
Nenad Stojanovic

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75EEDarko Anicic, Nenad Stojanovic: Future Internet Collaboration Workflow. FIS 2008: 141-151
74 Darko Anicic, Nenad Stojanovic: Towards Creation of Logical Framework for Event-Driven Information Systems. ICEIS (3-2) 2008: 394-401
73EEIvan Markovic, Alessandro Costa Pereira, Nenad Stojanovic: A Framework for Querying in Business Process Modelling. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008
72EEKioumars Namiri, Nenad Stojanovic: Towards A Formal Framework for Business Process Compliance. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008
71EENenad Stojanovic, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Jun Ma: On the conceptual tag refinement. SAC 2008: 2331-2335
70EEDimitris Apostolou, Stelios Karapiperis, Nenad Stojanovic: On Managing Users' Attention in Knowledge-Intensive Organizations. New Directions in Intelligent Interactive Multimedia 2008: 239-248
69 Martin Hepp, Knut Hinkelmann, Dimitris Karagiannis, Rüdiger Klein, Nenad Stojanovic: Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Business Process and Product Lifecycle Management held in conjunction with the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2007), Innsbruck, Austria, June 7, 2007 CEUR-WS.org 2007
68EEKioumars Namiri, Nenad Stojanovic: A Semantic-based Approach for Compliance Management of Internal Controls in Business Processes. CAiSE Forum 2007
67EEKay-Uwe Schmidt, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Nenad Stojanovic, Susan Thomas: On Enriching Ajax with Semantics: The Web Personalization Use Case. ESWC 2007: 686-700
66 Kioumars Namiri, Nenad Stojanovic: Applying Semantics to Sarbanes Oxley Internal Controls Compliance. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2007: 222-226
65 Kioumars Namiri, M.-M. Kügler, Nenad Stojanovic: A Static Business Level Verification Framework for Cross-Organizational Business Process Models using SWRL. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2007: 232-236
64EEHans-Jörg Happel, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Nenad Stojanovic: Fostering knowledge sharing by inverse search. K-CAP 2007: 181-182
63EENenad Stojanovic, Dimitris Apostolou, Spyridon Ntioudis, Gregoris Mentzas: A semantics-based software framework for ensuring consistent access to up-to-date knowledge resources in Public Administrations. MTSR 2007: 319-328
62EEKioumars Namiri, Nenad Stojanovic: Pattern-Based Design and Validation of Business Process Compliance. OTM Conferences (1) 2007: 59-76
61EEKioumars Namiri, Nenad Stojanovic: A Model-driven Approach for Internal Controls Compliance in Business Processes. SBPM 2007
60EELjiljana Stojanovic, Nenad Stojanovic, Jun Ma: An Approach for Combining Ontology Learning and Semantic Tagging in the Ontology Development Process: eGovernment Use Case. WISE 2007: 249-260
59EEKioumars Namiri, Nenad Stojanovic: Using Control Patterns in Business Processes Compliance. WISE Workshops 2007: 178-190
58EELjiljana Stojanovic, Nenad Stojanovic, Jun Ma: On the Conceptual Tagging: An Ontology Pruning Use Case. Web Intelligence 2007: 344-350
57EEJorn Philipp Knüchel, Nenad Stojanovic: A learning-based hybrid approach for anonymous recommendation. CEC/EEE 2006: 36
56EELjiljana Stojanovic, Nenad Stojanovic, Dimitris Apostolou: Change management in e-government: OntoGov case study. EG 3(1): 74-92 (2006)
55EEMarc Ehrig, Peter Haase, Mark Hefke, Nenad Stojanovic: Similarity for Ontologies - A Comprehensive Framework. ECIS 2005
54 Nenad Stojanovic, Ljiljana Stojanovic: A Change-Aware Framework for the Knowledge Management in eGovernment. EGOV (Workshops and Posters) 2005: 3-10
53EEJens Hartmann, Nenad Stojanovic, Rudi Studer, Lars Schmidt-Thieme: Ontology-Based Query Refinement for Semantic Portals. From Integrated Publication and Information Systems to Virtual Information and Knowledge Environments 2005: 41-50
52 Peter Fankhauser, Norbert Fuhr, Jens Hartmann, Anthony Jameson, Claus-Peter Klas, Stefan Klink, Agnes Koschmider, Sascha Kriewel, Patrick Lehti, Peter Luksch, Ernst W. Mayr, Andreas Oberweis, Paul Ortyl, Stefan Pfingstl, Patrick Reuther, Ute Rusnak, Guido Sautter, Klemens Böhm, André Schaefer, Lars Schmidt-Thieme, Eric Schwarzkopf, Nenad Stojanovic, Rudi Studer, Roland Vollmar, Bernd Walter, Alexander Weber: Fachinformationssystem Informatik (FIS-I) und Semantische Technologien für Informationsportale (SemIPort). GI Jahrestagung (2) 2005: 698-712
51EENenad Stojanovic: On the role of a user's knowledge gap in an information retrieval process. K-CAP 2005: 83-90
50EENenad Stojanovic: Conceptual Query Refinement: The Basic Model. WISE 2005: 404-417
49EENenad Stojanovic: An Approach for Defining Relevance in the Ontology-Based Information Retrieval. Web Intelligence 2005: 359-365
48 Nenad Stojanovic: On the Query Refinement in Searching a Bibliographic Database. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2005: 1329-1346
47EENenad Stojanovic: On the query refinement in the ontology-based searching for information. Inf. Syst. 30(7): 543-563 (2005)
46EENenad Stojanovic: EKAW 2004 . KI 19(1): 71- (2005)
45EENenad Stojanovic: Information-need driven query refinement. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems 3(3): 155-169 (2005)
44EELjiljana Stojanovic, Andreas Abecker, Nenad Stojanovic, Rudi Studer: On Managing Changes in the Ontology-Based E-government. CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE (2) 2004: 1080-1097
43EENenad Stojanovic: On Using Query Neighbourhood for Better Navigation through a Product Catalog: SMART Approach. EEE 2004: 405-412
42EENenad Stojanovic, Rudi Studer: On the Knowledge Level of an On-line Shop Assistant. EKAW 2004: 354-370
41EENenad Stojanovic, Ljiljana Stojanovic: On Modelling Cooperative Retrieval Using an Ontology-Based Query Refinement Process. ER 2004: 434-449
40 Nenad Stojanovic: On discovering user's needs in the ontology-based portals using implicit relevance feedback. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2004: 182-186
39EELjiljana Stojanovic, Andreas Abecker, Nenad Stojanovic, Rudi Studer: Ontology-Based Correlation Engines. ICAC 2004: 304-305
38EENenad Stojanovic: n Ranking Refinements in the Step-by-Step Searching through a Product Catalogue. ICDM 2004: 527-530
37EENenad Stojanovic, Ljiljana Stojanovic: A Logic-Based Approach for Query Refinement in Ontology-Based Information Retrieval S. ICTAI 2004: 450-457
36EENenad Stojanovic: An Approach for Ontology-Enhanced Query Refinement in Information Portals. ICTAI 2004: 531-534
35EENenad Stojanovic: An Approach for the Efficient Retrieval in Ontology-Enhanced Information Portals. PAKM 2004: 414-424
34 Nenad Stojanovic: On Modelling an e-shop Application on the Knowledge Level: e-ShopAgent Approach. SEKE 2004: 232-237
33EENenad Stojanovic, Rudi Studer, Ljiljana Stojanovic: An Approach for Step-By-Step Query Refinement in the Ontology-Based Information Retrieval. Web Intelligence 2004: 36-43
32EENenad Stojanovic: A Logic-Based Approach for Query Refinement. Web Intelligence 2004: 477-480
31EERaphael Volz, Siegfried Handschuh, Steffen Staab, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Nenad Stojanovic: Unveiling the hidden bride: deep annotation for mapping and migrating legacy data to the Semantic Web. J. Web Sem. 1(2): 187-206 (2004)
30EENenad Stojanovic: On the Query Refinement in the Ontology-Based Searching for Information. CAiSE 2003: 324-339
29EELjiljana Stojanovic, Nenad Stojanovic, Jorge Gonzalez, Rudi Studer: OntoManager - A System for the Usage-Based Ontology Management. CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE 2003: 858-875
28EENenad Stojanovic: An Explanation-Based Ranking Approach for Ontology-Based Querying. DEXA 2003: 641-650
27EENenad Stojanovic: On Analysing Query Ambiguity for Query Refinement: The Librarian Agent Approach. ER 2003: 490-505
26 Sudhir Agarwal, Peter Fankhauser, Jorge Gonzalez-Ollala, Jens Hartmann, Silvia Hollfelder, Anthony Jameson, Stefan Klink, Patrick Lehti, Michael Ley, Emma Rabbidge, Eric Schwarzkopf, Nitesh Shrestha, Nenad Stojanovic, Rudi Studer, Gerd Stumme, Bernd Walter, Alexander Weber: Semantic Methods and Tools for Information Portals. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2003: 116-131
25EENenad Stojanovic, Rudi Studer, Ljiljana Stojanovic: An Approach for the Ranking of Query Results in the Semantic Web. International Semantic Web Conference 2003: 500-516
24EELjiljana Stojanovic, Alexander Maedche, Nenad Stojanovic, Rudi Studer: Ontology evolution as reconfiguration-design problem solving. K-CAP 2003: 162-171
23EENenad Stojanovic, Jorge Gonzalez, Ljiljana Stojanovic: ONTOLOGER: a system for usage-driven management of ontology-based information portals. K-CAP 2003: 172-179
22 Alexander Maedche, Steffen Staab, Nenad Stojanovic, Rudi Studer, York Sure: SEmantic portAL: The SEAL Approach. Spinning the Semantic Web 2003: 317-359
21EENenad Stojanovic: On the Role of Query Refinement in Searching for Information: The Librarian Agent Query Refinement Process. WISE 2003: 41-52
20EENenad Stojanovic: On the role of Librarian Agent in ontology-based Knowledge Management Systems. WOW 2003
19EENenad Stojanovic: Information-Need Driven Query Refinement. Web Intelligence 2003: 388-395
18 Nenad Stojanovic: On the role of a Librarian Agent in Ontology-based Knowledge Management Systems. Wissensmanagement 2003: 35-42
17EENenad Stojanovic: On the Role of the Librarian Agent in Ontology-based Knowledge Management Systems. J. UCS 9(7): 697-718 (2003)
16EENenad Stojanovic, Ljiljana Stojanovic: Usage-Oriented Evolution of Ontology-Based Knowledge Management Systems. CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE 2002: 1186-1204
15EEErol Bozsak, Marc Ehrig, Siegfried Handschuh, Andreas Hotho, Alexander Maedche, Boris Motik, Daniel Oberle, Christoph Schmitz, Steffen Staab, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Nenad Stojanovic, Rudi Studer, Gerd Stumme, York Sure, Julien Tane, Raphael Volz, Valentin Zacharias: KAON - Towards a Large Scale Semantic Web. EC-Web 2002: 304-313
14EENenad Stojanovic, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Siegfried Handschuh: Evolution in the ontology-based knowledge management systems. ECIS 2002
13EELjiljana Stojanovic, Alexander Maedche, Boris Motik, Nenad Stojanovic: User-Driven Ontology Evolution Management. EKAW 2002: 285-300
12EELjiljana Stojanovic, Nenad Stojanovic, Alexander Maedche: Change Discovery in Ontology-Based Knowledge Management Systems. ER (Workshops) 2002: 51-62
11 Tanja Sollazzo, Siegfried Handschuh, Steffen Staab, Martin R. Frank, Nenad Stojanovic: Semantic Web Service Architecture -- Evolving Web Service Standards toward the Semantic Web. FLAIRS Conference 2002: 425-429
10 Nenad Stojanovic, Ljiljana Stojanovic: Searching for the Knowledge in the Semantic Web. FLAIRS Conference 2002: 435-439
9 Ljiljana Stojanovic, Nenad Stojanovic, Siegfried Handschuh: Evolution of the Metadata in the Ontology-based Knowledge Management Systems. German Workshop on Experience Management 2002: 65-77
8 Peter Heisig, Martine Callot, Jan Goossenaerts, Kurt Kosanke, John Krogstie, Nenad Stojanovic: Anchoring Knowledge in Business-Process Models to support Interoperability of Virtual Organizations. ICEIMT 2002: 51-60
7 Nenad Stojanovic, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Raphael Volz: A Reverse Engineering Approach for Migrating Data-intensive Web Sites to the Semantic Web. Intelligent Information Processing 2002: 141-154
6EENenad Stojanovic, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Jorge Gonzalez: More Efficient Searching in a Knowledge Portal - An Approach Based on the Analysis of Users' Queries. PAKM 2002: 513-524
5EELjiljana Stojanovic, Nenad Stojanovic, Raphael Volz: Migrating data-intensive web sites into the Semantic Web. SAC 2002: 1100-1107
4EENenad Stojanovic, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Jorge Gonzalez: On Enhancing Searching for Information in an Information Portal by Tracking Users' Activities. WISE Workshops 2002: 246-256
3EEAlexander Maedche, Steffen Staab, Nenad Stojanovic, Rudi Studer, York Sure: SEAL - A Framework for Developing SEmantic Web PortALs. BNCOD 2001: 1-22
2EENenad Stojanovic, Alexander Maedche, Steffen Staab, Rudi Studer, York Sure: SEAL: a framework for developing SEmantic PortALs. K-CAP 2001: 155-162
1 Nenad Stojanovic, Ljiljana Stoiljkovic, D. Milenovic, V. Stoiljkovic: Expert System in Additional Finishing. KI 1997: 401-404

Coauthor Index

1Andreas Abecker [39] [44]
2Sudhir Agarwal [26]
3Darko Anicic [74] [75]
4Dimitris Apostolou [56] [63] [70]
5Klemens Böhm [52]
6Erol Bozsak [15]
7Martine Callot [8]
8Marc Ehrig [15] [55]
9Peter Fankhauser [26] [52]
10Martin R. Frank [11]
11Norbert Fuhr [52]
12Jorge Gonzalez [4] [6] [23] [29]
13Jorge Gonzalez-Ollala [26]
14Jan Goossenaerts [8]
15Peter Haase [55]
16Siegfried Handschuh [9] [11] [14] [15] [31]
17Hans-Jörg Happel [64]
18Jens Hartmann [26] [52] [53]
19Mark Hefke [55]
20Peter Heisig [8]
21Martin Hepp [69]
22Knut Hinkelmann [69]
23Andreas Hotho [15]
24Anthony Jameson [26] [52]
25Dimitris Karagiannis [69]
26Stelios Karapiperis [70]
27Claus-Peter Klas [52]
28Rüdiger Klein [69]
29Stefan Klink [26] [52]
30Jorn Philipp Knüchel [57]
31Kurt Kosanke [8]
32Agnes Koschmider [52]
33Sascha Kriewel [52]
34John Krogstie [8]
35M.-M. Kügler [65]
36Patrick Lehti [26] [52]
37Michael Ley [26]
38Peter Luksch [52]
39Jun Ma [58] [60] [71]
40Alexander Maedche [2] [3] [12] [13] [15] [22] [24]
41Ivan Markovic [73]
42Ernst W. Mayr [52]
43Gregoris Mentzas (Gregory Mentzas) [63]
44D. Milenovic [1]
45Boris Motik [13] [15]
46Kioumars Namiri [59] [61] [62] [65] [66] [68] [72]
47Spyridon Ntioudis [63]
48Daniel Oberle [15]
49Andreas Oberweis [52]
50Paul Ortyl (Pawel Ortyl) [52]
51Alessandro Costa Pereira [73]
52Stefan Pfingstl [52]
53Emma Rabbidge [26]
54Patrick Reuther [52]
55Ute Rusnak [52]
56Guido Sautter [52]
57André Schaefer [52]
58Kay-Uwe Schmidt [67]
59Lars Schmidt-Thieme [52] [53]
60Christoph Schmitz [15]
61Eric Schwarzkopf [26] [52]
62Nitesh Shrestha [26]
63Tanja Sollazzo [11]
64Steffen Staab [2] [3] [11] [15] [22] [31]
65Silvia von Stackelberg (Silvia Hollfelder) [26]
66Ljiljana Stoiljkovic [1]
67V. Stoiljkovic [1]
68Ljiljana Stojanovic [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [23] [24] [25] [29] [31] [33] [37] [39] [41] [44] [54] [56] [58] [60] [64] [67] [71]
69Rudi Studer [2] [3] [15] [22] [24] [25] [26] [29] [33] [39] [42] [44] [52] [53]
70Gerd Stumme [15] [26]
71York Sure [2] [3] [15] [22]
72Julien Tane [15]
73Susan Thomas [67]
74Roland Vollmar [52]
75Raphael Volz [5] [7] [15] [31]
76Bernd Walter [26] [52]
77Alexander Weber [26] [52]
78Valentin Zacharias [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)