
Luís Miguel Botelho

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19EEAntónio Luis Lopes, Luís Miguel Botelho: Improving Multi-Agent Based Resource Coordination in Peer-to-Peer Networks. JNW 3(2): 38-47 (2008)
18EEAntónio Luis Lopes, Luís Miguel Botelho: Task Decomposition and Delegation Algorithms for Coordinating Unstructured Multi Agent Systems. CISIS 2007: 209-214
17 António Lopes, Luís Miguel Botelho: A Context-Aware Semantic Web Service Execution Agent. ICEIS (4) 2007: 231-234
16EEAna Sofia Esteves, Luís Miguel Botelho: The centrifugal development of artificial agents: a research agenda. SCSC 2007: 977-982
15EEAntónio Lopes, Luís Miguel Botelho: Executing Semantic Web Services with a Context-Aware Service Execution Agent. SOCASE 2007: 1-15
14EEBruno Gonçalves, António Lopes, Sofia Esteves, Luís Miguel Botelho: Cognitive agents based simulation for decisions regarding human team composition. AAMAS 2006: 65-72
13EEJaçanã Machado, Luís Miguel Botelho: Software agents that learn through observation. AAMAS 2006: 813-815
12EELuís Mota, Luís Miguel Botelho: OWL ontology translation based on the O3F framework. AAMAS 2005: 1317-1318
11EEAntónio Lopes, Luís Miguel Botelho: Chomsky: A Content Language Translation Agent. CEEMAS 2005: 535-538
10EEFábio Calhau, Lino Pereira, Paulo Costa, Luís Miguel Botelho: Agents Technology Extended with Mobile Devices. MATA 2004: 118-126
9EEYasmine Arafa, Luís Miguel Botelho, Adrian Bullock, Pedro Figueiredo, Patrick Gebhard, Kristina Höök, E. H. Mamdani, Ana Paiva, Paolo Petta, Phoebe Sengers, Marco Vala: Affective Interactions for in Real-time Applications: the SAFIRA Project. KI 18(1): 30- (2004)
8EELuís Mota, Luís Miguel Botelho, Hugo Mendes, António Lopes: O3F: an object oriented ontology framework. AAMAS 2003: 639-646
7EELuís Miguel Botelho, Hugo Mendes, Pedro Figueiredo, Rui Neto Marinheiro: Send Fredo off to Do This, Send Fredo off to Do That. CIA 2003: 152-159
6EEFederico Bergenti, Giovanni Rimassa, Matteo Somacher, Luís Miguel Botelho: A FIPA Compliant Goal Delegation Protocol. Communication in Multiagent Systems 2003: 223-238
5EEPedro Ramos, Luís Miguel Botelho: CO3L: Compact O3F Language. OAS 2003: 75-78
4EEAntónio Lopes, Sérgio Gaio, Luís Miguel Botelho: Personal access to a worldwide agent network. AAMAS 2002: 587-588
3EELuís Miguel Botelho, Helder Coelho: Machinery for Artificial Emotions. Cybernetics and Systems 32(5): 465-506 (2001)
2EELuís Miguel Botelho, Helder Coelho: Artificial Autonomous Agents with Artificial Emotions. Agents 1998: 449-450
1 Luís Miguel Botelho, Helder Coelho: Emotion-Based Attention Shift in Autonomous Agents. ATAL 1997: 277-291

Coauthor Index

1Yasmine Arafa [9]
2Federico Bergenti [6]
3Adrian Bullock [9]
4Fábio Calhau [10]
5Helder Coelho [1] [2] [3]
6Paulo Costa [10]
7Ana Sofia Esteves [16]
8Sofia Esteves [14]
9Pedro Figueiredo [7] [9]
10Sérgio Gaio [4]
11Patrick Gebhard [9]
12Bruno Gonçalves [14]
13Kristina Höök [9]
14António Lopes [4] [8] [11] [14] [15] [17]
15António Luis Lopes [18] [19]
16Jaçanã Machado [13]
17E. H. Mamdani [9]
18Rui Neto Marinheiro [7]
19Hugo Mendes [7] [8]
20Luís Mota [8] [12]
21Ana Paiva [9]
22Lino Pereira [10]
23Paolo Petta [9]
24Pedro Ramos [5]
25Giovanni Rimassa [6]
26Phoebe Sengers [9]
27Matteo Somacher [6]
28Marco Vala [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)