
Kostas Stathis

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32 Alexander Artikis, Gregory M. P. O'Hare, Kostas Stathis, George A. Vouros: Engineering Societies in the Agents World VIII, 8th International Workshop, ESAW 2007, Athens, Greece, October 22-24, 2007, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2008
31EEFrancesca Toni, Mary Grammatikou, Stella Kafetzoglou, Leonidas Lymberopoulos, Symeon Papavassiliou, Dorian Gaertner, Maxime Morge, Stefano Bromuri, Jarred McGinnis, Kostas Stathis, Vasa Curcin, Moustafa Ghanem, Li Guo: The ArguGRID Platform: An Overview. GECON 2008: 217-225
30EEStefano Bromuri, Kostas Stathis: Situating Cognitive Agents in GOLEM. EEMMAS 2007: 115-134
29EETim Miller, Peter McBurney, Jarred McGinnis, Kostas Stathis: First-Class Protocols for Agent-Based Coordination of Scientific Instruments. WETICE 2007: 41-46
28EEChristopher Child, Kostas Stathis: Rule value reinforcement learning for cognitive agents. AAMAS 2006: 792-794
27EEKostas Stathis, George Lekeas, Christos Kloukinas: Competence Checking for the Global E-Service Society Using Games. ESAW 2006: 384-400
26 Vasa Curcin, Moustafa Ghanem, Yike Guo, Francesca Toni, Kostas Stathis: Building Next Generation Service-Oriented Architectures using Argumentation Agents. NODe/GSEM 2006: 249-262
25EEAndrea Bracciali, Ulle Endriss, Neophytos Demetriou, Antonis C. Kakas, Wenjin Lu, Kostas Stathis: Crafting the mind of PROSOCS agents. Applied Artificial Intelligence 20(2-4): 105-131 (2006)
24EEJeremy Forth, Kostas Stathis, Francesca Toni: Decision Making with a KGP Agent System. Journal of Decision Systems 15(2-3): 241-266 (2006)
23EEChristopher Child, Kostas Stathis: SMART (Stochastic Model Acquisition with ReinforcemenT) Learning Agents: A Preliminary Report. Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 2005: 73-87
22 Alexander Yip, Jeremy Forth, Kostas Stathis, Antonis C. Kakas: Software Anatomy of a KGP Agent. EUMAS 2005: 459-472
21EEFariba Sadri, Francesca Toni, Kostas Stathis: Normative KGP Agents: A Preliminary Report. NORMAS 2005: 85-96
20EEChristopher Child, Kostas Stathis: The Apriori Stochastic Dependency Detection (ASDD) Algorithm for Learning Stochastic Logic Rules. CLIMA IV 2004: 234-249
19EEAntonis C. Kakas, Paolo Mancarella, Fariba Sadri, Kostas Stathis, Francesca Toni: Declarative Agent Control. CLIMA V 2004: 96-110
18EEAndrea Bracciali, Paolo Mancarella, Kostas Stathis, Francesca Toni: On Modelling Multi-agent Systems Declaratively. DALT 2004: 53-68
17 Antonis C. Kakas, Paolo Mancarella, Fariba Sadri, Kostas Stathis, Francesca Toni: The KGP Model of Agency. ECAI 2004: 33-37
16EEAndrea Bracciali, Paolo Mancarella, Kostas Stathis, Francesca Toni: Engineering Stable Multi-agent Systems. ESAW 2004: 322-334
15EEKostas Stathis, Francesca Toni: Ambient Intelligence Using KGP Agents. EUSAI 2004: 351-362
14EEAndrea Bracciali, Neophytos Demetriou, Ulrich Endriss, Antonis C. Kakas, Wenjin Lu, Paolo Mancarella, Fariba Sadri, Kostas Stathis, Giacomo Terreni, Francesca Toni: The KGP Model of Agency for Global Computing: Computational Model and Prototype Implementation. Global Computing 2004: 340-367
13EEGeorge Lekeas, Kostas Stathis: An agent development framework based on social positions. SMC (6) 2004: 5461-5466
12EEMark Witkowski, Kostas Stathis: A Dialectic Architecture for Computational Autonomy. Agents and Computational Autonomy 2003: 261-274
11EEUlrich Endriss, Wenjin Lu, Nicolas Maudet, Kostas Stathis: Competent Agents and Customising Protocols. ESAW 2003: 168-181
10EEKostas Stathis, Patrick Purcell: Intelligence and interaction in community-based systems (Part 2). Interacting with Computers 15(1): 1-3 (2003)
9EEFrancesca Toni, Kostas Stathis: Access-as-you-need: A Computational Logic Framework for Accessing Resources in Artificial Societies. ESAW 2002: 126-140
8EEKostas Stathis, Patrick Purcell: Intelligence and interaction in community-based systems. Interacting with Computers 14(6): 639-642 (2002)
7EEKostas Stathis, Oscar de Bruijn, Silvio Macedo: Living memory: agent-based information management for connected local communities. Interacting with Computers 14(6): 663-688 (2002)
6EEKostas Stathis: Internet Commerce Developmnent; Craig Standing. Telematics and Informatics 19(1): 62-63 (2002)
5EEKostas Stathis, Patrick Purcell: Community-based interactive systems. Telematics and Informatics 18(1): 1-4 (2001)
4 Kostas Stathis: A Game-based Architecture for Developing Interactive Components in Computational Logic. Journal of Functional and Logic Programming 2000(5): (2000)
3 E. H. Mamdani, Jeremy Pitt, Kostas Stathis: Connected Communities from the Standpoint of Multi-agent Systems. New Generation Comput. 17(4): 381-393 (1999)
2 Kostas Stathis, Marek J. Sergot: An Abstract Framework for Globalising Interactive Systems. Interacting with Computers 9(4): 401-416 (1998)
1 Kostas Stathis, Marek J. Sergot: Games as a Metaphor for Interactive Systems. BCS HCI 1996: 19-33

Coauthor Index

1Alexander Artikis [32]
2Andrea Bracciali [14] [16] [18] [25]
3Stefano Bromuri [30] [31]
4Oscar de Bruijn [7]
5Christopher Child [20] [23] [28]
6Vasa Curcin [26] [31]
7Neophytos Demetriou [14] [25]
8Ulrich Endriss (Ulle Endriss) [11] [14] [25]
9Jeremy Forth [22] [24]
10Dorian Gaertner [31]
11Moustafa Ghanem [26] [31]
12Mary Grammatikou [31]
13Li Guo [31]
14Yike Guo [26]
15Stella Kafetzoglou [31]
16Antonis C. Kakas [14] [17] [19] [22] [25]
17Christos Kloukinas [27]
18George Lekeas [13] [27]
19Wenjin Lu [11] [14] [25]
20Leonidas Lymberopoulos [31]
21Silvio Macedo [7]
22E. H. Mamdani [3]
23Paolo Mancarella [14] [16] [17] [18] [19]
24Nicolas Maudet [11]
25Peter McBurney [29]
26Jarred McGinnis [29] [31]
27Tim Miller [29]
28Maxime Morge [31]
29Gregory M. P. O'Hare [32]
30Symeon Papavassiliou [31]
31Jeremy V. Pitt (Jeremy Pitt) [3]
32Patrick Purcell [5] [8] [10]
33Fariba Sadri [14] [17] [19] [21]
34Marek J. Sergot [1] [2]
35Giacomo Terreni [14]
36Francesca Toni [9] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [24] [26] [31]
37George A. Vouros [32]
38Mark Witkowski [12]
39Alexander Yip [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)