
Chih-Wei Yi

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25EEChih-Wei Yi: Maximum scan statistics and channel assignment problems in homogeneous wireless networks. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(21-23): 2223-2233 (2009)
24EEPeng-Jun Wan, Lixin Wang, F. Frances Yao, Chih-Wei Yi: On the Longest RNG Edge of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. ICDCS 2008: 329-336
23EELixin Wang, Chih-Wei Yi, F. Frances Yao: Improved asymptotic bounds on critical transmission radius for greedy forward routing in wireless ad hoc networks. MobiHoc 2008: 131-138
22EEYu Wang, Chih-Wei Yi, Fan Li: Delivery Guarantee of Greedy Routing in Three Dimensional Wireless Networks. WASA 2008: 4-16
21EEChih-Wei Yi: Critical Range for Wireless Networks. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
20EEMin-Te Sun, Chih-Wei Yi, Chuan-Kai Yang, Ten-Hwang Lai: An Optimal Algorithm for the Minimum Disc Cover Problem. Algorithmica 50(1): 58-71 (2008)
19EEChih-Wei Yi, Fang-Chun Liu, Min-Te Sun: Minimum Local Disk Cover Sets for Broadcasting in Heterogeneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. ICPP Workshops 2007: 47
18EEPeng-Jun Wan, Chih-Wei Yi: On the Longest Edge of Gabriel Graphs in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 18(1): 111-125 (2007)
17EEHai Liu, Xiaohua Jia, Peng-Jun Wan, Chih-Wei Yi, S. Kami Makki, Niki Pissinou: Maximizing lifetime of sensor surveillance systems. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 15(2): 334-345 (2007)
16EEChih-Wei Yi, Peng-Jun Wan, Kuo-Wei Lin, Chih-Hao Huang: Asymptotic Distribution of The Number of Isolated Nodes in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Unreliable Nodes and Links. GLOBECOM 2006
15EEPeng-Jun Wan, Chih-Wei Yi, F. Frances Yao, Xiaohua Jia: Asymptotic critical transmission radius for greedy forward routing in wireless ad hoc networks. MobiHoc 2006: 25-36
14EEChih-Wei Yi, Peng-Jun Wan, Xiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder: Asymptotic distribution of the number of isolated nodes in wireless ad hoc networks with Bernoulli nodes. IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(3): 510-517 (2006)
13EEPeng-Jun Wan, Chih-Wei Yi: Coverage by randomly deployed wireless sensor networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(6): 2658-2669 (2006)
12EEPeng-Jun Wan, Chih-Wei Yi, Xiaohua Jia, Dongsoo Kim: Approximation algorithms for conflict-free channel assignment in wireless ad hoc networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 6: 201-211 (2006)
11EEMin-Te Sun, Xiaoli Ma, Chih-Wei Yi, Chuan-Kai Yang, Ten-Hwang Lai: Minimum Disc Cover Set Construction in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ICCNMC 2005: 712-721
10EEXiaohua Jia, Dongsoo Kim, Sam Makki, Peng-Jun Wan, Chih-Wei Yi: Power assignment for k-connectivity in wireless ad hoc networks. INFOCOM 2005: 2206-2211
9EEHai Liu, Peng-Jun Wan, Chih-Wei Yi, Xiaohua Jia, S. A. M. Makki, Niki Pissinou: Maximal lifetime scheduling in sensor surveillance networks. INFOCOM 2005: 2482-2491
8EEPeng-Jun Wan, Chih-Wei Yi: Coverage by Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks. NCA 2005: 275-278
7EEXiaohua Jia, Dongsoo Kim, Sam Makki, Peng-Jun Wan, Chih-Wei Yi: Power Assignment for k-Connectivity in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. J. Comb. Optim. 9(2): 213-222 (2005)
6EEPeng-Jun Wan, Chih-Wei Yi: Max-Life Power Schedule for Connectivity and Biconnectivity in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. MONET 10(6): 997-1004 (2005)
5EEYingshu Li, My T. Thai, Feng Wang, Chih-Wei Yi, Peng-Jun Wan, Ding-Zhu Du: On greedy construction of connected dominating sets in wireless networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 5: 927-932 (2005)
4EEPeng-Jun Wan, Chih-Wei Yi: Asymptotic critical transmission radius and critical neighbor number for k-connectivity in wireless ad hoc networks. MobiHoc 2004: 1-8
3EEPeng-Jun Wan, Gruia Calinescu, Chih-Wei Yi: Minimum-power multicast routing in static ad hoc wireless networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 12(3): 507-514 (2004)
2EEXiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Yu Wang, Chih-Wei Yi: Fault tolerant deployment and topology control in wireless ad hoc networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 4(1): 109-125 (2004)
1EEXiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Yu Wang, Chih-Wei Yi: Fault tolerant deployment and topology control in wireless networks. MobiHoc 2003: 117-128

Coauthor Index

1Gruia Calinescu [3]
2Ding-Zhu Du [5]
3Ophir Frieder [14]
4Chih-Hao Huang [16]
5Xiaohua Jia [7] [9] [10] [12] [15] [17]
6Dongsoo Kim [7] [10] [12]
7Ten-Hwang Lai [11] [20]
8Fan Li [22]
9Xiang-Yang Li [1] [2] [14]
10Yingshu Li [5]
11Kuo-Wei Lin [16]
12Fang-Chun Liu [19]
13Hai Liu [9] [17]
14Xiaoli Ma [11]
15S. A. M. Makki (Shamila Makki) [9]
16S. Kami Makki [17]
17Sam Makki [7] [10]
18Niki Pissinou [9] [17]
19Min-Te Sun [11] [19] [20]
20My T. Thai [5]
21Peng-Jun Wan [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [24]
22Lixin Wang [23] [24]
23Yu Wang [1] [2] [22]
24Feng Wang [5]
25Chuan-Kai Yang [11] [20]
26F. Frances Yao (Frances F. Yao, Foong Frances Yao) [15] [23] [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)