
Cristina Botella

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13EECristina Botella, Azucena Garcia-Palacios, Rosa María Baños, Soledad Quero: Cybertherapy: Advantages, Limitations, and Ethical Issues. PsychNology Journal 7(1): 77-100 (2009)
12EEM. Carmen Juan Lizandra, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Jérôme Calatrava, Irene Zaragozá, Rosa María Baños, Cristina Botella: An Optical See-Through Augmented Reality System for the Treatment of Phobia to Small Animals. HCI (14) 2007: 651-659
11EEMariano Alcañiz Raya, Cristina Botella, Beatriz Rey, Rosa María Baños, José Antonio Lozano, Nuria Lasso de la Vega, Diana Castilla, Javier Montesa, Antonio Hospitaler: EMMA: An Adaptive Display for Virtual Therapy. HCI (16) 2007: 258-265
10EECristina Botella, Rosa María Baños, Beatriz Rey, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, V. Guillen, Soledad Quero, Azucena Garcia-Palacios: Using an adaptive display for the treatment of emotional disorders: a preliminary analysis of effectiveness. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 586-591
9EERosa María Baños, Víctor Liaño, Cristina Botella, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Belén Guerrero, Beatriz Rey: Changing Induced Moods Via Virtual Reality. PERSUASIVE 2006: 7-15
8EEM. Carmen Juan Lizandra, Rosa María Baños, Cristina Botella, David Pérez, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Carlos Monserrat Aranda: An Augmented Reality System for the Treatment of Acrophobia: The Sense of Presence Using Immersive Photography. Presence 15(4): 393-402 (2006)
7EECristina Botella, Rosa María Baños, Belén Guerrero, Azucena Garcia-Palacios, Soledad Quero, Mariano Alcañiz Raya: Using a Flexible Virtual Environment for Treating a Storm Phobia. PsychNology Journal 4(2): 129-144 (2006)
6EEM. Carmen Juan Lizandra, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Carlos Monserrat, Cristina Botella, Rosa María Baños, Belén Guerrero: Using Augmented Reality to Treat Phobias. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 25(6): 31-37 (2005)
5EEBeatriz Rey, Javier Montesa, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Rosa María Baños, Cristina Botella: A Preliminary Study on the Use of an Adaptive Display for the Treatment of Emotional Disorders. PsychNology Journal 3(1): 101-112 (2005)
4EERosa María Baños, Cristina Botella, Belén Guerrero, Víctor Liaño, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Beatriz Rey: The Third Pole of the Sense of Presence: Comparing Virtual and Imagery Spaces. PsychNology Journal 3(1): 90-100 (2005)
3EEM. Carmen Juan Lizandra, Cristina Botella, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Rosa María Baños, Carolina Carrion Benedito, M. Melero, José Antonio Lozano: An Augmented Reality System for Treating Psychological Disorders: Application to Phobia to Cockroaches. ISMAR 2004: 256-257
2EEMariano Alcañiz Raya, Rosa María Baños, Cristina Botella, Beatriz Rey: The EMMA Project: Emotions as a Determinant of Presence. PsychNology Journal 1(2): 141-150 (2003)
1 Rosa María Baños, Cristina Botella, C. Perpina, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, José Antonio Lozano, Jorge Osma, M. Gallardo: Virtual reality treatment of flying phobia. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 6(3): 206-212 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Carlos Monserrat Aranda (Carlos Monserrat) [6] [8]
2Rosa María Baños [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
3Carolina Carrion Benedito [3]
4Jérôme Calatrava [12]
5Diana Castilla [11]
6M. Gallardo [1]
7Azucena Garcia-Palacios [7] [10] [13]
8Belén Guerrero [4] [6] [7] [9]
9V. Guillen [10]
10Antonio Hospitaler [11]
11Víctor Liaño [4] [9]
12M. Carmen Juan Lizandra [3] [6] [8] [12]
13José Antonio Lozano (Jose Antonio Lozano) [1] [3] [11]
14M. Melero [3]
15Javier Montesa [5] [11]
16Jorge Osma [1]
17David Pérez [8]
18C. Perpina [1]
19Soledad Quero [7] [10] [13]
20Mariano Alcañiz Raya [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
21Beatriz Rey [2] [4] [5] [9] [10] [11]
22Nuria Lasso de la Vega [11]
23Irene Zaragozá [12]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)