
Bernd Meinerzhagen

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4EEM. I. Vexler, A. El Hdiy, D. Grgec, S. E. Tyaginov, R. Khlil, Bernd Meinerzhagen, A. F. Shulekin, I. V. Grekhov: Tunnel charge transport within silicon in reversely-biased MOS tunnel structures. Microelectronics Journal 37(2): 114-120 (2006)
3EEChristoph Jungemann, Bernd Meinerzhagen: Noise Calculation in the Semiclassical Framework: A Critical Analysis of the Monte Carlo Method and a Numerical Alternative. LSSC 2005: 164-171
2EEKarl H. Bach, Heinz K. Dirks, Bernd Meinerzhagen, Walter L. Engl: A new nonlinear relaxation scheme for solving semiconductor device equations. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 10(9): 1175-1186 (1991)
1EEBernd Meinerzhagen, Heinz K. Dirks, Walter L. Engl: Quasi-Simultaneous Solution Method: A New Highly Efficient Strategy for Numerical MOST Simulations. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 4(4): 575-582 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Karl H. Bach [2]
2Heinz K. Dirks [1] [2]
3Walter L. Engl [1] [2]
4I. V. Grekhov [4]
5D. Grgec [4]
6A. El Hdiy [4]
7Christoph Jungemann [3]
8R. Khlil [4]
9A. F. Shulekin [4]
10S. E. Tyaginov [4]
11M. I. Vexler [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)