
Idris Hsi

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6EEHeather Richter, Christopher A. Miller, Gregory D. Abowd, Idris Hsi: An empirical investigation of capture and access for software requirements activities. Graphics Interface 2005: 121-128
5EEIdris Hsi: Measuring the conceptual fitness of an application in a computing ecosystem. WISER 2004: 27-36
4EEIdris Hsi, Colin Potts, Melody M. Moore: Ontological Excavation: Unearthing the core concepts of the application. WCRE 2003: 345-352
3EEW. Michael McCracken, Idris Hsi, Heather A. Richter, Robert Waters, Laura Burkhart: A Proposed Curriculum for an Undergraduate Software Engineering Degree. CSEE&T 2000: 246-
2EEIdris Hsi, Colin Potts: Studying the Evolution and Enhancement of Software Features. ICSM 2000: 143-
1 Colin Potts, Idris Hsi: Abstraction and Context in Requirements Engineering: Toward a Synthesis. Ann. Software Eng. 3: 23-61 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Gregory D. Abowd [6]
2Laura Burkhart [3]
3Melody Moore Jackson (Melody M. Moore) [4]
4W. Michael McCracken [3]
5Christopher A. Miller [6]
6Colin Potts [1] [2] [4]
7Heather Richter (Heather A. Richter) [3] [6]
8Robert Waters [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)