
Ma Yang

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6EEMa Yang, Graham Leedham: On-line recognition of handwritten Renqun shorthand for fast mobile Chinese text entry. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(7): 873-883 (2007)
5EESwe Myo Htwe, Colin Higgins, Graham Leedham, Ma Yang: Post Processing of Handwritten Phonetic Pitman's Shorthand Using a Bayesian Network Built on Geometric Attributes. ICAPR (1) 2005: 569-579
4EESwe Myo Htwe, Colin Higgins, Graham Leedham, Ma Yang: Transliteration of Online Handwritten Phonetic Pitman's Shorthand with the Use of a Bayesian Network. ICDAR 2005: 1090-1094
3EEMa Yang, Graham Leedham, Colin Higgins, Swe Myo Htwe: On-Line Recognition of Pitman Shorthand for Fast Mobile Text Entry. ICITA (1) 2005: 686-691
2EESwe Myo Htwe, Colin Higgins, Graham Leedham, Ma Yang: Post-processing of Handwritten Pitman's Shorthand Using Unigram and Heuristic Approaches. Document Analysis Systems 2004: 332-336
1EEMa Yang, Graham Leedham, Colin Higgins, Swe Myo Htwe: Segmentation and Recognition of Vocalized Outlines in Pitman Shorthand. ICPR (1) 2004: 441-444

Coauthor Index

1Colin Higgins (Colin A. Higgins) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Swe Myo Htwe [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Graham Leedham (C. G. Leedham) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)