
Zhenbo Li

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7EEGérard Chollet, Anna Esposito, Annie Gentes, Patrick Horain, Walid Karam, Zhenbo Li, Catherine Pelachaud, Patrick Perrot, Dijana Petrovska-Delacrétaz, Dianle Zhou, Leila Zouari: Multimodal Human Machine Interactions in Virtual and Augmented Reality. COST 2102 School (Vietri) 2008: 1-23
6EEYiliang Jin, Jiapin Chen, Zhenbo Li: Dynamic Modeling, Control and Simulation with Slip for an Omnidirectional Mobile Microrobot. ICIRA (1) 2008: 911-920
5EEJianghao Li, Zhenbo Li, Jiapin Chen: Reinforcement Learning Based Precise Positioning Method for a Millimeters-Sized Omnidirectional Mobile Microrobot. ICIRA (1) 2008: 943-952
4EEJianghao Li, Zhenbo Li, Jiapin Chen: An omni-directional mobile millimeter-sized microrobot with 3-mm electromagnetic micromotors for a micro-factory. Advanced Robotics 21(12): 1369-1391 (2007)
3EEZhenbo Li, Yu Deng, Hua Li: Generating Different Realistic Humanoid Motion. ICAT 2006: 77-84
2EEJun Yue, Zhenbo Li, Zetian Fu: Ontology-based Vegetable Supply Chain Knowledge Searching System. ISDA (1) 2006: 810-815
1EEZhenbo Li, Jiapin Chen, Jianzhi Feng: Design of an omni-directional mobile microrobot (OMMR-I) for a micro-factory with 2 mm electromagnetic micromotors. Robotica 23(1): 45-49 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Jiapin Chen [1] [4] [5] [6]
2Gérard Chollet [7]
3Yu Deng [3]
4Anna Esposito [7]
5Jianzhi Feng [1]
6Zetian Fu [2]
7Annie Gentes [7]
8Patrick Horain [7]
9Yiliang Jin [6]
10Walid Karam [7]
11Hua Li [3]
12Jianghao Li [4] [5]
13Catherine Pelachaud [7]
14Patrick Perrot [7]
15Dijana Petrovska-Delacrétaz [7]
16Jun Yue [2]
17Dianle Zhou [7]
18Leila Zouari [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)