
Yon Dohn Chung

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27EEYongHyun Cho, Jihoon Son, Yon Dohn Chung: POT: an efficient top-k monitoring method for spatially correlated sensor readings. DMSN 2008: 8-13
26EEYon Dohn Chung: A cache invalidation scheme for continuous partial match queries in mobile computing environments. Distributed and Parallel Databases 23(3): 207-234 (2008)
25EEYon Dohn Chung, Chang-Sup Park: Energy-Efficient Processing of Complex Queries over a Wireless Broadcast Data Stream. IEICE Transactions 91-D(1): 15-22 (2008)
24EESung Tak Kang, Yon Dohn Chung, Myoung-Ho Kim: A Temporal Aggregation Method for Update-Intensive Applications. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 24(4): 1175-1186 (2008)
23EEDae Hyun Cho, Ki Yong Lee, Seunglak Choi, Yon Dohn Chung, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: A request distribution method for clustered VOD servers considering buffer sharing effects. Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design 54(1-2): 335-346 (2008)
22EEHyun-A Park, Bum Han Kim, Dong Hoon Lee, Yon Dohn Chung, Justin Zhan: Secure Similarity Search. GrC 2007: 598-
21EEJae-Ho Choi, Sang-Hyun Park, Myong-Soo Lee, Yon Dohn Chung, SangKeun Lee: XIR: cache invalidation strategy for xml data in mobile environments. MobiDE 2007: 79-82
20EEYon Dohn Chung, Woo Suk Yang, Myoung-Ho Kim: An efficient, robust method for processing of partial top-k/bottom-k queries using the RD-Tree in OLAP. Decision Support Systems 43(2): 313-321 (2007)
19EEYoon Kwon, Jae-Ho Choi, Yon Dohn Chung, SangKeun Lee: In-Network Processing for Skyline Queries in Sensor Networks. IEICE Transactions 90-B(12): 3452-3459 (2007)
18EEYon Dohn Chung: An indexing scheme for energy-efficient processing of content-based retrieval queries on a wireless data stream. Inf. Sci. 177(2): 525-542 (2007)
17EEYon Dohn Chung, Ji Yeon Lee: An indexing method for wireless broadcast XML data. Inf. Sci. 177(9): 1931-1953 (2007)
16EEYon Dohn Chung, Chang-Sup Park: A Wireless Broadcast Generation Scheme Considering Data Access Frequencies. ADVIS 2006: 387-397
15EEJung Hoon Kim, Yon Dohn Chung, Myoung-Ho Kim: An XML data allocation method on disks. Journal of Systems Architecture 52(10): 578-588 (2006)
14EEChang-Sup Park, Chung Soo Kim, Yon Dohn Chung: Efficient Stream Organization for Wireless Broadcasting of XML Data. ASIAN 2005: 223-235
13EEByung-Chul Tak, Yon Dohn Chung, Sun Ja Kim, Myoung-Ho Kim: Rotational Lease: Providing High Availability in a Shared Storage File System. HPCC 2005: 190-195
12EEYon Dohn Chung, Ji Yeon Lee: Multi-attribute Hashing of Wireless Data for Content-Based Queries. ICDCIT 2005: 143-153
11EEJi Yeon Lee, Yong Hun Lim, Yon Dohn Chung, Myoung-Ho Kim: Data Storage in Sensor Networks for Multi-dimensional Range Queries. ICESS 2005: 420-429
10EEJae-Myeong Jeon, Yon Dohn Chung, Myoung-Ho Kim, Yoon-Joon Lee: Filtering XPath expressions for XML access control. Computers & Security 23(7): 591-605 (2004)
9EESung Tak Kang, Yon Dohn Chung, Myoung-Ho Kim: An efficient method for temporal aggregation with range-condition attributes. Inf. Sci. 168(1-4): 243-265 (2004)
8EEYon Dohn Chung, Jong Wook Kim, Myoung-Ho Kim: Efficient preprocessing of XML queries using structured signatures. Inf. Process. Lett. 87(5): 257-264 (2003)
7EEWoo Suk Yang, Yon Dohn Chung, Myoung-Ho Kim: The RD-Tree: a structure for processing Partial-MAX/MIN queries in OLAP. Inf. Sci. 146(1-4): 137-149 (2002)
6EEYon Dohn Chung, Su Ho Bang, Myoung-Ho Kim: An efficient broadcast data clustering method for multipoint queries in wireless information systems. Journal of Systems and Software 64(3): 173-181 (2002)
5EEYon Dohn Chung, Myoung-Ho Kim: A wireless data clustering method for multipoint queries. Decision Support Systems 30(4): 469-482 (2001)
4EEYon Dohn Chung, Myoung-Ho Kim: Effective Data Placement for Wireless Broadcast. Distributed and Parallel Databases 9(2): 133-150 (2001)
3EEJaehyung Lee, Yon Dohn Chung, Myoung-Ho Kim: Path Query Reduction and Diffusion for Distributed Semi-Structured Data Retrieval. IDEAS 2000: 393-397
2EEYon Dohn Chung, Myoung-Ho Kim: An index replication scheme for wireless data broadcasting. Journal of Systems and Software 51(3): 191-199 (2000)
1EEYon Dohn Chung, Myoung-Ho Kim: QEM: A Scheduling Method for Wireless Broadcast Data. DASFAA 1999: 135-142

Coauthor Index

1Su Ho Bang [6]
2Dae Hyun Cho [23]
3YongHyun Cho [27]
4Jae-Ho Choi [19] [21]
5Seunglak Choi [23]
6Jae-Myeong Jeon [10]
7Sung Tak Kang [9] [24]
8Bum Han Kim [22]
9Chung Soo Kim [14]
10Jong Wook Kim [8]
11Jung Hoon Kim [15]
12Myoung-Ho Kim [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [13] [15] [20] [23] [24]
13Sun Ja Kim [13]
14Yoon Kwon [19]
15Dong Hoon Lee [22]
16Jaehyung Lee [3]
17Ji Yeon Lee [11] [12] [17]
18Ki Yong Lee [23]
19Myong-Soo Lee [21]
20SangKeun Lee [19] [21]
21Yoon-Joon Lee [10] [23]
22Yong Hun Lim [11]
23Chang-Sup Park [14] [16] [25]
24Hyun-A Park [22]
25Sang-Hyun Park [21]
26Jihoon Son [27]
27Byung-Chul Tak [13]
28Woo Suk Yang [7] [20]
29Justin Zhan [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)