2008 | ||
40 | EE | Kai Himstedt, Ulf Lorenz, Dietmar P. F. Möller: A Twofold Distributed Game-Tree Search Approach Using Interconnected Clusters. Euro-Par 2008: 587-598 |
2007 | ||
39 | EE | Jochen Wittmann, Johannes Göbel, Dietmar P. F. Möller, Bernard J. Schroer: Refinement of the virtual intermodal transportation system (VITS) and adoption for metropolitan area traffic simulation. SCSC 2007: 10 |
38 | EE | Dietmar P. F. Möller: Modeling and simulation in analyzing geological repositories for high level nuclear waste. SCSC 2007: 18 |
37 | EE | Lulseged Ayalew, Dietmar P. F. Möller, Gerhard Reik: Using artificial neural networks (ANN) for real time flood forecasting, the Omo River case in southern Ethiopia. SCSC 2007: 19 |
36 | EE | Dietmar P. F. Möller, Hamid Vakilzadian, Roy E. Crosbie: USE_eNET transatlantic e-learning network: follow-up report. SCSC 2007: 22 |
35 | EE | Berhanu Beyene, Dietmar P. F. Möller, Jochen Wittmann: Introducing ICT supported education for sustainable rural development in Ethiopia. SCSC 2007: 23 |
34 | EE | Markus-A. B. W. Bolte, Massoud Najafi, Guido Meier, Dietmar P. F. Möller: Simulating magnetic storage elements: implementation of the micromagnetic model into MATLAB - case study for standardizing simulation environments. SCSC 2007: 525-532 |
33 | EE | Bernard J. Schroer, Gregory A. Harris, Dietmar P. F. Möller: Simulation to evaluate several critical factors effecting manufacturing. SCSC 2007: 587-592 |
32 | EE | Praveen R. Samala, Hamid Vakilzadian, Dietmar P. F. Möller: Modeling and simulation of common primitive operations used in block ciphers. SCSC 2007: 732-737 |
2004 | ||
31 | EE | Peter Roßmeyer, Birgit Koch, Dietmar P. F. Möller: Mobile Autonomous Robots Play Soccer - An Intercultural Comparison of Different Approaches Due to Different Prerequisites. RobuCup 2004: 661-668 |
2003 | ||
30 | EE | Stefan Bergstedt, Stefan Wiegreffe, Jochen Wittmann, Dietmar P. F. Möller: Content Management Systems and e-Learning-Systems - A Symbiosis? ICALT 2003: 155-159 |
29 | EE | Jochen Wittmann, Dietmar P. F. Möller: The Content-Graph as a Basic Data Structure to Manage Authoring- and Learning Processes. ICALT 2003: 310-311 |
2000 | ||
28 | Dietmar P. F. Möller: Virtual reality and simulation in medicine. ESM 2000: 10-17 | |
27 | Dietmar P. F. Möller: Neuro-Fuzzy methodology applied to nonlinear pharmacokinetic processes in medicine. ESM 2000: 639-646 | |
26 | Dietmar P. F. Möller, Angelika Berger: Discrete event simulation based on an artificial neural network simulator. ESM 2000: 686-690 | |
25 | B. Kesper, Dietmar P. F. Möller, E. Godehardt: Virtual reality in surgical procedures. ESM 2000: 788-793 | |
24 | Dietmar P. F. Möller: Componetware; VHDL based embedded controller design methodology. ESM 2000: 794-799 | |
1999 | ||
23 | Matthias Reuter, Dietmar P. F. Möller: Representing the Real-Time Behaviour of Technical Processes in Neural Nets by Using the Phase-Space-Flow of the Degrees of Freedom of the Nets. Fuzzy Days 1999: 589-602 | |
1998 | ||
22 | Richard N. Zobel, Dietmar P. F. Möller: 12th European Simulation Multiconference - Simulation - Past, Present and Future, June 16-19, 1998, Machester, United Kingdom SCS Europe 1998 | |
21 | Jörg Jungblut, Dietmar P. F. Möller: Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Biological Wastewater Treatment Plants. ESM 1998: 377-379 | |
20 | EE | Christian Siemers, Dietmar P. F. Möller: The >S<puter: Introducing a Novel Concept for Dispatching Instructions Using Reconfigurable Hardware. FPL 1998: 510-514 |
1997 | ||
19 | Christian Siemers, Dietmar P. F. Möller: Der>S<puter: Ein dynamisch rekonfigurierbares Mikroarchitekturmodell zur Erreichung des maximalen Instruktionsparallelitätsgrades. ARCS 1997: 133-142 | |
18 | Angelika Berger, Dietmar P. F. Möller, Matthias Reuter: Detection of Sleep with New Preprocessing Methods for EEG Analyzing. Fuzzy Days 1997: 304-310 | |
17 | EE | Jörg Jungblut, M. Sievers, A. Vogelpohl, B. R. Bracio, Dietmar P. F. Möller: Dynamic simulation of wastewater treatment: the process of nitrification. Simul. Pr. Theory 5(7-8): 689-700 (1997) |
1996 | ||
16 | Alfred Winter, Roland Zimmerling, Oliver J. Bott, Stefan Gräber, Wilhelm Hasselbring, Reinhold Haux, Andreas Heinrich, R. Jaeger, Ingo Kock, Dietmar P. F. Möller, Oliver-S. Penger, Jörg Ritter, Arnold Terstappen, Alfred Winter: Das Management von Krankenhausinformationssystemen: Eine Begriffsdefinition. GMDS 1996: 34-38 | |
1995 | ||
15 | Dietmar P. F. Möller: Fuzzy Systems in Modelling and Simulation. EUROSIM 1995: 65-74 | |
14 | A. Vogelpohl, M. Sievers, Dietmar P. F. Möller, B. R. Bracio, Jörg Jungblut: Dynamic Simulation of Wastewater Treatment - The Process of Nitrification. EUROSIM 1995: 915-920 | |
1994 | ||
13 | Dietmar P. F. Möller: Simulation of Complex Dynamical Systems in Medicine and Environment. GI Jahrestagung 1994: 382-389 | |
1991 | ||
12 | Dietmar P. F. Möller, Otto Richter: Analyse dynamischer Systeme in Medizin, Biologie und Ökologie, 4. Ebernburger Gespräch, Bad Münster, 5.-7. April 1990, Proceedings Springer 1991 | |
1988 | ||
11 | G. Altenhoff, P. M. Frank, Dietmar P. F. Möller: Ein belastungsabhängiges pulsatiles Kreislaufmodell zur Untersuchung von Kunstherzregelungen. Simulationstechnik 1988: 494-499 | |
1987 | ||
10 | Dietmar P. F. Möller: Optimierung der Dosierung von Pharmaka mittels Kompartmentmodellen. Simulationstechnik 1987: 602-607 | |
9 | Dietmar P. F. Möller: Simulationstechnik komplexer Bioprozesse und mögliche Erweiterungen durch wissensbasierte Simulation. Simulationstechnik 1987: 625-630 | |
1985 | ||
8 | Dietmar P. F. Möller: Simulationstechnik, 3. Symposium Simulationstechnik, Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg, 24.-26. September 1985, Proceedings Springer 1985 | |
7 | Dietmar P. F. Möller, Vaclav Pohl, Thomas Sikora, Ewald Hennig: Simulation eines ungeregelten pulsatilen Modelles des Herzkreislaufsystems. Simulationstechnik 1985: 346-349 | |
6 | Dietmar P. F. Möller: Computersimulation der renalen Hämodynamik. Simulationstechnik 1985: 366-370 | |
1984 | ||
5 | Dietmar P. F. Möller, Kiichi Tsuchiya: Mathematical and Mechanical Circulatory Simulators Applied to Heart Replacement Systems. Simulationstechnik 1984: 365-369 | |
4 | Dietmar P. F. Möller: Ein mathematisches Modell zur Simulation der Hypertonie. Simulationstechnik 1984: 379-382 | |
1983 | ||
3 | Dietmar P. F. Möller, Ewald Hennig: A Nonlinear Circulatory Model for Artificial Heart Studies. ESC 1983: 466-473 | |
2 | Dietmar P. F. Möller: Modelling and Simulation of the Longterm Behaviour of Arterial Pressure Regulation with the Aid of a Block - Diagrammed Interactive Simulation System. ESC 1983: 486-491 | |
1982 | ||
1 | Dietmar P. F. Möller: Modellbildung und Simulation des kardiovaskulären Systems unter Einsatz eines blockorientierten interaktiven digitalen Programmsystems. Simulationstechnik 1982: 360-365 |