
Fred Martin

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14EEJudith Bayard Cushing, Lee Zeman, Natalie Kopytko, Nik Molnar, Anne McIntosh, Nalini Nadkarni, Lois M. L. Delcambre, David Maier, Fred Martin, Ted Keeley: Visualizing tree crowns for forest managers: informatics tools enhance natural resource management. DG.O 2008: 411-412
13EEDon Rhine, Fred Martin: Integrating Mathematical Analysis of Sensors and Motion in a Mobile Robotics Course. ISSEP 2008: 41-52
12EEJudith Bayard Cushing, Anne Fiala, Nalini Nadkarni, Lee Zeman, Lois M. L. Delcambre, David Maier, Fred Martin, Aaron Crosland: From measurement to management: evidence-based practice in natural resource management. DG.O 2007: 272-273
11EEJudith Bayard Cushing, Tyrone Wilson, Fred Martin, John L. Schnase, Sylvia Spengler, Larry Sugarbaker, Theresa A. Pardo: Eco-informatics and decision making managing our natural resources. DG.O 2006: 12-13
10EEDeirdre Butler, Carol Strohecker, Fred Martin: Sustaining Local Identity, Control and Ownership While Integrating Technology into School Learning. ISSEP 2006: 255-266
9EEFred Martin: Toy projects considered harmful. Commun. ACM 49(7): 113-116 (2006)
8 Fred Martin, Kallol Par, Kareem Abu-Zahra, Vasiliy Dulsky, Andrew Chanler: iCricket: A Programmable Brick for Kids' Pervasive Computing Applications. IWUC 2005: 75-81
7EEFred Martin, Bakhtiar Mikhak, Brian Silverman: MetaCricket: A designer's kit for making computational devices. IBM Systems Journal 39(3&4): 795- (2000)
6EEBakhtiar Mikhak, Fred Martin, Mitchel Resnick, Robert Berg, Brian Silverman: The Children's Machines: Handheld and Wearable Computers Too. HUC 1999: 31-43
5EEMitchel Resnick, Fred Martin, Robert Berg, Richard Borovoy, Vanessa Colella, Kwin Kramer, Brian Silverman: Digital Manipulatives: New Toys to Think With. CHI 1998: 281-287
4EERichard Borovoy, Fred Martin, Sunil Vemuri, Mitchel Resnick, Brian Silverman, Chris Hancock: Meme Tags and Community Mirrors: Moving from Conferences to Collaboration. CSCW 1998: 159-168
3 Mitchel Resnick, Fred Martin, Randy Sargent, Brian Silverman: Programmable Bricks: Toys to Think With. IBM Systems Journal 35(3/4): 443-452 (1996)
2 Richard Borovoy, Michelle McDonald, Fred Martin, Mitchel Resnick: Things that Blink: Computationally Augmented Name Tags. IBM Systems Journal 35(3/4): 488-495 (1996)
1EEMitchel Resnick, Amy Bruckman, Fred Martin: Pianos not stereos: creating computational construction kits. Interactions 3(5): 40-50 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Kareem Abu-Zahra [8]
2Robert Berg [5] [6]
3Richard Borovoy [2] [4] [5]
4Amy Bruckman [1]
5Deirdre Butler [10]
6Andrew Chanler [8]
7Vanessa Colella [5]
8Aaron Crosland [12]
9Judith Bayard Cushing (Judy Cushing) [11] [12] [14]
10Lois M. L. Delcambre [12] [14]
11Vasiliy Dulsky [8]
12Anne Fiala [12]
13Chris Hancock [4]
14Ted Keeley [14]
15Natalie Kopytko [14]
16Kwin Kramer [5]
17David Maier [12] [14]
18Michelle McDonald [2]
19Anne McIntosh [14]
20Bakhtiar Mikhak [6] [7]
21Nik Molnar [14]
22Nalini Nadkarni [12] [14]
23Kallol Par [8]
24Theresa A. Pardo [11]
25Mitchel Resnick [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
26Don Rhine [13]
27Randy Sargent [3]
28John L. Schnase [11]
29Brian Silverman [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
30Sylvia Spengler [11]
31Carol Strohecker [10]
32Larry Sugarbaker [11]
33Sunil Vemuri [4]
34Tyrone Wilson [11]
35Lee Zeman [12] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)