
Junbin Gao

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32EEPaul Wing Hing Kwan, Junbin Gao, Graham Leedham: A User-Centered Framework for Adaptive Fingerprint Identification. PAISI 2009: 89-100
31EEJunbin Gao, Jun Zhang: Sparse Kernel Learning and the Relevance Units Machine. PAKDD 2009: 612-619
30EEJunbin Gao, Paul W. Kwan, Yi Guo: Robust multivariate L1 principal component analysis and dimensionality reduction. Neurocomputing 72(4-6): 1242-1249 (2009)
29EEJunbin Gao, Michael Antolovich, Paul W. Kwan: L1 LASSO Modeling and Its Bayesian Inference. Australasian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2008: 318-324
28 Adrian O'Connor, Junbin Gao, John Louis: Using a Stochastic Funnel to find NLR Starting Values. GEM 2008: 96-102
27EERichard Yi Da Xu, Junbin Gao, Michael Antolovich: Novel methods for high-resolution facial image capture using calibrated PTZ and static cameras. ICME 2008: 45-48
26EEJunbin Gao: Robust L1 Principal Component Analysis and Its Bayesian Variational Inference. Neural Computation 20(2): 555-572 (2008)
25 Kok-Leong Ong, Wenyuan Li, Junbin Gao: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining - Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007). December 2007. Proceedings Australian Computer Society 2007
24EEYi Guo, Paul Wing Hing Kwan, Junbin Gao: Learning Optimal Kernel from Distance Metric in Twin Kernel Embedding for Dimensionality Reduction and Visualization of Fingerprints. ADMA 2007: 227-238
23EEMatthew Robards, Junbin Gao, Philip Charlton: A Discriminant Analysis for Undersampled Data. AIDM 2007: 11-18
22EEJunbin Gao, Richard Y. Xu: Mixture of the Robust L1 Distributions and Its Applications. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2007: 26-35
21EEYi Guo, Junbin Gao, Paul Wing Hing Kwan: Twin Kernel Embedding with Relaxed Constraints on Dimensionality Reduction for Structured Data. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2007: 659-663
20EEYi Guo, Paul Wing Hing Kwan, Junbin Gao: Twin Kernel Embedding with Back Constraints. ICDM Workshops 2007: 319-324
19EEXiaomao Liu, Shujuan Cao, Junbin Gao, Jun Zhang: The Kernelized Geometrical Bisection Methods. ISNN (2) 2007: 680-688
18EETianhai Tian, Songlin Xu, Junbin Gao, Kevin Burrage: Simulated maximum likelihood method for estimating kinetic rates in gene expression. Bioinformatics 23(1): 84-91 (2007)
17EEXiaodi Huang, Wei Lai, A. S. M. Sajeev, Junbin Gao: A new algorithm for removing node overlapping in graph visualization. Inf. Sci. 177(14): 2821-2844 (2007)
16EEJunbin Gao, Daming Shi, Xiaomao Liu: Significant vector learning to construct sparse kernel regression models. Neural Networks 20(7): 791-798 (2007)
15EEPaul Wing Hing Kwan, Junbin Gao: A multi-step strategy for approximate similarity search in image databases. ADC 2006: 139-147
14EEYi Guo, Junbin Gao, Paul Wing Hing Kwan: Kernel Laplacian Eigenmaps for Visualization of Non-vectorial Data. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2006: 1179-1183
13EEDaming Shi, Fei Chen, Geok See Ng, Junbin Gao: The construction of wavelet network for speech signal processing. Neural Computing and Applications 15(3-4): 217-222 (2006)
12EEKishor Vaidya, A. S. M. Sajeev, Junbin Gao: E-procurement assimilation: an assessment of e-business capabilities and supplier readiness in the Australian public sector. ICEC 2005: 429-434
11EEDaming Shi, Daniel S. Yeung, Junbin Gao: Sensitivity analysis applied to the construction of radial basis function networks. Neural Networks 18(7): 951-957 (2005)
10EEDaming Shi, Junbin Gao, Daniel S. Yeung, Fei Chen: Radial Basis Function Network Pruning by Sensitivity Analysis. Canadian Conference on AI 2004: 380-390
9EEDaming Shi, Geok See Ng, Junbin Gao, Daniel S. Yeung: Critical Vector Learning to Construct RBF Classifiers. ICPR (3) 2004: 359-362
8EEJunbin Gao, Fei Chen, Daming Shi: On the construction of support wavelet network. SMC (4) 2004: 3204-3207
7EEJunbin Gao, Steve R. Gunn, Chris J. Harris: Mean field method for the support vector machine regression. Neurocomputing 50: 391-405 (2003)
6EEJunbin Gao, Steve R. Gunn, Chris J. Harris: SVM regression through variational methods and its sequential implementation. Neurocomputing 55(1-2): 151-167 (2003)
5EEJunbin Gao, Steve R. Gunn, Jaz S. Kandola: Adapting Kernels by Variational Approach in SVM. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002: 395-406
4EEJunbin Gao, Chris J. Harris: Some remarks on Kalman filters for the multisensor fusion. Information Fusion 3(3): 191-201 (2002)
3 Junbin Gao, Steve R. Gunn, Chris J. Harris, Martin Brown: A Probabilistic Framework for SVM Regression and Error Bar Estimation. Machine Learning 46(1-3): 71-89 (2002)
2 Junbin Gao, Chris J. Harris, Steve R. Gunn: On a Class of Support Vector Kernels Based on Frames in Function Hilbert Spaces. Neural Computation 13(9): 1975-1994 (2001)
1EEChris J. Harris, Junbin Gao: Adaptive linear finite-element method for modelling nonlinear dynamic systems. Int. J. System Science 31(10): 1241-1248 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Michael Antolovich [27] [29]
2Martin Brown [3]
3Kevin Burrage [18]
4Shujuan Cao [19]
5Philip Charlton [23]
6Fei Chen [8] [10] [13]
7Steve R. Gunn [2] [3] [5] [6] [7]
8Yi Guo [14] [20] [21] [24] [30]
9Chris J. Harris [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
10Xiaodi Huang [17]
11Jaz S. Kandola [5]
12Paul W. Kwan [29] [30]
13Paul Wing Hing Kwan [14] [15] [20] [21] [24] [32]
14Wei Lai [17]
15Graham Leedham (C. G. Leedham) [32]
16Wenyuan Li [25]
17Xiaomao Liu [16] [19]
18John Louis [28]
19Geok See Ng [9] [13]
20Adrian O'Connor [28]
21Kok-Leong Ong [25]
22Matthew Robards [23]
23A. S. M. Sajeev [12] [17]
24Daming Shi [8] [9] [10] [11] [13] [16]
25Tianhai Tian [18]
26Kishor Vaidya [12]
27Richard Y. Xu [22]
28Richard Yi Da Xu [27]
29Songlin Xu [18]
30Daniel S. Yeung [9] [10] [11]
31Jun Zhang [19] [31]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)