
Riad I. Hammoud

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14EENizar Bouguila, Djemel Ziou, Riad I. Hammoud: A Bayesian Non-Gaussian Mixture Analysis: Application to Eye Modeling. CVPR 2007
13EEAlex Leykin, Yang Ran, Riad I. Hammoud: Thermal-Visible Video Fusion for Moving Target Tracking and Pedestrian Classification. CVPR 2007
12EERiad I. Hammoud, James W. Davis: Advances in vision algorithms and systems beyond the visible spectrum. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 106(2-3): 145-147 (2007)
11EEDan Witzner Hansen, Riad I. Hammoud: An improved likelihood model for eye tracking. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 106(2-3): 220-230 (2007)
10EEBenjamín Hernández, Gustavo Olague, Riad I. Hammoud, Leonardo Trujillo, Eva Romero: Visual learning of texture descriptors for facial expression recognition in thermal imagery. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 106(2-3): 258-269 (2007)
9EERiad I. Hammoud: Guest Editorial: Object Tracking and Classification Beyond the Visible Spectrum. International Journal of Computer Vision 71(2): 123-124 (2007)
8EEOgnjen Arandjelovic, Riad I. Hammoud, Roberto Cipolla: On Person Authentication by Fusing Visual and Thermal Face Biometrics. AVSS 2006: 50
7EERiad I. Hammoud, Andrew Wilhelm, Phillip Malawey, Gerald J. Witt: Efficient Real-Time Algorithms for Eye State and Head Pose Tracking in Advanced Driver Support Systems. CVPR (2) 2005: 1181
6EEN. Edenborough, Riad I. Hammoud, A. Harbach, A. Ingold, Branislav Kisacanin, Phillip Malawey, T. Newman, G. Scharenbroch, S. Skiver, M. Smith, Andrew Wilhelm, Gerald J. Witt, E. Yoder, H. Zhang: Driver State Monitor from DELPHI. CVPR (2) 2005: 1206-1207
5EEFlorin Cutzu, Riad I. Hammoud, Alex Leykin: Distinguishing paintings from photographs. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 100(3): 249-273 (2005)
4EERiad I. Hammoud: Color Texture Signatures for Art-Paintings vs. Scene-Photographs Based on Human Visual System. ICPR (2) 2004: 525-528
3EEFlorin Cutzu, Riad I. Hammoud, Alex Leykin: Estimating the photorealism of images: Distinguishing paintings from photographs. CVPR (2) 2003: 305-312
2EERiad I. Hammoud, Roger Mohr: Interactive tools for constructing and browsing structures for movie films. ACM Multimedia 2000: 497-498
1EERiad I. Hammoud, Roger Mohr: Mixture Densities for Video Objects Recognition. ICPR 2000: 2071-2075

Coauthor Index

1Ognjen Arandjelovic [8]
2Nizar Bouguila [14]
3Roberto Cipolla [8]
4Florin Cutzu [3] [5]
5James W. Davis [12]
6N. Edenborough [6]
7Dan Witzner Hansen [11]
8A. Harbach [6]
9Benjamín Hernández [10]
10A. Ingold [6]
11Branislav Kisacanin [6]
12Alex Leykin [3] [5] [13]
13Phillip Malawey [6] [7]
14Roger Mohr [1] [2]
15T. Newman [6]
16Gustavo Olague [10]
17Yang Ran [13]
18Eva Romero [10]
19G. Scharenbroch [6]
20S. Skiver [6]
21M. Smith [6]
22Leonardo Trujillo [10]
23Andrew Wilhelm [6] [7]
24Gerald J. Witt [6] [7]
25E. Yoder [6]
26H. Zhang [6]
27Djemel Ziou [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)