
A. Matrosova

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5EEA. Matrosova, Vladimir Ostrovsky, Ilya Levin, K. Nikitin: Designing FPGA based Self-Testing Checkers for m-out-of-n Codes. IOLTS 2003: 49-53
4EEA. Matrosova, V. Andreeva, Yu. Sedov: Survivable Discrete Circuits Design. IOLTW 2002: 13-
3EEA. Matrosova, Sergey Ostanin, Ilya Levin: Survivable Self-Checking Sequential Circuits. DFT 2001: 395-402
2EEA. Matrosova, K. Nikitin, O. Goloubeva: Totally Self-Checking FSM Design Based on Multilevel Synthesis Methods and FPGA Implemetation. IOLTW 2001: 144
1EEA. Matrosova, Sergey Ostanin: Self-Checking FSM Design with Observing only FSM Outputs. IOLTW 2000: 153-154

Coauthor Index

1V. Andreeva [4]
2O. Goloubeva [2]
3Ilya Levin [3] [5]
4K. Nikitin [2] [5]
5Sergey Ostanin [1] [3]
6Vladimir Ostrovsky [5]
7Yu. Sedov [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)