
Tom Smith

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11EEDendy E. Sloan, Fedor Kuznetsov, Krishan Lal, Ralf Löwner, Y. F. Makogon, George Moridis, John Ripmeester, Jean-Jacques Royer, Tom Smith, Bahman Tohidi, Tsutomu Uchida, Runqiang (Jason) Wang, Weihua (Willa) Wang, Yun Xiao: A Hydrate Database: Vital to the Technical Community. Data Science Journal 6: 1-5 (2007)
10EETom Smith, John Ripmeester, Dendy E. Sloan, Tsutomu Uchida: Gas Hydrate Markup Language: Laboratory Data. Data Science Journal 6: 18-24 (2007)
9EEP. Schone, G. Ciany, R. Cutts, Paul McNamee, James Mayfield, Tom Smith: QACTIS Enhancements in TREC QA 2006. TREC 2006
8EESeth Bullock, Tom Smith, Jon Bird: Picture This: The State of the Art in Visualization for Complex Adaptive Systems. Artificial Life 12(2): 189-192 (2006)
7EEAndrew Philippides, Phil Husbands, Tom Smith, Michael O'Shea: Flexible Couplings: Diffusing Neuromodulators and Adaptive Robotics. Artificial Life 11(1-2): 139-160 (2005)
6 Andy Stone, Jonathan Briggs, Tom Smith, Christian Olsson: Cultural Issues in Developing a Leadership Education Program in Kosovo. ICALT 2004
5 Tom Smith, Phil Husbands, Paul J. Layzell, Michael O'Shea: Fitness Landscapes and Evolvability. Evolutionary Computation 10(1): 1-34 (2002)
4EEPhil Husbands, Andrew Philippides, Tom Smith, Michael O'Shea: The Shifting Network: Volume Signalling in Real and Robot Nervous Systems. ECAL 2001: 23-36
3EETom Smith, Phil Husbands, Michael O'Shea: Neutral Networks and Evolvability with Complex Genotype-Phenotype Mapping. ECAL 2001: 272-281
2EEPhil Husbands, Tom Smith, Nick Jakobi, Michael O'Shea: Better Living Through Chemistry: Evolving GasNets for Robot Control. Connect. Sci. 10(3-4): 185-210 (1998)
1EEPeter Cook, Clarence A. Ellis, Mike Graf, Gail L. Rein, Tom Smith: Project Nick: Meetings Augmentation and Analysis. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 5(2): 132-146 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Jon Bird [8]
2Jonathan Briggs [6]
3Seth Bullock [8]
4G. Ciany [9]
5Peter Cook [1]
6R. Cutts [9]
7Clarence A. Ellis [1]
8Mike Graf [1]
9Phil Husbands (Philip Husbands) [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
10Nick Jakobi [2]
11Fedor Kuznetsov [11]
12Krishan Lal [11]
13Paul J. Layzell [5]
14Ralf Löwner [11]
15Y. F. Makogon [11]
16James Mayfield [9]
17Paul McNamee [9]
18George Moridis [11]
19Michael O'Shea [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
20Christian Olsson [6]
21Andrew Philippides [4] [7]
22Gail L. Rein [1]
23John Ripmeester [10] [11]
24Jean-Jacques Royer [11]
25P. Schone [9]
26Dendy E. Sloan [10] [11]
27Andy Stone [6]
28Bahman Tohidi [11]
29Tsutomu Uchida [10] [11]
30Runqiang (Jason) Wang [11]
31Weihua (Willa) Wang [11]
32Yun Xiao [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)