
James M. Briggs

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4EEM. Letizia Barreca, Angela Rao, Laura De Luca, Maria Zappalà, Cristina Gurnari, Pietro Monforte, Erik De Clercq, Bénédicte Van Maele, Zeger Debyser, Myriam Witvrouw, James M. Briggs, Alba Chimirri: Efficient 3D Database Screening for Novel HIV-1 IN Inhibitors. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 44(4): 1450-1455 (2004)
3EEGabriela Iurcu Mustata, James M. Briggs: A structure-based design approach for the identification of novel inhibitors: application to an alanine racemase. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 16(12): 935-953 (2002)
2EEKeun Woo Lee, James M. Briggs: Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) study of epothilones - tubulin depolymerization inhibitors: Pharmacophore development using 3D QSAR methods. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 15(1): 41-55 (2001)
1EEJan Antosiewicz, James M. Briggs, Adrian H. Elcock, Michael K. Gilson, James Andrew McCammon: Computing ionization states of proteins with a detailed charge model. Journal of Computational Chemistry 17(14): 1633-1644 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Jan Antosiewicz [1]
2M. Letizia Barreca [4]
3Alba Chimirri [4]
4Erik De Clercq [4]
5Zeger Debyser [4]
6Adrian H. Elcock [1]
7Michael K. Gilson [1]
8Cristina Gurnari [4]
9Keun Woo Lee [2]
10Laura De Luca [4]
11Bénédicte Van Maele [4]
12James Andrew McCammon [1]
13Pietro Monforte [4]
14Gabriela Iurcu Mustata [3]
15Angela Rao [4]
16Myriam Witvrouw [4]
17Maria Zappalà [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)