2009 |
51 | EE | Steven Burrows,
Alexandra L. Uitdenbogerd,
Andrew Turpin:
Application of Information Retrieval Techniques for Source Code Authorship Attribution.
DASFAA 2009: 699-713 |
50 | EE | Yohannes Tsegay,
Simon J. Puglisi,
Andrew Turpin,
Justin Zobel:
Document Compaction for Efficient Query Biased Snippet Generation.
ECIR 2009: 509-520 |
2008 |
49 | | Amihood Amir,
Andrew Turpin,
Alistair Moffat:
String Processing and Information Retrieval, 15th International Symposium, SPIRE 2008, Melbourne, Australia, November 10-12, 2008. Proceedings
Springer 2008 |
48 | EE | Mingfang Wu,
Andrew Turpin,
Justin Zobel:
An investigation on a community's web search variability.
ACSC 2008: 117-126 |
47 | EE | Falk Scholer,
Milad Shokouhi,
Bodo Billerbeck,
Andrew Turpin:
Using Clicks as Implicit Judgments: Expectations Versus Observations.
ECIR 2008: 28-39 |
46 | EE | Milad Shokouhi,
Falk Scholer,
Andrew Turpin:
Investigating the Effectiveness of Clickthrough Data for Document Reordering.
ECIR 2008: 591-595 |
45 | EE | Simon J. Puglisi,
Andrew Turpin:
Space-Time Tradeoffs for Longest-Common-Prefix Array Computation.
ISAAC 2008: 124-135 |
44 | EE | Falk Scholer,
Andrew Turpin:
Relevance thresholds in system evaluations.
SIGIR 2008: 693-694 |
43 | EE | Mingfang Wu,
Falk Scholer,
Andrew Turpin:
User preference choices for complex question answering.
SIGIR 2008: 717-718 |
42 | EE | Mingfang Wu,
Andrew Turpin,
Justin Zobel:
Aggregated click-through data in a homogeneous user community.
SIGIR 2008: 731-732 |
41 | EE | Ranjan Sinha,
Simon J. Puglisi,
Alistair Moffat,
Andrew Turpin:
Improving suffix array locality for fast pattern matching on disk.
SIGMOD Conference 2008: 661-672 |
40 | EE | Ying Zhang,
Falk Scholer,
Andrew Turpin:
RMIT University at TREC 2008: Legal Track.
TREC 2008 |
2007 |
39 | EE | Sarvnaz Karimi,
Falk Scholer,
Andrew Turpin:
Collapsed Consonant and Vowel Models: New Approaches for English-Persian Transliteration and Back-Transliteration.
ACL 2007 |
38 | EE | Sarvnaz Karimi,
Andrew Turpin,
Falk Scholer:
Corpus Effects on the Evaluation of Automated Transliteration Systems.
ACL 2007 |
37 | EE | Yohannes Tsegay,
Andrew Turpin,
Justin Zobel:
Dynamic index pruning for effective caching.
CIKM 2007: 987-990 |
36 | EE | Hamid Abdul Basit,
Simon J. Puglisi,
William F. Smyth,
Andrew Turpin,
Stan Jarzabek:
Efficient token based clone detection with flexible tokenization.
ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE (Companion) 2007: 513-516 |
35 | EE | Andrew Turpin,
Yohannes Tsegay,
David Hawking,
Hugh E. Williams:
Fast generation of result snippets in web search.
SIGIR 2007: 127-134 |
34 | EE | Mingfang Wu,
Andrew Turpin,
Falk Scholer,
Yohannes Tsegay,
Ross Wilkinson:
TREC 2007 ciQA Track at RMIT and CSIRO.
TREC 2007 |
33 | EE | Simon J. Puglisi,
William F. Smyth,
Andrew Turpin:
A taxonomy of suffix array construction algorithms.
ACM Comput. Surv. 39(2): (2007) |
2006 |
32 | EE | Simon J. Puglisi,
William F. Smyth,
Andrew Turpin:
Suffix arrays: what are they good for?
ADC 2006: 17-18 |
31 | EE | Steven Garcia,
Andrew Turpin:
Efficient Query Evaluation Through Access-Reordering.
AIRS 2006: 106-118 |
30 | EE | Andrew Turpin,
Falk Scholer:
User performance versus precision measures for simple search tasks.
SIGIR 2006: 11-18 |
29 | EE | Simon J. Puglisi,
William F. Smyth,
Andrew Turpin:
Inverted Files Versus Suffix Arrays for Locating Patterns in Primary Memory.
SPIRE 2006: 122-133 |
28 | EE | Sarvnaz Karimi,
Andrew Turpin,
Falk Scholer:
English to Persian Transliteration.
SPIRE 2006: 255-266 |
27 | EE | Kangmin Fan,
Simon J. Puglisi,
William F. Smyth,
Andrew Turpin:
A New Periodicity Lemma.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 20(3): 656-668 (2006) |
2005 |
26 | EE | Simon J. Puglisi,
William F. Smyth,
Andrew Turpin:
The Performance of Linear Time Suffix Sorting Algorithms.
DCC 2005: 358-367 |
25 | EE | Shuanghui Meng,
Mihai Lazarescu,
Jim Ivins,
Andrew Turpin:
Monitoring Glaucomatous Progression: Classification of Visual Field Measurements Using Stable Reference Data.
ICMLC 2005: 750-759 |
24 | | Simon J. Puglisi,
William F. Smyth,
Andrew Turpin:
A taxonomy of suffix array construction algorithms.
Stringology 2005: 1-30 |
2004 |
23 | | Peter Bruza,
Alistair Moffat,
Andrew Turpin:
ADCS 2004, Proceedings of the Ninth Australasian Document Computing Symposium, December 13, 2004
University of Melbourne, Department of Computer Science 2004 |
22 | EE | Andrew Turpin,
William R. Hersh:
Do Clarity Scores for Queries Correlate with User Performance?
ADC 2004: 85-91 |
21 | EE | Falk Scholer,
Hugh E. Williams,
Andrew Turpin:
Query association surrogates for Web search.
JASIST 55(7): 637-650 (2004) |
2003 |
20 | | Mihai Lazarescu,
Andrew Turpin:
Classifying Glaucomatous Progression using Decision Trees.
Applied Informatics 2003: 205-209 |
2002 |
19 | | Alistair Moffat,
Andrew Turpin:
Compression and Coding Algorithms
Kluwer 2002 |
18 | EE | Andrew Turpin,
William F. Smyth:
An Approach to Phrase Selection for Offline Data Compression.
ACSC 2002: 267-273 |
17 | EE | Andrew Turpin,
William R. Hersh:
User interface effects in past batch versus user experiments.
SIGIR 2002: 431-432 |
16 | EE | Mihai Lazarescu,
Andrew Turpin,
Svetha Venkatesh:
An Application of Machine Learning Techniques for the Classification of Glaucomatous Progression.
SSPR/SPR 2002: 243-251 |
2001 |
15 | EE | Andrew Turpin,
Eibe Frank,
Mark Hall,
Ian H. Witten,
Chris A. Johnson:
Determining Progression in Glaucoma Using Visual Fields.
PAKDD 2001: 136-147 |
14 | | Andrew Turpin,
William R. Hersh:
Why Batch and User Evaluations Do Not Give the Same Results.
SIGIR 2001: 225-231 |
13 | | Andrew Turpin,
Alistair Moffat:
On-line adaptive canonical prefix coding with bounded compression loss.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(1): 88-98 (2001) |
12 | | William R. Hersh,
Andrew Turpin,
Susan Price,
Dale Kraemer,
Daniel Olson,
Benjamin Chan,
Lynetta Sacherek:
Challenging conventional assumptions of automated information retrieval with real users: Boolean searching and batch retrieval evaluations.
Inf. Process. Manage. 37(3): 383-402 (2001) |
2000 |
11 | EE | William R. Hersh,
Andrew Turpin,
Susan Price,
Benjamin Chan,
Dale Kraemer,
Lynetta Sacherek,
Daniel Olson:
Do batch and user evaluation give the same results?
SIGIR 2000: 17-24 |
10 | EE | William R. Hersh,
Andrew Turpin,
Lynetta Sacherek,
Daniel Olson,
Susan Price,
Benjamin Chan,
Dale Kraemer:
Further Analysis of Whether Batch and User Evaluations Give the Same Results with a Question-Answering Task.
TREC 2000 |
1999 |
9 | EE | Andrew Turpin,
Alistair Moffat:
Statistical Phrases for Vector-Space Information Retrieval (poster abstract).
SIGIR 1999: 309-310 |
8 | EE | William R. Hersh,
Andrew Turpin,
Susan Price,
Dale Kraemer,
Benjamin Chan,
Lynetta Sacherek,
Daniel Olson:
Do Batch and User Evaluations Give the Same Results? An Analysis from the TREC-8 Interactive Track.
TREC 1999 |
1998 |
7 | | Alistair Moffat,
Andrew Turpin:
Efficient Construction of Minimum-Redundancy Codes for Large Alphabets.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(4): 1650-1657 (1998) |
6 | EE | Andrew Turpin,
Alistair Moffat:
Comment on ``Efficient Huffman Decoding'' and ``An Efficient Finite-State Machine Implementation of Huffman Decoders''.
Inf. Process. Lett. 68(1): 1-2 (1998) |
1997 |
5 | | Andrew Turpin,
Alistair Moffat:
Efficient Approximate Adaptive Coding.
Data Compression Conference 1997: 357-366 |
1996 |
4 | | Alistair Moffat,
Andrew Turpin:
On the Implementation of Minimum-Redundancy Prefix Codes.
Data Compression Conference 1996: 170-179 |
1995 |
3 | | Alistair Moffat,
Andrew Turpin,
Jyrki Katajainen:
Space-Efficient Construction of Optimal Prefix Codes.
Data Compression Conference 1995: 192-201 |
2 | | Jyrki Katajainen,
Alistair Moffat,
Andrew Turpin:
A Fast and Space - Economical Algorithm for Length - Limited Coding.
ISAAC 1995: 12-21 |
1 | | Andrew Turpin,
Alistair Moffat:
Practical Length-limited Coding for Large Alphabets.
Comput. J. 38(5): 339-347 (1995) |