
Gabriel Lipsa

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3EEGabriel Lipsa: Routing strategy for minimizing the packet loss in disruptive tolerant networks. CISS 2008: 1167-1172
2 Gabriel Lipsa, Andreas Herkersdorf, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, Oliver Bringmann, Walter Stechele: Towards a Framework and a Design Methodology for Autonomous SoC. ARCS Workshops 2005: 101-108
1EEGabriel Lipsa, Andreas Herkersdorf, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, Oliver Bringmann, Walter Stechele: Towards a Framework and a Design Methodology for Autonomic SoC. ICAC 2005: 391-392

Coauthor Index

1Oliver Bringmann [1] [2]
2Andreas Herkersdorf [1] [2]
3Wolfgang Rosenstiel [1] [2]
4Walter Stechele [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)