2008 | ||
51 | EE | Seunglak Choi, Hangkyu Kim, Hyukjae Jang, Jungsook Kim, Su Myeon Kim, Junehwa Song, Yoon-Joon Lee: A framework for ensuring consistency of Web Services Transactions. Information & Software Technology 50(7-8): 684-696 (2008) |
50 | EE | Dae Hyun Cho, Ki Yong Lee, Seunglak Choi, Yon Dohn Chung, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: A request distribution method for clustered VOD servers considering buffer sharing effects. Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design 54(1-2): 335-346 (2008) |
2007 | ||
49 | EE | Hangkyu Kim, Chang-Sup Park, Ji-Youn Park, Byunghee Jung, Yoon-Joon Lee: A Multimedia Content Management and Retrieval System Based on Metadata and Ontologies. ICME 2007: 556-559 |
48 | EE | Byunghee Jung, Junehwa Song, Yoon-Joon Lee: A narrative-based abstraction framework for story-oriented video. TOMCCAP 3(2): (2007) |
2006 | ||
47 | EE | Seunglak Choi, Sekyung Huh, Su Myeon Kim, Junehwa Song, Yoon-Joon Lee: A Scalable Update Management Mechanism for Query Result Caching Systems at Database-Driven Web Sites. APWeb 2006: 850-855 |
46 | Jihwan Song, Sanghyun Yoo, Chang-Sup Park, Dong-Hoon Choi, Yoon-Joon Lee: The Design of a Grid-enabled Information Integration System Based on Mediator/Wrapper Architectures. GCA 2006: 114-120 | |
45 | EE | Seunglak Choi, Jinwon Lee, Su Myeon Kim, Junehwa Song, Yoon-Joon Lee: Accelerating Database Processing at Database-Driven Web Sites. IEICE Transactions 89-D(11): 2724-2738 (2006) |
2005 | ||
44 | EE | Seunglak Choi, Hyukjae Jang, Hangkyu Kim, Jungsook Kim, Su Myeon Kim, Junehwa Song, Yoon-Joon Lee: Maintaining Consistency Under Isolation Relaxation of Web Services Transactions. WISE 2005: 245-257 |
2004 | ||
43 | Yoon-Joon Lee, Jianzhong Li, Kyu-Young Whang, Doheon Lee: Database Systems for Advances Applications, 9th International Conference, DASFAA 2004, Jeju Island, Korea, March 17-19, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004 | |
42 | EE | Byunghee Jung, Tae-Yeong Kwak, Junehwa Song, Yoon-Joon Lee: Narrative abstraction model for story-oriented video. ACM Multimedia 2004: 828-835 |
41 | EE | Seunglak Choi, Jinwon Lee, Su Myeon Kim, Junehwa Song, Yoon-Joon Lee: Accelerating Database Processing at e-Commerce Sites. EC-Web 2004: 41-50 |
40 | EE | Jae-Myeong Jeon, Yon Dohn Chung, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: Filtering XPath expressions for XML access control. Computers & Security 23(7): 591-605 (2004) |
39 | EE | Kyoung-Gu Woo, Jeong-Hoon Lee, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: FINDIT: a fast and intelligent subspace clustering algorithm using dimension voting. Information & Software Technology 46(4): 255-271 (2004) |
2003 | ||
38 | EE | Tae-Yeong Kwak, Yoon-Joon Lee: A filtering method for searching similar multidimensional sequences under the time-warping distance. Inf. Syst. 28(7): 791-813 (2003) |
37 | EE | Jin Hyun Son, Seok Kyun Oh, Kyung Hoon Choi, Yoon-Joon Lee, Myoung-Ho Kim: GM-WTA: An efficient workflow task allocation method in a distributed execution environment. Journal of Systems and Software 67(3): 165-179 (2003) |
36 | EE | Chang-Sup Park, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: Usability-based caching of query results in OLAP systems. Journal of Systems and Software 68(2): 103-119 (2003) |
2002 | ||
35 | EE | Chang-Sup Park, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: Finding an efficient rewriting of OLAP queries using materialized views in data warehouses. Decision Support Systems 32(4): 379-399 (2002) |
2001 | ||
34 | Won Kim, Tok Wang Ling, Yoon-Joon Lee, Seung-Soo Park: The Human Society and the Internet - Internet Related Socio-Economic Issues, First International Conference, Human.Society@Internet 2001, Seoul, Korea, July 4-6 2001, Proceedings Springer 2001 | |
33 | EE | Chang-Sup Park, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: Rewriting OLAP Queries Using Materialized Views and Dimension Hierarchies in Data Warehouses. ICDE 2001: 515-523 |
2000 | ||
32 | Seung-Kyoon Woo, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: An effective recovery under fuzzy checkpointing in main memory databases. Information & Software Technology 42(3): 185-196 (2000) | |
1999 | ||
31 | EE | Sungchae Lim, Yoon-Joon Lee, Myoung-Ho Kim: A Restructuring Method for the Concurrent B+-Tree Based on Semantic Consistency. DASFAA 1999: 229-236 |
1998 | ||
30 | Won Yong Kim, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: Probabilistic Retrieval Incorporating the Relationships of Descriptors Incrementally. Inf. Process. Manage. 34(4): 417-430 (1998) | |
29 | Dong Wook Kim, Eun-Jung Lee, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: An Efficient Processing of Range-MIN/MAX Queries over Data Cube. Inf. Sci. 112(1-4): 223-237 (1998) | |
1997 | ||
28 | EE | Dong Wook Kim, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: An Effective Tutoring Technique for fast Condition Evaluation in Active Databases. DASFAA 1997: 451-460 |
27 | Tae-Young Kwak, Yoon-Joon Lee, Myoung-Ho Kim: A Per-object Based Hybrid Concurrency Control. DEXA Workshop 1997: 748-753 | |
26 | Chang-Sup Park, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: A Replica Control Method for improving Availability for Read-only Transactions. IDEAS 1997: 104-112 | |
25 | Seung-Kyoon Woo, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: Accommodating Logical Logging under Fuzzy Checkpointing in Main Memory Databases. IDEAS 1997: 53-62 | |
24 | Ki-Hyung Hong, Yoon-Joon Lee, Kyu-Young Whang: Dynamically Ordered Semi-Naive Evaluation of Recursive Queries. Inf. Sci. 96(3&4): 237-269 (1997) | |
1996 | ||
23 | Jai-Hyuk Lee, Yoon-Joon Lee, Pyung-Chul Kim: The Semi Transaction Model for Cooperative Database Management. CODAS 1996: 357-352 | |
22 | EE | Sang-Koo Seo, Yoon-Joon Lee: Applicability of Genetic Algorithms to Optimal Evaluation of Path Predicates in Object-Oriented Queries. Inf. Process. Lett. 58(3): 123-128 (1996) |
21 | Sang-Koo Seo, Yoon-Joon Lee: Methodology for Index Configurations in Object-Oriented Databases. Inf. Sci. 93(3): 187-210 (1996) | |
1995 | ||
20 | EE | Jae Soo Yoo, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee, Byoung Mo Im: Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Signature File Methods. COMPSAC 1995: 144-149 |
19 | EE | Seok-Hee Hong, Yoon-Joon Lee, Myoung-Ho Kim: Real-Time Multiversion Concurrency Control Using Precedence Relationship. DASFAA 1995: 222-229 |
18 | Sang-Koo Seo, Yoon-Joon Lee: Optimizing Object-Oriented Queries with Path Predicates: Genetic Algorithm Approach. NGITS 1995: 0- | |
1994 | ||
17 | Jae Soo Yoo, Yoon-Joon Lee, Jae-Woo Chang, Myoung-Ho Kim: The HS File: A New Dynamic Signature File Method for Efficient Information Retrieval. DEXA 1994: 571-580 | |
16 | EE | Hwan-Ik Choi, Byoung Mo Im, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: An Efficient Parallel Join Algorithm Based On Hypercube-Partitioning. PDIS 1994: 50-57 |
15 | Joon Ho Lee, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: Ranking Documents in Thesaurus-Based Boolean Retrieval Systems. Inf. Process. Manage. 30(1): 79-92 (1994) | |
1993 | ||
14 | EE | Doheon Lee, Myoung-Ho Kim, Hyung Lee-Kwang, Yoon-Joon Lee: A Fuzzification of the Relational Data Model. DASFAA 1993: 360-367 |
13 | EE | Joon Ho Lee, Won Yong Kim, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: Enhancing the Fuzzy Set Model with Positively Compensatory Operators. DASFAA 1993: 368-375 |
12 | EE | Sang Hun Oh, Yoon-Joon Lee, Myoung-Ho Kim: Qualitative Behavior Modeling of Information Processing Components. DASFAA 1993: 435-441 |
11 | EE | Joon Ho Lee, Won Yong Kim, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: On the Evaluation of Boolean Operators in the Extended Boolean Retrieval Framework. SIGIR 1993: 291-297 |
10 | Myoung-Ho Kim, Joon Ho Lee, Yoon-Joon Lee: Analysis of Fuzzy Operators for High Quality Information Retrieval. Inf. Process. Lett. 46(5): 251-256 (1993) | |
1992 | ||
9 | Joon Ho Lee, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Rank Documents for Boolean Queries. Future Databases 1992: 315-322 | |
8 | Won Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee, Jungyun Seo: A Framework for Supporting Triggers in Object-Oriented Database Systems. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 1(1): 127-144 (1992) | |
7 | EE | Sang Hun Oh, Yoon-Joon Lee, Myoung-Ho Kim: A Management Discipline of Software Metrics and the Software Quality Manager. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 2(3): 449-465 (1992) |
1991 | ||
6 | EE | Pyung-Chul Kim, Hwan-Ik Choi, Yoon-Joon Lee, Myung-Joon Kim: Design and Implementation of the Multiuser Index-based Data Access System. DASFAA 1991: 156-164 |
5 | EE | Won Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee, Jungyun Seo: An Overview of Integrity Management in Object-Oriented Databases. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 14(2): 38-42 (1991) |
4 | Jae Dong Yang, Yoon-Joon Lee: A Sound and Complete Query Evaluation for Implicit Predicate which is a Semantic Descriptor of Unknown Values. Inf. Process. Lett. 39(5): 283-289 (1991) | |
1989 | ||
3 | EE | Jae-Woo Chang, Yoon-Joon Lee: Multikey Access Scheme Based on Term Discrimination and Signature Clustering. DASFAA 1989: 211-218 |
2 | EE | Won Kim, Yahiko Kambayashi, Hideko S. Kunii, Yoon-Joon Lee, Sang Hyuk Son, Gio Wiederhold: Impacts of Advanced Applications on Databases (Panel Abstract). DASFAA 1989: 69 |
1 | EE | Jae-Woo Chang, Joon Ho Lee, Yoon-Joon Lee: Multikey Access Methods Based on Term Discrimination and Signature Clustering. SIGIR 1989: 176-185 |