
Heinz K. Dirks

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6EEMartin Fischer, Heinz K. Dirks: Multigranular parallel algorithms for solving linear equations in VLSI circuit simulation. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 23(5): 728-736 (2004)
5EEKarl H. Bach, Heinz K. Dirks, Bernd Meinerzhagen, Walter L. Engl: A new nonlinear relaxation scheme for solving semiconductor device equations. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 10(9): 1175-1186 (1991)
4EEPeter Lloyd, Heinz K. Dirks, E. James Prendergast, Kishore Singhal: Technology CAD for competitive products. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 9(11): 1209-1216 (1990)
3 Karl Michael Eickhoff, Heinz K. Dirks: VLSI Schaltkreissimulation mit einem MOS-Tabellen-Modell auf der Basis numerischer Bauelementsimulationen. Simulationstechnik 1988: 325-330
2EEBernd Meinerzhagen, Heinz K. Dirks, Walter L. Engl: Quasi-Simultaneous Solution Method: A New Highly Efficient Strategy for Numerical MOST Simulations. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 4(4): 575-582 (1985)
1EEWalter L. Engl, Rainer Laur, Heinz K. Dirks: MEDUSA - A Simulator for Modular Circuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 1(2): 85-93 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Karl H. Bach [5]
2Karl Michael Eickhoff [3]
3Walter L. Engl [1] [2] [5]
4Martin Fischer [6]
5Rainer Laur [1]
6Peter Lloyd [4]
7Bernd Meinerzhagen [2] [5]
8E. James Prendergast [4]
9Kishore Singhal [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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