
Deborah Mateik

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8 Jennifer S. Whiting, Jayne Ashworth, Deborah Mateik: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM SIGUCCS Conference on User Services 2004, Baltimore, MD, USA, October 10-13, 2004 ACM 2004
7 Deborah Mateik: Self-paced Student Tutorial in the WebCT Environment. SIGUCCS 2000: 351-352
6EEMike Landavere, Deborah Mateik: Training Undergraduates to Support Technology in the Classroom. SIGUCCS 1999: 140-143
5EEDeborah Mateik, Lida L. Larsen: A Holistic Approach to Web Training. SIGUCCS 1998: 176-182
4 Ellen Yu Borkowski, David J. Henry, Lida L. Larsen, Deborah Mateik: Supporting teaching and learning via the Web: Transforming hardcopy linear mindsets into Web flexible creative thinking. WebNet 1996
3EEDeborah Mateik: The summer institute for instructional technology: goodbye chalk and slate; hello mouse and web. SIGUCCS 1995: 201-205
2EEMarie A. Zannis, Deborah Mateik: Pursuit of excellence in a peer training program. SIGUCCS 1992: 163-169
1EEMarie A. Zannis, Deborah Mateik: Centering on the student computer user (the evolution of a peer training program at the University of Maryland). SIGUCCS 1990: 427-433

Coauthor Index

1Jayne Ashworth [8]
2Ellen Yu Borkowski [4]
3David J. Henry [4]
4Mike Landavere [6]
5Lida L. Larsen [4] [5]
6Jennifer S. Whiting [8]
7Marie A. Zannis [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)