
Piotr Bala

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31EEPawel Lebioda, Piotr Bala: Estimating Metabolic Pathways Parameters Using Distributed Monte Carlo Method. ICCSA (2) 2008: 987-999
30 Veslava Osinska, Piotr Bala: Classification Visualization across Mapping on a Sphere. New Trends in Multimedia and Network Information Systems 2008: 95-106
29EEMichal Chlebiej, Krzysztof Nowinski, Piotr Scislo, Piotr Bala: Reconstruction of Heart Motion from 4D Echocardiographic Images. CAIP 2007: 245-252
28EEBernd Schuller, Bastian Demuth, Hartmut Mix, Katharina Rasch, Mathilde Romberg, Sulev Sild, Uko Maran, Piotr Bala, Enrico del Grosso, Mosé Casalegno, Nadège Piclin, Marco Pintore, Wibke Sudholt, Kim Baldridge: Chemomentum - UNICORE 6 Based Infrastructure for Complex Applications in Science and Technology. Euro-Par Workshops 2007: 82-93
27EEKrzysztof Benedyczak, Aleksander Nowinski, Piotr Bala: Flexible Streaming Infrastructure for UNICORE. Euro-Par Workshops 2007: 94-103
26EEJaroslaw Mederski, Lukasz Mikulski, Piotr Bala: Asynchronous Parallel Molecular Dynamics Simulations. PPAM 2007: 439-446
25EERafal Kluszczynski, Piotr Bala: Supporting NAMD Application on the Grid Using GPE. PPAM 2007: 762-769
24EEMarcelina Borc, Rafal Kluszczynski, Piotr Bala: BLAST Application on the GPE/UnicoreGS Grid. Euro-Par Workshops 2006: 245-253
23EEMichal Chlebiej, Pawel Mikolajczak, Krzysztof Nowinski, Piotr Scislo, Piotr Bala: Generation of Dynamic Heart Model Based on 4D Echocardiographic Images. ICCSA (5) 2006: 394-403
22EEMorris Riedel, Roger Menday, Achim Streit, Piotr Bala: A DRMAA-Based Target System Interface Framework for UNICORE. ICPADS (2) 2006: 133-138
21EEKrzysztof Benedyczak, Aleksander Nowinski, Krzysztof Nowinski, Piotr Bala: UniGrids Streaming Framework: Enabling Streaming for the New Generation of Grids. PARA 2006: 809-818
20EEStefan Dydel, Krzysztof Benedyczak, Piotr Bala: Enabling Reconfigurable Hardware Accelerators for the Grid. PARELEC 2006: 145-152
19EERalf Ratering, Alexander Lukichev, Morris Riedel, Daniel Mallmann, A. Vanni, Claudio Cacciari, S. Lanzarini, Krzysztof Benedyczak, M. Borcz, R. Kluszcynski, Piotr Bala, Gert Ohme: GridBeans: Support e-Science and Grid Applications. e-Science 2006: 45
18EEKrzysztof Benedyczak, Michal Wronski, Aleksander Nowinski, Krzysztof Nowinski, Jaroslaw Wypychowski, Piotr Bala: UNICORE as Uniform Grid Environment for Life Sciences. EGC 2005: 364-373
17EERafal Metkowski, Piotr Bala: Parallel Computing in Java: Looking for the Most Effective RMI Implementation for Clusters. PPAM 2005: 272-277
16EEKrzysztof Benedyczak, Aleksander Nowinski, Krzysztof Nowinski, Piotr Bala: Real-Time Visualization in the Grid Using UNICORE Middleware. PPAM 2005: 608-615
15EEStefan Dydel, Piotr Bala: Large Scale Protein Sequence Alignment Using FPGA Reprogrammable Logic Devices. FPL 2004: 23-32
14EEPiotr Bala, Krzysztof Benedyczak, Aleksander Nowinski, Krzysztof Nowinski, Jaroslaw Wypychowski: Interactive Visualization for the UNICORE Grid Environment. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 99-106
13EEJaroslaw Wypychowski, Jaroslaw Pytlinski, Lukasz Skorwider, Miroslaw Nazaruk, Krzysztof Benedyczak, Michal Wronski, Piotr Bala: Life Sciences Grid in EUROGRID and GRIP Projects. New Generation Comput. 22(2): (2004)
12EEJaroslaw Pytlinski, Lukasz Skorwider, Krzysztof Benedyczak, Michal Wronski, Piotr Bala, Valentina Huber: Uniform Access to the Distributed Resources for the Computational Chemistry Using UNICORE. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 307-315
11EERafal Metkowski, Piotr Bala: Hierarchical Communication for the Parallel Simulations in the Distributed Environment. PPAM 2003: 481-488
10EEBogdan Lesyng, Piotr Bala, Dietmar W. Erwin: EUROGRID--European computational grid testbed. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 63(5): 590-596 (2003)
9EEJaroslaw Pytlinski, Lukasz Skorwider, Piotr Bala, Miroslaw Nazaruk, Konrad Wawruch: BioGRID - Uniform Platform for Biomoleculago Nazar Applications (Research Note). Euro-Par 2002: 881-884
8EEPiotr Bala, Jaroslaw Pytlinski, Miroslaw Nazaruk, Victor Alessandrini, Denis Girou, Dietmar W. Erwin, Daniel Mallmann, Jon MacLaren, John Brooke, Jan Frode Myklebust: BioGRID - An European Grid for Molecular Biology. HPDC 2002: 412
7EEAleksander Nowinski, Krzysztof Nowinski, Piotr Bala: Web Based Real Time System for Wavepacket Dynamics. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2002: 552-561
6EERafal Metkowski, Piotr Bala, Terry W. Clark: The Performance of Different Communication Mechanisms and Algorithms Used for Parallelization of Molecular Dynamics Code. PPAM 2001: 154-161
5 Piotr Bala, Terry W. Clark, L. Ridgway Scott: Application of Pfortran and Co-Array Fortran in the parallelization of the GROMOS96 molecular dynamics module. Scientific Programming 9(1): 61-68 (2001)
4EEPiotr Bala, Terry W. Clark: Pfortran and Co-Array Fortran as Tools for Parallelization of a Large-Scale Scientific Application. Euro-Par 2000: 511-518
3 Piotr Bala, Pawel Grochowski, Krzysztof Nowinski, Terry W. Clark, Bogdan Lesyng, James Andrew McCammon: Advanced Calculations and Visualization of Enzymatic Reactions with the Combined Quantum Classical Molecular Dynamics Code. PARA 1998: 20-27
2 Piotr Bala, Terry W. Clark, Pawel Grochowski, Bogdan Lesyng, James Andrew McCammon: Parallel Version of a Quantum Classical Molecular Dynamics Code for Complex Molecular and Biomolecular Systems. PVM/MPI 1997: 409-416
1EEPiotr Bala, Palo Grochowski, Bogdan Lesyng, James Andrew McCammon: Quantum-classical Molecular Dynamics and Its Computer Implementation. Computers & Chemistry 19(3): 155-160 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Victor Alessandrini [8]
2Kim Baldridge [28]
3Krzysztof Benedyczak [12] [13] [14] [16] [18] [19] [20] [21] [27]
4Marcelina Borc [24]
5M. Borcz [19]
6John Brooke [8]
7Claudio Cacciari [19]
8Mosé Casalegno [28]
9Michal Chlebiej [23] [29]
10Terry W. Clark [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
11Bastian Demuth [28]
12Stefan Dydel [15] [20]
13Dietmar W. Erwin [8] [10]
14Denis Girou [8]
15Palo Grochowski [1]
16Pawel Grochowski [2] [3]
17Enrico del Grosso [28]
18Valentina Huber [12]
19R. Kluszcynski [19]
20Rafal Kluszczynski [24] [25]
21S. Lanzarini [19]
22Pawel Lebioda [31]
23Bogdan Lesyng [1] [2] [3] [10]
24Alexander Lukichev [19]
25Jon MacLaren [8]
26Daniel Mallmann [8] [19]
27Uko Maran [28]
28James Andrew McCammon [1] [2] [3]
29Jaroslaw Mederski [26]
30Roger Menday [22]
31Rafal Metkowski [6] [11] [17]
32Pawel Mikolajczak [23]
33Lukasz Mikulski [26]
34Hartmut Mix [28]
35Jan Frode Myklebust [8]
36Miroslaw Nazaruk [8] [9] [13]
37Aleksander Nowinski [7] [14] [16] [18] [21] [27]
38Krzysztof Nowinski [3] [7] [14] [16] [18] [21] [23] [29]
39Gert Ohme [19]
40Veslava Osinska [30]
41Nadège Piclin [28]
42Marco Pintore [28]
43Jaroslaw Pytlinski [8] [9] [12] [13]
44Katharina Rasch [28]
45Ralf Ratering [19]
46Morris Riedel [19] [22]
47Mathilde Romberg [28]
48Bernd Schuller [28]
49Piotr Scislo [23] [29]
50L. Ridgway Scott [5]
51Sulev Sild [28]
52Lukasz Skorwider [9] [12] [13]
53Achim Streit [22]
54Wibke Sudholt [28]
55A. Vanni [19]
56Konrad Wawruch [9]
57Michal Wronski [12] [13] [18]
58Jaroslaw Wypychowski [13] [14] [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)