
Xiang-Yang Li

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120EEWen-Zhan Song, Weizhao Wang, Kousha Moaveninejad, Xiang-Yang Li: Lifetime-maximized cluster association in two-tiered wireless sensor networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 9(3): 325-334 (2009)
119 Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang: Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Foundations of Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking and Computing, FOWANC 2008, Hong Kong, China, May 26, 2008 ACM 2008
118EEXiang-Yang Li, Ping Xu, ShaoJie Tang, Xiaowen Chu: Spectrum Bidding in Wireless Networks and Related. COCOON 2008: 558-567
117EEKazuya Okamoto, Wei Chen, Xiang-Yang Li: Ranking of Closeness Centrality for Large-Scale Social Networks. FAW 2008: 186-195
116EEShi Li, Yunhao Liu, Xiang-Yang Li: Capacity of large scale wireless networks under Gaussian channel model. MOBICOM 2008: 140-151
115EEXuFei Mao, Xiang-Yang Li, ShaoJie Tang: Multicast capacity for hybrid wireless networks. MobiHoc 2008: 189-198
114EEXiang-Yang Li, Yanwei Wu, Ping Xu, Guihai Chen, Mo Li: Hidden information and actions in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks. MobiHoc 2008: 283-292
113EEWen-Zhan Song, Xiang-Yang Li, Weizhao Wang: Degree-Bounded Planar Spanner with Low Weight. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
112EEPeng-Jun Wan, Xiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder: Minimum Energy Cost Broadcasting in Wireless Networks. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
111EEWeizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Xiaowen Chu: Nash Equilibria and Dominant Strategies in Routing. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
110EEWeizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang: Truthful Multicast. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
109EEYu Wang, Weizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li: Weighted Connected Dominating Set. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
108 Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Wen-Zhan Song, Yanwei Wu, Jizhong Zhao: Efficient Throughput for Wireless Mesh Networks by CDMA/OVSF Code Assignment. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 5(3-4): 265-291 (2008)
107EEWeizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang, Zheng Sun: Designing Multicast Protocols for Non-Cooperative Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(7): 1238-1249 (2008)
106EEYu Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Qian Zhang: Efficient Algorithms for p-Self-Protection Problem in Static Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(10): 1426-1438 (2008)
105EEYu Wang, Weizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Wen-Zhan Song: Interference-Aware Joint Routing and TDMA Link Scheduling for Static Wireless Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(12): 1709-1726 (2008)
104EEFan Li, Yu Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Ashraf Nusairat, Yanwei Wu: Gateway Placement for Throughput Optimization in Wireless Mesh Networks. MONET 13(1-2): 198-211 (2008)
103 Ming-Yang Kao, Xiang-Yang Li: Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management, Third International Conference, AAIM 2007, Portland, OR, USA, June 6-8, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
102EEWeizhao Wang, Wen-Zhan Song, Xiang-Yang Li, Kousha Moaveninejad: Optimal Cluster Association in Two-Tiered Wireless Sensor Networks. DCOSS 2007: 110-123
101EEYi Hu, Xiang-Yang Li, Haiming Chen, Xiaohua Jia: Distributed Call Admission Protocol for Multi-Channel Multi-Radio Wireless Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 2509-2513
100EEYu Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Qian Zhang: Efficient Self Protection Algorithms for Static Wireless Sensor Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 931-935
99EEXiaowen Chu, Tianming Bu, Xiang-Yang Li: A Study of Lightpath Rerouting Schemes in Wavelength-Routed WDM Networks. ICC 2007: 2400-2405
98EEFan Li, Yu Wang, Xiang-Yang Li: Gateway Placement for Throughput Optimization in Wireless Mesh Networks. ICC 2007: 4955-4960
97EEChien-Chung Huang, Ming-Yang Kao, Xiang-Yang Li, Weizhao Wang: Using Nash Implementation to Achieve Better Frugality Ratios. ISAAC 2007: 377-389
96EEPeng-Jun Wan, Xiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder: OVSF-CDMA Code Assignment in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Algorithmica 49(4): 264-285 (2007)
95EELevente Buttyán, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Li Li, Xiang-Yang Li, Tim Roughgarden, Alberto Leon-Garcia: Guest Editorial Non-Cooperative Behavior in Networking. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25(6): 1065-1068 (2007)
94EEYu Wang, Xiang-Yang Li: Efficient Delaunay-based localized routing for wireless sensor networks. Int. J. Communication Systems 20(7): 767-789 (2007)
93EEMing-Yang Kao, Xiang-Yang Li, Weizhao Wang: Average case analysis for tree labelling schemes. Theor. Comput. Sci. 378(3): 271-291 (2007)
92EEHui Li, Xiang-Yang Li, Jie Gu: A New Algorithm of Similarity Measuring for Multi-experts' Qualitative Knowledge Based on Outranking Relations in Case-Based Reasoning Methodology. IDEAL 2006: 637-644
91EESabyasachi Roy, Y. Charlie Hu, Dimitrios Peroulis, Xiang-Yang Li: Minimum-Energy Broadcast Using Practical Directional Antennas in All-Wireless Networks. INFOCOM 2006
90EEKiyoko F. Aoki-Kinoshita, Minoru Kanehisa, Ming-Yang Kao, Xiang-Yang Li, Weizhao Wang: A 6-Approximation Algorithm for Computing Smallest Common AoN-Supertree with Application to the Reconstruction of Glycan Trees. ISAAC 2006: 100-110
89EEWeizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder, Yu Wang, Wen-Zhan Song: Efficient interference-aware TDMA link scheduling for static wireless networks. MOBICOM 2006: 262-273
88EEWeizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Stephan Eidenbenz, Yu Wang: OURS: optimal unicast routing systems in non-cooperative wireless networks. MOBICOM 2006: 402-413
87EEChungui Liu, Yantai Shu, Lianfang Zhang, Zenghua Zhao, Xiang-Yang Li: A Multi-layer Approach to Support Multimedia Communication in Mesh Networks with QoS. MSN 2006: 392-403
86EEXiang-Yang Li, K. W. Chau, Chun-Tian Cheng, Y. S. Li: A Web-based flood forecasting system for Shuangpai region. Advances in Engineering Software 37(3): 146-158 (2006)
85EEWeizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Zheng Sun: Design differentiated service multicast with selfish agents. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(5): 1061-1073 (2006)
84EEWeizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li: Low-Cost Routing in Selfish and Rational Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 5(5): 596-607 (2006)
83EEWen-Zhan Song, Xiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder, Weizhao Wang: Localized Topology Control for Unicast and Broadcast in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(4): 321-334 (2006)
82EEYu Wang, Weizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li: Efficient Distributed Low-Cost Backbone Formation for Wireless Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(7): 681-693 (2006)
81EEChih-Wei Yi, Peng-Jun Wan, Xiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder: Asymptotic distribution of the number of isolated nodes in wireless ad hoc networks with Bernoulli nodes. IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(3): 510-517 (2006)
80EEYu Wang, Xiang-Yang Li: Minimum power assignment in wireless ad hoc networks with spanner property. J. Comb. Optim. 11(1): 99-112 (2006)
79EEXiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang: Simple approximation algorithms and PTASs for various problems in wireless ad hoc networks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 66(4): 515-530 (2006)
78EEYu Wang, Xiang-Yang Li: Localized Construction of Bounded Degree and Planar Spanner for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. MONET 11(2): 161-175 (2006)
77EEXiang-Yang Li, Wen-Zhan Song, Yu Wang: Localized topology control for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. TOSN 2(1): 129-153 (2006)
76 Weizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li: Towards Truthful Mechanisms for Binary Demand Games: A General Framework. AAAI 2005: 1632-1635
75EEWeizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Zheng Sun: Design DiffServ Multicast with Selfish Agents. AAIM 2005: 214-223
74EEZheng Sun, Xiang-Yang Li, Weizhao Wang, Xiaowen Chu: Mechanism Design for Set Cover Games When Elements Are Agents. AAIM 2005: 360-369
73EEMing-Yang Kao, Xiang-Yang Li, Weizhao Wang: Towards truthful mechanisms for binary demand games: a general framework. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2005: 213-222
72EEChuntian Cheng, Kwok-wing Chau, Gang Li, Xiang-Yang Li: Collaborative Web Application for Flood Control System of Reservoirs. APWeb 2005: 364-374
71EEXiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan: Theoretically Good Distributed CDMA/OVSF Code Assignment for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. COCOON 2005: 126-135
70EEWeizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Zheng Sun: Share the Multicast Payment Fairly. COCOON 2005: 210-219
69EEWeizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Zheng Sun, Yu Wang: Design multicast protocols for non-cooperative networks. INFOCOM 2005: 1596-1607
68EEMing-Yang Kao, Xiang-Yang Li, Weizhao Wang: Average Case Analysis for Tree Labelling Schemes. ISAAC 2005: 136-145
67EEXiang-Yang Li, Wen-Zhan Song, Weizhao Wang: A unified energy-efficient topology for unicast and broadcast. MOBICOM 2005: 1-15
66EEYu Wang, Weizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li: Distributed low-cost backbone formation for wireless ad hoc networks. MobiHoc 2005: 2-13
65 Zheng Sun, Philip S. Yu, Xiang-Yang Li: Iterative Mining for Rules with Constrained Antecedents. SDM 2005
64EEXiang-Yang Li, Zheng Sun, Weizhao Wang: Cost Sharing and Strategyproof Mechanisms for Set Cover Games. STACS 2005: 218-230
63EEWeizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Xiaowen Chu: Nash Equilibria and Dominant Strategies in Routing. WINE 2005: 979-988
62 Kousha Moaveninejad, Xiang-Yang Li: Low-Interference Topology Control for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 1(1-2): (2005)
61EEKousha Moaveninejad, Wen-Zhan Song, Xiang-Yang Li: Robust position-based routing for wireless ad hoc networks. Ad Hoc Networks 3(5): 546-559 (2005)
60EEWen-Zhan Song, Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang, Weizhao Wang: dBBlue: low diameter and self-routing Bluetooth scatternet. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 65(2): 178-190 (2005)
59EEXiang-Yang Li, Kousha Moaveninejad, Ophir Frieder: Regional Gossip Routing for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. MONET 10(1-2): 61-77 (2005)
58EEWen-Zhan Song, Yu Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder: Localized Algorithms for Energy Efficient Topology in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. MONET 10(6): 911-923 (2005)
57EEXiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder, Xiaohua Jia, Yantai Shu: MONET Special Issue on Non-Cooperative Wireless Networking and Computing. MONET 10(6): 927-928 (2005)
56EEXiang-Yang Li, Wen-Zhan Song, Yu Wang: Efficient Topology Control for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks with Non-Uniform Transmission Ranges. Wireless Networks 11(3): 255-264 (2005)
55EEPeng-Jun Wan, Gruia Calinescu, Xiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder: Erratum: Minimum-Energy Broadcast in Static Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Wireless Networks 11(4): 531-533 (2005)
54EEXiang-Yang Li: Localized Construction of Low Weighted Structure and Its Applications in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Wireless Networks 11(6): 697-708 (2005)
53EEPeng-Jun Wan, Xiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder: OVSF-CDMA code assignment in wireless ad hoc networks. DIALM-POMC 2004: 92-101
52 Wen-Zhan Song, Xiang-Yang Li: CBRBrain: Provide Content Based Routing Service Over Internet Backbone. ICCCN 2004: 101-106
51 Weizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder: k-Anycast Game in Selfish Networks. ICCCN 2004: 289-294
50EEKousha Moaveninejad, Wen-Zhan Song, Xiang-Yang Li: Position-Based Routing for Heterogeneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2004: 710-715
49EEXiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang, Peng-Jun Wan, Ophir Frieder: Localized Low Weight Graph and Its Applications in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. INFOCOM 2004
48EEWeizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li: Truthful Low-Cost Unicast in Selfish Wireless Networks. IPDPS 2004
47EEYu Wang, Ivan Stojmenovic, Xiang-Yang Li: Bluetooth scatternet formation for single-hop ad hoc networks based on virtual positions. ISCC 2004: 170-175
46EEWeizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang: Truthful multicast routing in selfish wireless networks. MOBICOM 2004: 245-259
45EEWen-Zhan Song, Yu Wang, Xiang-Yang Li: Localized algorithms for energy efficient topology in wireless ad hoc networks. MobiHoc 2004: 98-108
44EEXiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang, Wen-Zhan Song: Applications of k-Local MST for Topology Control and Broadcasting in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 15(12): 1057-1069 (2004)
43EEXiang-Yang Li, Ivan Stojmenovic, Yu Wang: Partial Delaunay Triangulation and Degree Limited Localized Bluetooth Scatternet Formation. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 15(4): 350-361 (2004)
42EEXiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang: Efficient construction of low weighted bounded degree planar spanner. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 14(1-2): 69-84 (2004)
41EEXiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Yu Wang, Chih-Wei Yi: Fault tolerant deployment and topology control in wireless ad hoc networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 4(1): 109-125 (2004)
40 Weizhao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang, Wen-Zhan Song: The spanning ratios of beta-Skeleton. CCCG 2003: 35-38
39EEXiang-Yang Li: Approximate MST for UDG Locally. COCOON 2003: 364-373
38EEXiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang: Efficient Construction of Low Weight Bounded Degree Planar Spanner. COCOON 2003: 374-384
37EEWen-Zhan Song, Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang, Weizhao Wang: dBBlue: low diameter and self-routing bluetooth scatternet. DIALM-POMC 2003: 22-31
36EEYu Wang, Xiang-Yang Li: Localized construction of bounded degree and planar spanner for wireless ad hoc networks. DIALM-POMC 2003: 59-68
35EEXiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang: Efficient Localized Routing for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2003: 691-696
34EEXiang-Yang Li, Kousha Moaveninejad, Ophir Frieder: Regional Gossip Routing for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. LCN 2003: 274-275
33EEXiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Yu Wang, Chih-Wei Yi: Fault tolerant deployment and topology control in wireless networks. MobiHoc 2003: 117-128
32EESanjiv Kapoor, Xiang-Yang Li: Proximity Structures for Geometric Graphs. WADS 2003: 365-376
31EEXiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Ophir Frieder: Coverage in Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 52(6): 753-763 (2003)
30EEXiang-Yang Li, Gruia Calinescu, Peng-Jun Wan, Yu Wang: Localized Delaunay Triangulation with Application in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 14(10): 1035-1047 (2003)
29EEKhaled M. Alzoubi, Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang, Peng-Jun Wan, Ophir Frieder: Geometric Spanners for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 14(4): 408-421 (2003)
28EEYu Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder: Distributed Spanners with Bounded Degree for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 14(2): 183-200 (2003)
27EEXiang-Yang Li: Generating well-shaped d-dimensional Delaunay Meshes. Theor. Comput. Sci. 296(1): 145-165 (2003)
26EEXiang-Yang Li: Algorithmic, geometric and graphs issues in wireless networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3(2): 119-140 (2003)
25EEXiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang: Simple heuristics and PTASs for intersection graphs in wireless ad hoc networks. DIAL-M 2002: 62-71
24EEXiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Yu Wang, Ophir Frieder: Sparse Power Efficient Topology for Wireless Networks. HICSS 2002: 296
23EEYu Wang, Xiang-Yang Li: Geometric Spanners for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. ICDCS 2002: 171-
22EEXiang-Yang Li, Gruia Calinescu, Peng-Jun Wan: Distributed Construction of Planar Spanner and Routing for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. INFOCOM 2002
21EEYu Wang, Xiang-Yang Li: Distributed Spanner with Bounded Degree for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. IPDPS 2002
20EEXiang-Yang Li, Liwu Liu, Peng-Jun Wan, Ophir Frieder: Practical traffic grooming scheme for single-hub SONET/WDM rings. J. High Speed Networks 11(2): 103-119 (2002)
19 Peng-Jun Wan, Gruia Calinescu, Xiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder: Minimum-Energy Broadcasting in Static Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Wireless Networks 8(6): 607-617 (2002)
18EEXiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang: How Good Is Sink Insertion? COCOON 2001: 181-190
17EEXiang-Yang Li: Generating Well-Shaped d-dimensional Delaunay Meshes. COCOON 2001: 91-100
16EEPeng-Jun Wan, Gruia Calinescu, Xiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder: Minimum-Energy Broadcast Routing in Static Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. INFOCOM 2001: 1162-1171
15EEXiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan: Constructing minimum energy mobile wireless networks. MobiHoc 2001: 283-286
14EEXiang-Yang Li, Shang-Hua Teng: Generating well-shaped Delaunay meshed in 3D. SODA 2001: 28-37
13 Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Liwu Liu: Select Line Speeds for Single-Hub SONET/WDM Ring Networks. ICC (1) 2000: 495-499
12EEXiang-Yang Li: Spacing Control and Sliver-free Delaunay Mesh. IMR 2000: 295-306
11EELiwu Liu, Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Ophir Frieder: Wavelength Assignment in WDM Rings to Minimize SONET ADMs. INFOCOM 2000: 1020-1025
10EEXiang-Yang Li, Liwu Liu, Peng-Jun Wan, Ophir Frieder: Practical Traffic Grooming Scheme for Single-Hub SONET/WDM Rings. LCN 2000: 556-564
9EEHerbert Edelsbrunner, Xiang-Yang Li, Gary L. Miller, Andreas Stathopoulos, Dafna Talmor, Shang-Hua Teng, Alper Üngör, Noel Walkington: Smoothing and cleaning up slivers. STOC 2000: 273-277
8 Hengchang Dai, Xiang-Yang Li, Colin MacBeth: Inversion of Fracture Parameters by Using the Artificial Neural Network. IC-AI 1999: 517-523
7EEXiang-Yang Li, Shang-Hua Teng, Alper Üngör: Biting Spheres in 3D. IMR 1999: 85-95
6EEXiang-Yang Li, Shang-Hua Teng, Alper Üngör: Biting Ellipses to Generate Anisotropic Mesh. IMR 1999: 97-108
5 Xiangmin Jiao, Xiang-Yang Li, Xiaosong Ma: SIFFEA: Scalable Integrated Framework for Finite Element Analysis. ISCOPE 1999: 84-95
4EEXiang-Yang Li, Shang-Hua Teng, Alper Üngör: Simultaneous Refinement and Coarsening for Adaptive Meshing. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 15(3): 280-291 (1999)
3 Xiang-Yang Li, Shang-Hua Teng: Practical Human-Machine Identification over Insecure Channels. J. Comb. Optim. 3(4): 347-361 (1999)
2EEXiang-Yang Li, Shang-Hua Teng, Alper Üngör: Simultaneous Refinement and Coarsening: Adaptive Meshing with Moving Boundaries. IMR 1998: 201-210
1 Xiang-Yang Li, Shang-Hua Teng: Dynamic Load Balancing for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement. IRREGULAR 1998: 144-155

Coauthor Index

1Khaled M. Alzoubi [29]
2Kiyoko F. Aoki-Kinoshita (Kiyoko F. Aoki) [90]
3Tianming Bu [99]
4Levente Buttyán [95]
5Gruia Calinescu [16] [19] [22] [30] [55]
6K. W. Chau [86]
7Kwok-wing Chau [72]
8Guihai Chen [114]
9Haiming Chen [101]
10Wei Chen [117]
11Chun-Tian Cheng [86]
12Chuntian Cheng [72]
13Xiaowen Chu [63] [74] [99] [111] [118]
14Hengchang Dai [8]
15Herbert Edelsbrunner [9]
16Stephan Eidenbenz [88]
17Ophir Frieder [10] [11] [16] [19] [20] [24] [28] [29] [31] [34] [49] [51] [53] [55] [57] [58] [59] [81] [83] [89] [96] [112]
18Jie Gu [92]
19Y. Charlie Hu [91]
20Yi Hu [101]
21Chien-Chung Huang [97]
22Jean-Pierre Hubaux [95]
23Xiaohua Jia [57] [101]
24Xiangmin Jiao [5]
25Minoru Kanehisa [90]
26Ming-Yang Kao [68] [73] [90] [93] [97] [103]
27Sanjiv Kapoor [32]
28Alberto Leon-Garcia [95]
29Fan Li [98] [104]
30Gang Li [72]
31Hui Li [92]
32Li Li [95]
33Mo Li [114]
34Shi Li [116]
35Y. S. Li [86]
36Chungui Liu [87]
37Liwu Liu [10] [11] [13] [20]
38Yunhao Liu [116]
39Xiaosong Ma [5]
40Colin MacBeth [8]
41XuFei Mao [115]
42Gary L. Miller [9]
43Kousha Moaveninejad [34] [50] [59] [61] [62] [102] [120]
44Ashraf Nusairat [104]
45Kazuya Okamoto [117]
46Dimitrios Peroulis [91]
47Tim Roughgarden [95]
48Sabyasachi Roy [91]
49Yantai Shu [57] [87]
50Wen-Zhan Song [37] [40] [44] [45] [50] [52] [56] [58] [60] [61] [67] [77] [83] [89] [102] [105] [108] [113] [120]
51Andreas Stathopoulos [9]
52Ivan Stojmenovic [43] [47]
53Zheng Sun [64] [65] [69] [70] [74] [75] [85] [107]
54Dafna Talmor [9]
55ShaoJie Tang [115] [118]
56Shang-Hua Teng [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [9] [14]
57Alper Üngör [2] [4] [6] [7] [9]
58Noel Walkington [9]
59Peng-Jun Wan [10] [11] [13] [15] [16] [19] [20] [22] [24] [29] [30] [31] [33] [41] [49] [53] [55] [71] [81] [96] [108] [112]
60Weizhao Wang [37] [40] [46] [48] [51] [60] [63] [64] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [73] [74] [75] [76] [82] [83] [84] [85] [88] [89] [90] [93] [97] [102] [105] [107] [109] [110] [111] [113] [120]
61Yu Wang [18] [21] [23] [24] [25] [28] [29] [30] [33] [35] [36] [37] [38] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [49] [56] [58] [60] [66] [69] [77] [78] [79] [80] [82] [88] [89] [94] [98] [100] [104] [105] [106] [107] [109] [110] [119]
62Yanwei Wu [104] [108] [114]
63Ping Xu [114] [118]
64Chih-Wei Yi [33] [41] [81]
65Philip S. Yu [65]
66Lianfang Zhang [87]
67Qian Zhang [100] [106]
68Jizhong Zhao [108]
69Zenghua Zhao [87]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)