
Anthony McIsaac

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6EELyes Benalycherif, Anthony McIsaac, Neil Dunlop: Structured Approach to Property Specification and Verification of HW IP. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2007: 161-166
5EECindy Eisner, Dana Fisman, John Havlicek, Yoad Lustig, Anthony McIsaac, David Van Campenhout: Reasoning with Temporal Logic on Truncated Paths. CAV 2003: 27-39
4EECindy Eisner, Dana Fisman, John Havlicek, Anthony McIsaac, David Van Campenhout: The Definition of a Temporal Clock Operator. ICALP 2003: 857-870
3 Geoff Barrett, Anthony McIsaac: Model Checking in a Microprocessor Design Project. CAV 1997: 214-225
2EEFrançoise Casaubieilh, Anthony McIsaac, Mike Benjamin, Mike Bartley, François Pogodalla, Frédéric Rocheteau, Mohamed Belhadj, Jeremy Eggleton, Gérard Mas, Geoff Barrett, Christian Berthet: Functional Verification Methodology of Chameleon Processor. DAC 1996: 421-426
1 Anthony McIsaac: A Formalization of Abstraction in LAMBDA. HUG 1993: 227-238

Coauthor Index

1Geoff Barrett [2] [3]
2Mike Bartley [2]
3Mohamed Belhadj [2]
4Lyes Benalycherif [6]
5Mike Benjamin [2]
6Christian Berthet [2]
7David Van Campenhout [4] [5]
8Françoise Casaubieilh [2]
9Neil Dunlop [6]
10Jeremy Eggleton [2]
11Cindy Eisner [4] [5]
12Dana Fisman [4] [5]
13John Havlicek [4] [5]
14Yoad Lustig [5]
15Gérard Mas [2]
16François Pogodalla [2]
17Frédéric Rocheteau [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)