
Myung-Joon Kim

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16EEYong-Ju Lee, SongWoo Sok, Hag-Young Kim, Myung-Joon Kim, Cheolhoon Lee: Consolidating with Media Streaming Server and Network Storage Card. NBiS 2007: 495-504
15EEDong-Jae Kang, Young-Ho Kim, Gyu-Il Cha, Sung-In Jung, Myung-Joon Kim, Hae-Young Bae: Design and Implementation of Zero-Copy Data Path for Efficient File Transmission. HPCC 2006: 350-359
14EEChang Soo Kim, Hag-Young Kim, Myung-Joon Kim, Jae Soo Yoo: Design of System for Multimedia Streaming Service. EUC 2005: 867-878
13EEGyoung Bae Kim, Myung-Joon Kim, Hae-Young Bae: Design and Development of File System for Storage Area Networks. ICCSA (4) 2005: 812-825
12 Won-Ok Kwon, Kyoung Park, Myung-Joon Kim, Hyuk-Je Kwon: The algorithm of 16-bit scrambler in parallel for PCI express. SIP 2005: 479-482
11EEBaik-Song Ahn, Sung-Hoon Sohn, Chei-Yol Kim, Gyu-Il Cha, Yun-Cheol Baek, Sung-In Jung, Myung-Joon Kim: Implementation and evaluation of EXT3NS multimedia file system. ACM Multimedia 2004: 588-595
10 Chei-Yol Kim, Sung-Hoon Sohn, Baik-Song Ahn, Gyu-Il Cha, Sung-In Jung, Myung-Joon Kim: A Scalable I/O Architecture and File System for Internet Servers. ICWI 2004: 175-182
9EEChulho Won, Ben Lee, Chansu Yu, Sangman Moh, Kyoung Park, Myung-Joon Kim: A detailed performance analysis of UDP/IP, TCP/IP, and M-VIA network protocols using Linux/SimOS. J. High Speed Networks 13(3): 169-182 (2004)
8EEChong-Won Park, Myung-Joon Kim, Jin-Won Park: Design of NGIS: The Next Generation Internet Server for Future E-society. GCC (1) 2003: 269-272
7 Mi-Ok Chae, Mi-Young Lee, Dae Young Hur, Wan-Seok Kim, Myung-Joon Kim: Design and Implementation of an Object-Oriented Multimedia DBMS Tightly Coupled with Information Retrieval Functions. Applied Informatics 1999: 246-248
6EEHan Namgoong, Myung-Joon Kim: Improved Hard Acknowledgement Deadline Protocol in Real-Time RPC. EUROMICRO 1999: 2375-
5EEWan-Seok Kim, Jang Sun Lee, Myung-Joon Kim: BADA-III/Web: Integration of the Web and an OODBMS. HICSS 1999
4EEKyu-Woong Lee, Myung-Joon Kim, Seog Park: Site-Locking Protocol for Global Concurrency Control in Multidatabase Systems. IDEAS 1999: 380-384
3EEJang Sun Lee, Myung-Joon Kim: High-Performance External Stencil Computations Using User-Controllable I/O. ICPADS 1998: 748-
2EEDong-Kweon Hong, Myung-Joon Kim, Sharma Chakravarthy: Incorporating load factor into the scheduling of soft real-time transactions for main memory databases. RTCSA 1996: 60-66
1EEPyung-Chul Kim, Hwan-Ik Choi, Yoon-Joon Lee, Myung-Joon Kim: Design and Implementation of the Multiuser Index-based Data Access System. DASFAA 1991: 156-164

Coauthor Index

1Baik-Song Ahn [10] [11]
2Hae-Young Bae [13] [15]
3Yun-Cheol Baek [11]
4Gyu-Il Cha [10] [11] [15]
5Mi-Ok Chae [7]
6Sharma Chakravarthy [2]
7Hwan-Ik Choi [1]
8Dong-Kweon Hong [2]
9Dae Young Hur [7]
10Sung-In Jung [10] [11] [15]
11Dong-Jae Kang [15]
12Chang Soo Kim [14]
13Chei-Yol Kim [10] [11]
14Gyoung Bae Kim [13]
15Hag-Young Kim [14] [16]
16Pyung-Chul Kim [1]
17Wan-Seok Kim [5] [7]
18Young-Ho Kim [15]
19Hyuk-Je Kwon [12]
20Won-Ok Kwon [12]
21Ben Lee [9]
22Cheolhoon Lee [16]
23Jang Sun Lee [3] [5]
24Kyu-Woong Lee [4]
25Mi-Young Lee [7]
26Yong-Ju Lee [16]
27Yoon-Joon Lee [1]
28Sangman Moh [9]
29Han Namgoong [6]
30Chong-Won Park [8]
31Jin-Won Park [8]
32Kyoung Park [9] [12]
33Seog Park [4]
34Sung-Hoon Sohn [10] [11]
35SongWoo Sok [16]
36Chulho Won [9]
37Jae Soo Yoo [14]
38Chansu Yu [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)