3. ISCOPE 1999:
San Francisco,
Satoshi Matsuoka, R. R. Oldehoeft, Marydell Tholburn (Eds.):
Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel Environments, Third International Symposium, ISCOPE 99, San Francisco, California, USA, December 8-10, 1999, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1732 Springer 1999, ISBN 3-540-66818-7 BibTeX
editor = {Satoshi Matsuoka and
R. R. Oldehoeft and
Marydell Tholburn},
title = {Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel Environments, Third International
Symposium, ISCOPE 99, San Francisco, California, USA, December
8-10, 1999, Proceedings},
booktitle = {ISCOPE},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1732},
year = {1999},
isbn = {3-540-66818-7},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Michael Philippsen, Edwin Günthner:
Complex Numbers for Java.
1-12 BibTeX
- Nobuhisa Fujinami:
Automatic Generation of Executable Data Structures.
13-24 BibTeX
- Federico Bassetti, Kei Davis, Madhav V. Marathe, Daniel J. Quinlan, Bobby Philip:
Improving Cache Utilization of Linear Relaxation Methods: Theory and Practice.
25-36 BibTeX
- Dhananjai Madhava Rao, Philip A. Wilsey:
An Object-Oriented Framework for Parallel Simulation of Ultra-large Communication Networks.
37-48 BibTeX
- Amar Chaudhary, Adrian Freed, David Wessel:
Exploiting Parallelism in Real-Time Music and Audio Applications.
49-54 BibTeX
- David Sarrut, Serge Miguet:
ARAMIS: A Remote Access Medical Imaging System.
55-60 BibTeX
- Brent A. Smolinski, Scott R. Kohn, Noah Elliott, Nathan Dykman:
Language Interoperability for High-Performance Parallel Scientific Components.
61-71 BibTeX
- Nenad Stankovic, Kang Zhang:
A Framework for Object-Oriented Metacomputing.
72-77 BibTeX
- Youn-Hee Han, Chan Yeol Park, Chong-Sun Hwang, Young-Sik Jeong:
Tiger: Toward Object-Oriented Distributed and Parallel Programming in Global Environment.
78-83 BibTeX
- Xiangmin Jiao, Xiang-Yang Li, Xiaosong Ma:
SIFFEA: Scalable Integrated Framework for Finite Element Analysis.
84-95 BibTeX
- David L. Brown, William D. Henshaw, Daniel J. Quinlan:
Overture: Object-Oriented Tools for Applications with Complex Geometry.
96-107 BibTeX
- Jens Gerlach, Mitsuhisa Sato:
Generic Programming for Parallel Mesh Problems.
108-119 BibTeX
- Lie-Quan Lee, Jeremy G. Siek, Andrew Lumsdaine:
Generic Graph Algorithms for Sparse Matrix Ordering.
120-129 BibTeX
- Dhrubajyoti Goswami, Ajit Singh, Bruno R. Preiss:
Using Object-Oriented Techniques for Realizing Parallel Architectural Skeletons.
130-141 BibTeX
- Edward A. Luke:
Loci: A Deductive Framework for Graph-Based Algorithms.
142-153 BibTeX
- David L. Brohwiler, Svetlana G. Shasharina, John R. Cary:
The OptSolve++ Software Components for Nonlinear Optimization and Root-Finding.
154-163 BibTeX
- Matthias Troyer:
Are Generic Parallel Algorithms Feasible for Quantum Lattice Models?
164-169 BibTeX
- Timothy J. Sheehan, Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende:
A Runtime Monitoring Framework for the TAU Profiling System.
170-181 BibTeX
- Denis Caromel, Eric Noulard, David Sagnol:
SharedOnRead Optimization in Parallel Object-Oriented Programming.
182-193 BibTeX
- Shobana Radhakrishnan, Robert Brunner, Laxmikant V. Kalé:
Branch and Bound Based Load Balancing for Parallel Applications.
194-199 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:25:28 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)