
Michael A. Terry

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9EEMichael A. Terry, Jonathan Marcus, Matthew Farrell, Varun Aggarwal, Una-May O'Reilly: GRACE: Generative Robust Analog Circuit Exploration. EvoWorkshops 2006: 332-343
8EEMichael A. Terry, Elizabeth D. Mynatt: Enhancing general-purpose tools with multi-state previewing capabilities. Knowl.-Based Syst. 18(8): 415-425 (2005)
7EEMichael A. Terry, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Yasuhiro Yamamoto: Variation in element and action: supporting simultaneous development of alternative solutions. CHI 2004: 711-718
6EEMichael A. Terry, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Kathy Ryall, Darren Leigh: Social net: using patterns of physical proximity over time to infer shared interests. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 816-817
5EEMichael A. Terry, Elizabeth D. Mynatt: Recognizing creative needs in user interface design. Creativity & Cognition 2002: 38-44
4EEElaine M. Huang, Michael A. Terry, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Kent Lyons, Alan Chen: Distributing Event Information by Simulating Word-of-Mouth Exchanges. Mobile HCI 2002: 60-68
3EEMichael A. Terry, Elizabeth D. Mynatt: Side views: persistent, on-demand previews for open-ended tasks. UIST 2002: 71-80
2EEMichael A. Terry, Elizabeth D. Mynatt: Supporting experimentation with Side-Views. Commun. ACM 45(10): 106-108 (2002)
1EELena Mamykina, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Michael A. Terry: Time Aura: interfaces for pacing. CHI 2001: 144-151

Coauthor Index

1Varun Aggarwal [9]
2Alan Chen [4]
3Matthew Farrell [9]
4Elaine M. Huang [4]
5Darren Leigh [6]
6Kent Lyons [4]
7Lena Mamykina [1]
8Jonathan Marcus [9]
9Elizabeth D. Mynatt [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
10Kumiyo Nakakoji [7]
11Una-May O'Reilly [9]
12Kathy Ryall (Kathleen Ryall) [6]
13Yasuhiro Yamamoto [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)