
Alexander Knapp

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44EEMaría Victoria Cengarle, Alexander Knapp, Andrzej Tarlecki, Martin Wirsing: A Heterogeneous Approach to UML Semantics. Concurrency, Graphs and Models 2008: 383-402
43EEAlexander Knapp, Stephan Janisch, Rolf Hennicker, Allan Clark, Stephen Gilmore, Florian Hacklinger, Hubert Baumeister, Martin Wirsing: Modelling the CoCoME with the Java/AComponent Model. CoCoME 2007: 207-237
42EEPietro Cenciarelli, Alexander Knapp, Eleonora Sibilio: The Java Memory Model: Operationally, Denotationally, Axiomatically. ESOP 2007: 331-346
41EERolf Hennicker, Alexander Knapp: Activity-Driven Synthesis of State Machines. FASE 2007: 87-101
40EEAntonio Vallecillo, Nora Koch, Cristina Cachero, Sara Comai, Piero Fraternali, Irene Garrigós, Jaime Gómez, Gerti Kappel, Alexander Knapp, Maristella Matera, Santiago Meliá, Nathalie Moreno, Birgit Pröll, Thomas Reiter, Werner Retschitzegger, José Eduardo Rivera, Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland Schwinger, Manuel Wimmer, Gefei Zhang: MDWEnet: A Practical Approach to Achieving Interoperability of Model-Driven Web Engineering Methods. MDWE 2007
39EEAndreas Kraus, Alexander Knapp, Nora Koch: Model-Driven Generation of Web Applications in UWE. MDWE 2007
38EEGefei Zhang, Matthias M. Hölzl, Alexander Knapp: Enhancing UML State Machines with Aspects. MoDELS 2007: 529-543
37EEAndrew Fish, Alexander Knapp: Layout of (Software) Engineering Diagrams. VL/HCC 2007: 4
36EEAndrew Fish, Alexander Knapp, Harald Störrle: Proceedings of the Workshop on the Layout of (Software) Engineering Diagrams (LED 2007) - Preface. ECEASST 7: (2007)
35EEMartin Wirsing, Allan Clark, Stephen Gilmore, Matthias M. Hölzl, Alexander Knapp, Nora Koch, Andreas Schroeder: Semantic-Based Development of Service-Oriented Systems. FORTE 2006: 24-45
34EEAlexander Knapp, Jochen Wuttke: Model Checking of UML 2.0 Interactions. MoDELS Workshops 2006: 42-51
33 Alexander Knapp, Gefei Zhang: Model Transformations for Integrating and Validating Web Application Models. Modellierung 2006: 115-128
32EEHubert Baumeister, Florian Hacklinger, Rolf Hennicker, Alexander Knapp, Martin Wirsing: A Component Model for Architectural Programming. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 160: 75-96 (2006)
31EEAlexander Knapp, Stephan Merz, Martin Wirsing, Júlia Zappe: Specification and refinement of mobile systems in MTLA and mobile UML. Theor. Comput. Sci. 351(2): 184-202 (2006)
30EEHubert Baumeister, Alexander Knapp, Nora Koch, Gefei Zhang: Modelling Adaptivity with Aspects. ICWE 2005: 406-416
29EEAlexander Knapp, Nora Koch, Gefei Zhang: Modelling the Behaviour of Web Applications with ArgoUWE. ICWE 2005: 624-626
28EEMoritz Hammer, Alexander Knapp, Stephan Merz: Truly On-the-Fly LTL Model Checking. TACAS 2005: 191-205
27EEAlexander Knapp, Harald Störrle: Unified Modeling Language 2.0. VL/HCC 2005: 9
26EEMoritz Hammer, Alexander Knapp, Stephan Merz: Truly On-The-Fly LTL Model Checking CoRR abs/cs/0511061: (2005)
25 Martin Wirsing, Alexander Knapp, Simonetta Balsamo: Radical Innovations of Software and Systems Engineering in the Future, 9th International Workshop, RISSEF 2002, Venice, Italy, October 7-11, 2002, Revised Papers Springer 2004
24EEAlexander Knapp, Stephan Merz, Martin Wirsing: Refining Mobile UML State Machines. AMAST 2004: 274-288
23EEAxel Rauschmayer, Alexander Knapp, Martin Wirsing: Consistency Checking in an Infrastructure for Large-Scale Generative. ASE 2004: 238-247
22 Michael N. Barth, Alexander Knapp: A coordination architecture for time-dependent components. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2004: 6-11
21EEMichael Balser, Simon Bäumler, Alexander Knapp, Wolfgang Reif, Andreas Thums: Interactive Verification of UML State Machines. ICFEM 2004: 434-448
20EEAlexander Knapp, Nora Koch, Gefei Zhang: Modeling the Structure of Web Applications with ArgoUWE. ICWE 2004: 615-616
19EEMichel Bidoit, Rolf Hennicker, Alexander Knapp, Hubert Baumeister: Glass-Box and Black-Box Views on Object-Oriented Specifications. SEFM 2004: 208-217
18EEHubert Baumeister, Alexander Knapp, Martin Wirsing: Property-Driven Development. SEFM 2004: 96-102
17EEAlexander Knapp, Nora Koch, Gefei Zhang, Hanns-Martin Hassler: Modeling Business Processes in Web Applications with ArgoUWE. UML 2004: 69-83
16EERolf Hennicker, Alexander Knapp, Hubert Baumeister: Semantics of OCL Operation Specifications. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 102: 111-132 (2004)
15EEMaría Victoria Cengarle, Alexander Knapp: OCL 1.4/5 vs. 2.0 Expressions Formal semantics and expressiveness. Software and System Modeling 3(1): 9-30 (2004)
14EEMaría Victoria Cengarle, Alexander Knapp: Towards OCL/RT. FME 2002: 390-409
13EEAlexander Knapp, Stephan Merz, Christopher Rauh: Model Checking - Timed UML State Machines and Collaborations. FTRTFT 2002: 395-416
12EEMartin Wirsing, Alexander Knapp: View Consistency in Software Development. RISSEF 2002: 341-357
11EEMartin Wirsing, Alexander Knapp: A formal approach to object-oriented software engineering. Theor. Comput. Sci. 285(2): 519-560 (2002)
10 Rolf Hennicker, Hubert Baumeister, Alexander Knapp, Martin Wirsing: Specifying Component Invariants with OCL. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2001: 600-607
9EEMaría Victoria Cengarle, Alexander Knapp: A Formal Semantics for OCL 1.4. UML 2001: 118-133
8EETimm Schäfer, Alexander Knapp, Stephan Merz: Model checking UML state machines and collaborations. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 55(3): (2001)
7 Alexander Knapp: A formal approach to object-oriented software engineering. Softwaretechnik- Trends 21(3): (2001)
6EEPietro Cenciarelli, Alexander Knapp, Bernhard Reus, Martin Wirsing: An Event-Based Structural Operational Semantics of Multi-Threaded Java. Formal Syntax and Semantics of Java 1999: 157-200
5 Alexander Knapp: A Formal Semantics for UML Interactions. UML 1999: 116-130
4 Pietro Cenciarelli, Alexander Knapp, Bernhard Reus, Martin Wirsing: From Sequential to Multi-Threaded Java: An Event-Based Operational Semantics. AMAST 1997: 75-90
3 Alexander Knapp, Nora Koch, Martin Wirsing, J. Duckeck, Rainer Lutze, Hartmut Fritzsche, D. Timm, Patrick Closhen, M. Frisch, Hans-Jürgen Hoffmann, Bernd Gaede, Josef Schneeberger, Herbert Stoyan, Andreas Turk: EPK-fix: Methods and Tools for Engineering Electronic Product Catalogues. IDMS 1997: 199-209
2 Bernhard Reus, Alexander Knapp, Pietro Cenciarelli, Martin Wirsing: Verifying a compiler optimization for Multi-Threaded Java. WADT 1997: 402-417
1EEMartin Wirsing, Alexander Knapp: A formal approach to object-oriented software engineering. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 4: (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Simonetta Balsamo [25]
2Michael Balser [21]
3Michael N. Barth [22]
4Hubert Baumeister [10] [16] [18] [19] [30] [32] [43]
5Simon Bäumler [21]
6Michel Bidoit [19]
7Cristina Cachero [40]
8Pietro Cenciarelli [2] [4] [6] [42]
9María Victoria Cengarle [9] [14] [15] [44]
10Allan Clark [35] [43]
11Patrick Closhen [3]
12Sara Comai [40]
13J. Duckeck [3]
14Andrew Fish [36] [37]
15Piero Fraternali [40]
16M. Frisch [3]
17Hartmut Fritzsche [3]
18Bernd Gaede [3]
19Irene Garrigós [40]
20Stephen Gilmore (Stephen T. Gilmore) [35] [43]
21Jaime Gómez [40]
22Florian Hacklinger [32] [43]
23Moritz Hammer [26] [28]
24Hanns-Martin Hassler [17]
25Rolf Hennicker [10] [16] [19] [32] [41] [43]
26Hans-Jürgen Hoffmann [3]
27Matthias M. Hölzl [35] [38]
28Stephan Janisch [43]
29Gerti Kappel [40]
30Nora Koch [3] [17] [20] [29] [30] [35] [39] [40]
31Andreas Kraus [39]
32Rainer Lutze [3]
33Maristella Matera [40]
34Santiago Meliá (Santiago Meliá Beigbeder) [40]
35Stephan Merz [8] [13] [24] [26] [28] [31]
36Nathalie Moreno [40]
37Birgit Pröll [40]
38Christopher Rauh [13]
39Axel Rauschmayer [23]
40Wolfgang Reif [21]
41Thomas Reiter [40]
42Werner Retschitzegger [40]
43Bernhard Reus [2] [4] [6]
44José Eduardo Rivera [40]
45Timm Schäfer [8]
46Andrea Schauerhuber [40]
47Josef Schneeberger [3]
48Andreas Schroeder [35]
49Wieland Schwinger [40]
50Eleonora Sibilio [42]
51Harald Störrle [27] [36]
52Herbert Stoyan [3]
53Andrzej Tarlecki [44]
54Andreas Thums [21]
55D. Timm [3]
56Andreas Turk [3]
57Antonio Vallecillo [40]
58Manuel Wimmer [40]
59Martin Wirsing [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [10] [11] [12] [18] [23] [24] [25] [31] [32] [35] [43] [44]
60Jochen Wuttke [34]
61Júlia Zappe [31]
62Gefei Zhang [17] [20] [29] [30] [33] [38] [40]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)