
José Gabriel Pereira Lopes

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37 Gaël Dias, Elsa Alves, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Topic Segmentation Algorithms for Text Summarization and Passage Retrieval: An Exhaustive Evaluation. AAAI 2007: 1334-1339
36EEPablo Gamallo, Alexandre Agustini, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Acquiring Semantic Classes to Elaborate Attachment Heuristics. EPIA 2003: 479-487
35EEAlexandre Agustini, Pablo Gamallo, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Assessment of Selection Restrictions Acquisition. SBIA 2002: 407-417
34EEPablo Gamallo, Alexandre Agustini, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Selection Restrictions Acquisition from Corpora. EPIA 2001: 30-43
33EEJoaquim Ferreira da Silva, João Mexia, Carlos Agra Coelho, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Multilingual Document Clustering, Topic Extraction and Data Transformations. EPIA 2001: 74-87
32EEJoaquim Ferreira da Silva, João Mexia, Carlos Agra Coelho, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Document Clustering and Cluster Topic Extraction in Multilingual Corpora. ICDM 2001: 513-520
31EENuno M. C. Marques, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Tagging with Small Training Corpora. IDA 2001: 63-72
30EEAlexandre Agustini, Pablo Gamallo, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Selection Restrictions Acquisition for Parsing and Information Retrieval Improvement. INAP 2001: 466-479
29EEAlexandre Agustini, Pablo Gamallo, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Selection Restrictions Acquisition for Parsing Improvement. INAP (LNCS Volume) 2001: 129-146
28EEPablo Gamallo, Caroline Gasperin, Alexandre Agustini, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Syntactic-Based Methods for Measuring Word Similarity. TSD 2001: 116-125
27 Vitor Jorge Rocio, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie: Tabulation for Multi-Purpose Partial Parsing. Grammars 4(1): 41-65 (2001)
26EEAntónio Ribeiro, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes, João Mexia: Using Confidence Bands for Parallel Texts Alignment. ACL 2000
25EEAntónio Ribeiro, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes, João Mexia: A Self-Learning Method of Parallel Texts Alignment. AMTA 2000: 30-39
24 António Ribeiro, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes, João Mexia: Linear Regression Based Alignment of Parallel Texts Using Homograph Words. ECAI 2000: 446-450
23EEBerilhes Borges Garcia, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Flávio Varejão: Compiling Default Theory int Extended Logic Programming. IBERAMIA-SBIA 2000: 207-216
22EEAntónio Ribeiro, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes, João Mexia: Extracting Equivalents from Aligned Parallel Texts: Comparison of Measures of Similarity. IBERAMIA-SBIA 2000: 339-349
21EEJoão Balsa, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: A Distributed Approach for a Robust and Evolving NLP System. Natural Language Processing 2000: 151-161
20 António Ribeiro, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes, João Mexia: Aligning Portuguese and Chinese Parallel Texts Using Confidence Bands. PRICAI 2000: 627-637
19 Gaël Dias, Sylvie Guilloré, Jean-Claude Bassano, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Combining Linguistics with statistics for multiword term extraction: a fruitfull association? RIAO 2000: 1473-1491
18EENuno Miguel Marques, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Carlos Agra Coelho: Mining subcategorization information by using multiple feature loglinear models. CLIN 1999
17EEGaël Dias, Spela Vintar, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Sylvie Guilloré: Normalising the IJS-ELAN Slovene-English Parallel Corpus for the Extraction of Multilingual Terminology. CLIN 1999
16 Joaquim Ferreira da Silva, Gaël Dias, Sylvie Guilloré, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Using LocalMaxs Algorithm for the Extraction of Contiguous and Non-contiguous Multiword Lexical Units. EPIA 1999: 113-132
15EEJosé Gabriel Pereira Lopes, João Balsa: Overcoming Incomplete Information in NLP Systems - Verb Subcategorization. AIMSA 1998: 331-340
14 Michael da Costa Móra, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Rosa Maria Vicari, Helder Coelho: BDI Models and Systems: Bridging the Gap. ATAL 1998: 11-27
13 Berilhes Borges Garcia, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Introducing Plausibility Measures in the Process of belief Revision through Extended Logic Programs. ECAI 1998: 378-382
12 Nuno Miguel Marques, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Carlos Agra Coelho: Learning Verbal Transitivity Using LogLinear Models. ECML 1998: 19-24
11 Berilhes Borges Garcia, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Incorporating Specificity in Extended Logic Programs for Belief Revision. FLAIRS Conference 1998: 215-219
10 Nuno Miguel Marques, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Carlos Agra Coelho: Using Loglinear Clustering for Subcategorization Identification. PKDD 1998: 379-387
9 Berilhes Borges Garcia, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Paulo Quaresma: Modelling Credulity and Skepticism through Plausibility Measures. SBIA 1998: 171-180
8 Raul Sidnei Wazlawick, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: A Massively Parallel Architecture for Natural Language Parsing - Some results. SBIA 1998: 93-100
7 Michael da Costa Móra, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Helder Coelho, Rosa Maria Vicari: Modelling Dynamic Aspects of Intentions. EPIA 1997: 179-194
6 José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Combining Natural Language Understanding and Information retrieval for Flexible Hypertext Navigation (Abstract). SBIA 1996: 233
5 Aline Villavicencio, Nuno M. C. Marques, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Fabio Villavicencio: Part-of-Speech Tagging for Portuguese Texts. SBIA 1995: 323-332
4 Irene Pimenta Rodrigues, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: A System for Text Temporal Information Retrieval. AIMSA 1992: 181-190
3 Paulo Quaresma, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: A Two-Headed Architecture for Intelligent Multimedia Man-Machine Interaction. AIMSA 1992: 223-232
2EEIrene Pimenta Rodrigues, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Temporal Structure of Discourse. COLING 1992: 331-337
1 José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Architecture for Intentional Participation of Natural Language Interfaces in Conversations. Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming Workshop 1991: 261-279

Coauthor Index

1Alexandre Agustini [28] [29] [30] [34] [35] [36]
2Elsa Alves [37]
3João Balsa [15] [21]
4Jean-Claude Bassano [19]
5Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie [27]
6Carlos Agra Coelho [10] [12] [18] [32] [33]
7Helder Coelho [7] [14]
8Gaël Dias [16] [17] [19] [37]
9Pablo Gamallo [28] [29] [30] [34] [35] [36]
10Berilhes Borges Garcia [9] [11] [13] [23]
11Caroline Gasperin [28]
12Sylvie Guilloré [16] [17] [19]
13Nuno M. C. Marques [5] [31]
14Nuno Miguel Marques [10] [12] [18]
15João Mexia [20] [22] [24] [25] [26] [32] [33]
16Michael da Costa Móra [7] [14]
17Paulo Quaresma [3] [9]
18António Ribeiro [20] [22] [24] [25] [26]
19Vitor Jorge Rocio [27]
20Irene Pimenta Rodrigues [2] [4]
21Joaquim Ferreira da Silva [16] [32] [33]
22Flávio Varejão [23]
23Rosa Maria Vicari (Rosa Vicari, Rosa Maria Viccari) [7] [14]
24Aline Villavicencio [5]
25Fabio Villavicencio [5]
26Spela Vintar [17]
27Raul Sidnei Wazlawick [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)