
Sandy Pérez

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4EESantiago Meliá, Jaime Gómez, Sandy Pérez, Oscar Díaz: A Model-Driven Development for GWT-Based Rich Internet Applications with OOH4RIA. ICWE 2008: 13-23
3EESandy Pérez, Oscar Díaz, Santiago Meliá, Jaime Gómez: Facing Interaction-Rich RIAs: The Orchestration Model. ICWE 2008: 24-37
2EEOscar Díaz, Sandy Pérez, Iñaki Paz: Providing Personalized Mashups Within the Context of Existing Web Applications. WISE 2007: 493-502
1EEOscar Díaz, Salvador Trujillo, Sandy Pérez: Turning portlets into services: the consumer profile. WWW 2007: 913-922

Coauthor Index

1Oscar Díaz [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Jaime Gómez [3] [4]
3Santiago Meliá (Santiago Meliá Beigbeder) [3] [4]
4Iñaki Paz [2]
5Salvador Trujillo [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)