2004 |
52 | EE | Martin Kavalec,
Alexander Maedche,
Vojtech Svátek:
Discovery of Lexical Entries for Non-taxonomic Relations in Ontology Learning.
SOFSEM 2004: 249-256 |
51 | | Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab:
Ontology Learning.
Handbook on Ontologies 2004: 173-190 |
50 | EE | Ljiljana Stojanovic,
Juergen Schneider,
Alexander Maedche,
Susanne Libischer,
Rudi Studer,
Thomas Lumpp,
Andreas Abecker,
Gerd Breiter,
John Dinger:
The role of ontologies in autonomic computing systems.
IBM Systems Journal 43(3): 598- (2004) |
2003 |
49 | EE | Ljiljana Stojanovic,
Alexander Maedche,
Nenad Stojanovic,
Rudi Studer:
Ontology evolution as reconfiguration-design problem solving.
K-CAP 2003: 162-171 |
48 | | Peter Weiß,
Alexander Maedche:
Towards Adaptive Ontology-Based Virtual Business Networks.
PRO-VE 2003: 297-304 |
47 | | Marc Ehrig,
Alexander Maedche:
Ontology-Focused Crawling of Web Documents.
SAC 2003: 1174-1178 |
46 | | Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab,
Nenad Stojanovic,
Rudi Studer,
York Sure:
SEmantic portAL: The SEAL Approach.
Spinning the Semantic Web 2003: 317-359 |
45 | EE | Liana Razmerita,
Albert A. Angehrn,
Alexander Maedche:
Ontology-Based User Modeling for Knowledge Management Systems.
User Modeling 2003: 213-217 |
44 | EE | Alexander Maedche,
Boris Motik,
Ljiljana Stojanovic,
Rudi Studer,
Raphael Volz:
An infrastructure for searching, reusing and evolving distributed ontologies.
WWW 2003: 439-448 |
43 | | Andreas Hotho,
Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab,
Valentin Zacharias:
On Knowledgeable Unsupervised Text Mining.
Text Mining 2003: 131-152 |
42 | | Alexander Maedche,
Boris Motik:
Repräsentations- und Anfragesprachen für Ontologien - eine Übersicht.
Datenbank-Spektrum 6: 43-53 (2003) |
41 | EE | Steffen Staab,
Wil M. P. van der Aalst,
V. Richard Benjamins,
Amit P. Sheth,
John A. Miller,
Christoph Bussler,
Alexander Maedche,
Dieter Fensel,
Dennis Gannon:
Web Services: Been There, Done That?
IEEE Intelligent Systems 18(1): 72-85 (2003) |
40 | EE | Alexander Maedche,
Boris Motik,
Ljiljana Stojanovic,
Rudi Studer,
Raphael Volz:
Ontologies for Enterprise Knowledge Management.
IEEE Intelligent Systems 18(2): 26-33 (2003) |
39 | EE | Raphael Volz,
Rudi Studer,
Alexander Maedche,
Lauser B.:
Pruning-based Identification of Domain Ontologies.
J. UCS 9(6): 520-529 (2003) |
38 | EE | Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab:
KAON - The Karlsruhe Ontology and Semantic Web Meta Project.
KI 17(3): 27- (2003) |
37 | EE | Alexander Maedche,
Boris Motik,
Ljiljana Stojanovic:
Managing multiple and distributed ontologies on the Semantic Web.
VLDB J. 12(4): 286-302 (2003) |
2002 |
36 | EE | Boris Motik,
Alexander Maedche,
Raphael Volz:
A Conceptual Modeling Approach for Semantics-Driven Enterprise Applications.
CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE 2002: 1082-1099 |
35 | EE | Erol Bozsak,
Marc Ehrig,
Siegfried Handschuh,
Andreas Hotho,
Alexander Maedche,
Boris Motik,
Daniel Oberle,
Christoph Schmitz,
Steffen Staab,
Ljiljana Stojanovic,
Nenad Stojanovic,
Rudi Studer,
Gerd Stumme,
York Sure,
Julien Tane,
Raphael Volz,
Valentin Zacharias:
KAON - Towards a Large Scale Semantic Web.
EC-Web 2002: 304-313 |
34 | EE | Alexander Maedche,
Boris Motik,
Nuno Silva,
Raphael Volz:
MAFRA - A MApping FRAmework for Distributed Ontologies.
EKAW 2002: 235-250 |
33 | EE | Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab:
Measuring Similarity between Ontologies.
EKAW 2002: 251-263 |
32 | EE | Ljiljana Stojanovic,
Alexander Maedche,
Boris Motik,
Nenad Stojanovic:
User-Driven Ontology Evolution Management.
EKAW 2002: 285-300 |
31 | EE | Ljiljana Stojanovic,
Nenad Stojanovic,
Alexander Maedche:
Change Discovery in Ontology-Based Knowledge Management Systems.
ER (Workshops) 2002: 51-62 |
30 | | Alexander Maedche,
Boris Motik,
Ljiljana Stojanovic,
Rudi Studer,
Raphael Volz:
Managing Multiple Ontologies and Ontology Evolution in Ontologging.
Intelligent Information Processing 2002: 51-63 |
29 | EE | Dieter Fensel,
Christoph Bussler,
Alexander Maedche:
Semantic Web Enabled Web Services.
International Semantic Web Conference 2002: 1-2 |
28 | EE | Alexander Maedche:
Web Information Tracking Using Ontologies.
PAKM 2002: 201-212 |
27 | EE | Alexander Maedche,
Valentin Zacharias:
Clustering Ontology-Based Metadata in the Semantic Web.
PKDD 2002: 348-360 |
26 | | Alexander Maedche,
Peter Weiß:
Towards Ontology-Based Smart Organizations.
PRO-VE 2002 |
25 | EE | Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab,
Rudi Studer,
York Sure,
Raphael Volz:
SEAL - Tying Up Information Integration and Web Site Management by Ontologies.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 25(1): 10-17 (2002) |
24 | | Andreas Hotho,
Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab:
Ontology-based Text Document Clustering.
KI 16(4): 48-54 (2002) |
23 | EE | Christoph Bussler,
Dieter Fensel,
Alexander Maedche:
A Conceptual Architecture for Semantic Web Enabled Web Services.
SIGMOD Record 31(4): 24-29 (2002) |
2001 |
22 | | Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab,
Claire Nedellec,
Eduard H. Hovy:
IJCAI'2001 Workshop on Ontology Learning, Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Ontology Learning OL'2001, Seattle, USA, August 4, 2001 (Held in conjunction with the 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI'2001)
CEUR-WS.org 2001 |
21 | EE | Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab,
Nenad Stojanovic,
Rudi Studer,
York Sure:
SEAL - A Framework for Developing SEmantic Web PortALs.
BNCOD 2001: 1-22 |
20 | EE | Andreas Hotho,
Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab:
Text Clustering Based on Good Aggregations.
ICDM 2001: 607-608 |
19 | | Gerd Stumme,
Alexander Maedche:
FCA-MERGE: Bottom-Up Merging of Ontologies.
IJCAI 2001: 225-234 |
18 | EE | Nenad Stojanovic,
Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab,
Rudi Studer,
York Sure:
SEAL: a framework for developing SEmantic PortALs.
K-CAP 2001: 155-162 |
17 | EE | Siegfried Handschuh,
Steffen Staab,
Alexander Maedche:
CREAM: creating relational metadata with a component-based, ontology-driven annotation framework.
K-CAP 2001: 76-83 |
16 | EE | Siegfried Handschuh,
Steffen Staab,
Alexander Maedche:
CREAM: Creating relational metadata with a component-based, ontology-driven annotation framework.
SWWS 2001: 515-528 |
15 | EE | Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab:
Learning Ontologies for the Semantic Web.
SemWeb 2001 |
14 | | Siegfried Handschuh,
Steffen Staab,
Alexander Maedche:
CREAting relational Metadata (CREAM) - a framework for semantic annotation.
The Emerging Semantic Web 2001 |
13 | | Steffen Staab,
Alexander Maedche:
Knowledge Portals: Ontologies at Work.
AI Magazine 22(2): 63-75 (2001) |
12 | | Meike Klettke,
Mathias Bietz,
Ilvio Bruder,
Andreas Heuer,
Denny Priebe,
Günter Neumann,
Markus Becker,
Jochen Bedersdorfer,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab,
Rudi Studer:
GETESS - Ontologien, objektrelationale Datenbanken und Textanalyse als Bausteine einer Semantischen Suchmaschine.
Datenbank-Spektrum 1: 14-24 (2001) |
11 | EE | Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab:
Ontology Learning for the Semantic Web.
IEEE Intelligent Systems 16(2): 72-79 (2001) |
10 | EE | Andreas Hotho,
Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab,
Rudi Studer:
SEAL-II - The Soft Spot between Richly Structured and Unstructured Knowledge.
J. UCS 7(7): 566-590 (2001) |
9 | | Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab,
Rudi Studer:
Wirtschaftsinformatik 43(4): 393-396 (2001) |
2000 |
8 | | Steffen Staab,
Alexander Maedche,
Claire Nedellec,
Peter Wiemer-Hastings:
ECAI'2000 Workshop on Ontology Learning, Proceedings of the First Workshop on Ontology Learning OL'2000, Berlin, Germany, August 25, 2000. Held in conjunction with the 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI'2000, Berlin, Germany
CEUR-WS.org 2000 |
7 | | Steffen Staab,
Jürgen Angele,
Stefan Decker,
Michael Erdmann,
Andreas Hotho,
Alexander Maedche,
Hans-Peter Schnurr,
Rudi Studer,
York Sure:
AI for the Web - Ontology-Based Community Web Portals.
AAAI/IAAI 2000: 1034-1039 |
6 | EE | Alexander Maedche,
Andreas Hotho,
Markus Wiese:
Enhancing Preprocessing in Data-Intensive Domains using Online-Analytical Processing.
DaWaK 2000: 258-264 |
5 | | Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab:
Discovering Conceptual Relations from Text.
ECAI 2000: 321-325 |
4 | EE | Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab:
Mining Ontologies from Text.
EKAW 2000: 189-202 |
3 | EE | Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab:
Ontology Learning from Text.
NLDB 2000: 364 |
2 | EE | York Sure,
Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab:
Leveraging Corporate Skill Knowledge - From ProPer to OntoProPer.
PAKM 2000 |
1 | EE | Steffen Staab,
Jürgen Angele,
Stefan Decker,
Michael Erdmann,
Andreas Hotho,
Alexander Maedche,
Hans-Peter Schnurr,
Rudi Studer,
York Sure:
Semantic community Web portals.
Computer Networks 33(1-6): 473-491 (2000) |