
Clay Williams

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10EECemal Yilmaz, Amit M. Paradkar, Clay Williams: Time will tell: fault localization using time spectra. ICSE 2008: 81-90
9EEMatthew Kaplan, Tim Klinger, Amit M. Paradkar, Avik Sinha, Clay Williams, Cemal Yilmaz: Less is More: A Minimalistic Approach to UML Model-Based Conformance Test Generation. ICST 2008: 82-91
8EEAvik Sinha, Matthew Kaplan, Amit M. Paradkar, Clay Williams: Requirements Modeling and Validation Using Bi-layer Use Case Descriptions. MoDELS 2008: 97-112
7EECemal Yilmaz, Clay Williams: An automated model-based debugging approach. ASE 2007: 174-183
6EEAmit M. Paradkar, Avik Sinha, Clay Williams, Robert D. Johnson, Susan Outterson, Charles Shriver, Carol Liang: Automated Functional Conformance Test Generation for Semantic Web Services. ICWS 2007: 110-117
5EEGiuseppe Valetto, Mary E. Helander, Kate Ehrlich, Sunita Chulani, Mark N. Wegman, Clay Williams: Using Software Repositories to Investigate Socio-technical Congruence in Development Projects. MSR 2007: 25
4 Lionel C. Briand, Clay Williams: Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 8th International Conference, MoDELS 2005, Montego Bay, Jamaica, October 2-7, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
3EEClay Williams, Matthew Kaplan, Tim Klinger, Amit M. Paradkar: Toward Engineered, Useful Use Cases. Journal of Object Technology 4(6): 45-57 (2005)
2EEClay Williams, Harm Sluiman, David Pitcher, Marius Slavescu, Jim Spratley, Mark Brodhun, John McLean, Charles Rankin, Karen Rosengren: The STCL test tools architecture. IBM Systems Journal 41(1): 74-88 (2002)
1 Craig D. B. Boyle, Swee Hor Teh, Clay Williams: An Empirical Evaluation of Hypertext Interfaces. Hypermedia 2(3): 235-248 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Craig D. B. Boyle [1]
2Lionel C. Briand [4]
3Mark Brodhun [2]
4Sunita Chulani [5]
5Kate Ehrlich [5]
6Mary E. Helander [5]
7Robert D. Johnson [6]
8Matthew Kaplan [3] [8] [9]
9Tim Klinger [3] [9]
10Carol Liang [6]
11John McLean [2]
12Susan Outterson [6]
13Amit M. Paradkar [3] [6] [8] [9] [10]
14David Pitcher [2]
15Charles Rankin [2]
16Karen Rosengren [2]
17Charles Shriver [6]
18Avik Sinha [6] [8] [9]
19Marius Slavescu [2]
20Harm Sluiman [2]
21Jim Spratley [2]
22Swee Hor Teh [1]
23Giuseppe Valetto [5]
24Mark N. Wegman [5]
25Cemal Yilmaz [7] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)