconstruction of Lines with Affine Cameras. CAIP 1997: 231-238
28 Zhong-Dan Lan, Roger Mohr: Robust Location Based Partial Correlation. CAIP 1997: 313-320
27 Roger Mohr, S. Picard, Cordelia Schmid: Bayesian Decision Versus Voting for Image Retrieval. CAIP 1997: 376-383
26EEPatrick Gros, Richard I. Hartley, Roger Mohr, Long Quan: How Useful is Projective Geometry? Computer Vision and Image Understanding 65(3): 442-446 (1997)
25EERichard I. Hartley, Roger Mohr: Reply to Pizlo, Rosenfeld, and Weiss. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 67(3): 320-323 (1997)
24EECordelia Schmid, Roger Mohr: Local Grayvalue Invariants for Image Retrieval. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 19(5): 530-535 (1997)
23EECordelia Schmid, Roger Mohr: Combining greyvalue invariants with local constraints for object recognition. CVPR 1996: 872-877
22 Cordelia Schmid, Philippe Bobet, Bart Lamiroy, Roger Mohr: An Image Oriented CAD Approach. Object Representation in Computer Vision 1996: 221-245
21EEChangSheng Zhao, Roger Mohr: Global Three-Dimensional Surface Reconstruction from Occluding Contours. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 64(1): 62-96 (1996)
20EES. Carlsson, Roger Mohr, Theo Moons, Luce Morin, Charlie Rothwell, Marc Van Diest, L. Gool, Francoise Veillon, Andrew Zisserman: Semi-local projective invariants for the recognition of smooth plane curves. International Journal of Computer Vision 19(3): 211-236 (1996)
19 Long Quan, Roger Mohr: Self-calibration of an Affine Camera. CAIP 1995: 448-455
18EEBoubakeur Boufama-Seddik, Roger Mohr: Epipole and Fundamental Matrix Estimation Using Virtual Parallax. ICCV 1995: 1030-1036
17EERoger Mohr, Boubakeur Boufama, Pascal Brand: Understanding Positioning from Multiple Images. Artif. Intell. 78(1-2): 213-238 (1995)
16 Roger Mohr, Long Quan, Francoise Veillon: Relative 3D Reconstruction Using Multiple Uncalibrated Images. I. J. Robotic Res. 14(6): 619-632 (1995)
15 Radu Horaud, Fadi Dornaika, Boubakeur Boufama, Roger Mohr: Self Calibration of a Stereo Head Mounted onto a Robot Arm. ECCV (1) 1994: 455-462
14 ChangSheng Zhao, Roger Mohr: Relative 3D Regularized B-spline Surface Reconstruction Through Image Sequences. ECCV (2) 1994: 417-426
13 Long Quan, Roger Mohr: Projective Reconstruction from Multiple Uncalibrated Images. Modelling and Planning for Sensor Based Intelligent Robot Systems 1994: 236-256
12 Roger Mohr, Boubakeur Boufama, Pascal Brand: Accurate Projective Reconstruction. Applications of Invariance in Computer Vision 1993: 257-276
11 Emmanuel Arbogast, Roger Mohr: An Egomotion Algorithm Based on the Tracking of Arbitrary Curves. ECCV 1992: 467-475
10EELong Quan, Patrick Gros, Roger Mohr: Invariants of a pair of conics revisited. Image Vision Comput. 10(5): 319-323 (1992)
9 Roger Mohr, Luce Morin: Geometric Solutions to some 3D Vision Problems. Geometric Reasoning for Perception and Action 1991: 139-162
8EERoger Mohr, Emmanuel Arbogast: It can be done without camera calibration. Pattern Recognition Letters 12(1): 39-43 (1991)
7EELong Quan, Roger Mohr: Using Geometric Model Guided Active Contour Method for Traffic Sign Detection. MVA 1990: 417-420
6 Roger Mohr, Gérald Masini: Good Old Discrete Relaxation. ECAI 1988: 651-656
5 Eric Thirion, Roger Mohr: Matching 3-D Images without Backtracking through Feature Grouping. ECAI 1988: 678-682
4 Roger Mohr, Thomas C. Henderson: Arc and Path Consistency Revisited. Artif. Intell. 28(2): 225-233 (1986)
3EERoger Mohr: Precompilation of syntactical descriptions and knowledge directed analysis of patterns. Pattern Recognition 19(4): 255-266 (1986)
2EEGérald Masini, Roger Mohr: Mirabelle, a system for structural analysis of drawings. Pattern Recognition 16(4): 363-372 (1983)
1 Roger Mohr: Generalisation de la Notion de Langage a Contexte Libre. Application a l'Analyse Syntaxique de Figures. ITA 9(2): 55-88 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Emmanuel Arbogast [8] [11]
2Christian Bauckhage [36] [39]
3Philippe Bobet [22]
4Boubakeur Boufama (Boubakeur Boufama-Seddik) [12] [15] [17] [18] [31] [32]
5Pascal Brand [12] [17]
6R. Buschmann [35]
7S. Carlsson [20]
8Jean Carrive [43]
9Marc Van Diest [20]
10Fadi Dornaika [15]
11Lutz Falkenhagen [35]
12Sébastien Gilles [43]
13L. Gool [20]
14Luc J. Van Gool [35]
15Izabela Grasland [43]
16Patrick Gros [10] [26] [33]
17Riad I. Hammoud [40] [41]
18Richard I. Hartley [25] [26]
19Thomas C. Henderson [4]
20Radu Horaud [15]
21Reinhard Koch [35]
22Bart Lamiroy [22]
23Zhong-Dan Lan [28] [30] [37]
24Gérald Masini [2] [6]
25Theo Moons [20]
26Luce Morin [9] [20] [31]
27Yuichi Ohta [34]
28Gustavo Olague [42]
29M. Tamer Özsu [43]
30S. Picard [27]
31Long Quan [7] [10] [13] [16] [19] [26] [29] [34] [37]
32Charlie Rothwell [20]
33Cordelia Schmid [22] [23] [24] [27] [33] [36] [38] [39]
34Thomas Seidl [43]
35Eric Thirion [5]
36Francoise Veillon [16] [20]
37ChangSheng Zhao [14] [21]
38Andrew Zisserman [20] [38]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)