
Yansheng Luo

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3EERakesh Vattikonda, Yansheng Luo, Alex Gyure, Xiaoning Qi, Sam C. Lo, Mahmoud Shahram, Yu Cao, Kishore Singhal, Dino Toffolon: A New Simulation Method for NBTI Analysis in SPICE Environment. ISQED 2007: 41-46
2EEXiaoning Qi, Alex Gyure, Yansheng Luo, Sam C. Lo, Mahmoud Shahram, Kishore Singhal: Measurement and characterization of pattern dependent process variations of interconnect resistance, capacitance and inductance in nanometer technologies. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2006: 14-18
1EEShabbir H. Batterywala, Rohit Ananthakrishna, Yansheng Luo, Alex Gyure: A Statistical Method for Fast and Accurate Capacitance Extraction in the Presence of Floating Dummy Fills. VLSI Design 2006: 129-134

Coauthor Index

1Rohit Ananthakrishna [1]
2Shabbir H. Batterywala [1]
3Yu Cao [3]
4Alex Gyure [1] [2] [3]
5Sam C. Lo [2] [3]
6Xiaoning Qi [2] [3]
7Mahmoud Shahram [2] [3]
8Kishore Singhal [2] [3]
9Dino Toffolon [3]
10Rakesh Vattikonda [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)