
Jon Lee

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31EEJon Lee, Vahab S. Mirrokni, Viswanath Nagarajan, Maxim Sviridenko: Non-monotone submodular maximization under matroid and knapsack constraints CoRR abs/0902.0353: (2009)
30EEAnureet Saxena, Pierre Bonami, Jon Lee: Disjunctive Cuts for Non-convex Mixed Integer Quadratically Constrained Programs. IPCO 2008: 17-33
29EEJon Lee, Shmuel Onn, Robert Weismantel: Nonlinear Optimization over a Weighted Independence System CoRR abs/0805.0954: (2008)
28EEPierre Bonami, Lorenz T. Biegler, Andrew R. Conn, Gérard Cornuéjols, Ignacio E. Grossmann, Carl D. Laird, Jon Lee, Andrea Lodi, François Margot, Nicolas Sawaya, Andreas Wächter: An algorithmic framework for convex mixed integer nonlinear programs. Discrete Optimization 5(2): 186-204 (2008)
27EEJon Lee, Shmuel Onn, Robert Weismantel: On test sets for nonlinear integer maximization. Oper. Res. Lett. 36(4): 439-443 (2008)
26EEYael Berstein, Jon Lee, Hugo Maruri-Aguilar, Shmuel Onn, Eva Riccomagno, Robert Weismantel, Henry P. Wynn: Nonlinear Matroid Optimization and Experimental Design. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 22(3): 901-919 (2008)
25EEJon Lee: In situ column generation for a cutting-stock problem. Computers & OR 34(8): 2345-2358 (2007)
24EEJon Lee, Adam N. Letchford: Mixed integer programming. Discrete Optimization 4(1): 1-2 (2007)
23EEJon Lee: Mixed-integer nonlinear programming: Some modeling and solution issues. IBM Journal of Research and Development 51(3/4): 489-497 (2007)
22EESamuel Burer, Jon Lee: Solving maximum-entropy sampling problems using factored masks. Math. Program. 109(2-3): 263-281 (2007)
21EECristiana Bragalli, Claudia D'Ambrosio, Jon Lee, Andrea Lodi, Paolo Toth: An MINLP Solution Method for a Water Network Problem. ESA 2006: 696-707
20EELaszlo Ladanyi, Jon Lee, Robin Lougee-Heimer: Rapid Prototyping of Optimization Algorithms Using COIN-OR: A Case Study Involving the Cutting-Stock Problem. Annals OR 139(1): 243-265 (2005)
19EEDon Coppersmith, Jon Lee: Parsimonious binary-encoding in integer programming. Discrete Optimization 2(3): 190-200 (2005)
18EEJon Lee, Janny Leung, Sven de Vries: Separating Type-I Odd-Cycle Inequalities for a Binary-Encoded Edge-Coloring Formulation. J. Comb. Optim. 9(1): 59-67 (2005)
17EEJon Lee, François Margot: More on a Binary-Encoded Coloring Formulation. IPCO 2004: 271-282
16EEJon Lee, Janny Leung, François Margot: Min-up/min-down polytopes. Discrete Optimization 1(1): 77-85 (2004)
15EEJon Lee: Cropped Cubes. J. Comb. Optim. 7(2): 169-178 (2003)
14 Jon Lee: All-Different Polytopes. J. Comb. Optim. 6(3): 335-352 (2002)
13EEVijay S. Iyengar, Jon Lee, Murray Campbell: Evaluating multiple attribute items using queries. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2001: 144-153
12 Kurt M. Anstreicher, Marcia Fampa, Jon Lee, Joy Williams: Maximum-entropy remote sampling. Discrete Applied Mathematics 108(3): 211-226 (2001)
11 Jon Lee, Dan Wilson: Polyhedral methods for piecewise-linear functions I: the lambda method. Discrete Applied Mathematics 108(3): 269-285 (2001)
10EEJon Lee: Orienting Matroids Representable Over Both GF(3) and GF(5). Eur. J. Comb. 20(8): 833-838 (1999)
9EEJon Lee, Matt Scobee: A Characterization of the Orientations of Ternary Matroids. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 77(2): 263-291 (1999)
8EEChun-Wa Ko, Jon Lee, Einar Steingrímsson: The volume of relaxed Boolean-quadric and cut polytopes. Discrete Mathematics 163(1-3): 293-298 (1997)
7 Kurt M. Anstreicher, Marcia Fampa, Jon Lee, Joy Williams: Continuous Relaxations for Constrained Maximum-Entropy Sampling. IPCO 1996: 234-248
6 Janny Leung, Jon Lee: More facets from fences for linear ordering and acyclic subgraph polytopes. Discrete Applied Mathematics 50(2): 185-200 (1994)
5EEJon Lee, Walter D. Morris Jr.: Geometric Comparison of Combinatorial Polytopes. Discrete Applied Mathematics 55(2): 163-182 (1994)
4 Kurt M. Anstreicher, Jon Lee, Thomas F. Rutherford: Crashing a maximum-weight complementary basis. Math. Program. 54: 281-294 (1992)
3EEJon Lee: Canonical equation sets for classes of concordant polytopes. Discrete Applied Mathematics 28(3): 207-221 (1990)
2EEJon Lee: The incidence structure of subspaces with well-scaled frames. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 50(2): 265-287 (1990)
1 Jon Lee: A Spectral Approach to Polyhedral Dimension. Math. Program. 47: 441-459 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Kurt M. Anstreicher [4] [7] [12]
2Yael Berstein [26]
3Lorenz T. Biegler [28]
4Pierre Bonami [28] [30]
5Cristiana Bragalli [21]
6Samuel Burer [22]
7Murray Campbell [13]
8Andrew R. Conn [28]
9Don Coppersmith [19]
10Gérard Cornuéjols [28]
11Claudia D'Ambrosio [21]
12Marcia Fampa [7] [12]
13Ignacio E. Grossmann [28]
14Vijay S. Iyengar [13]
15Chun-Wa Ko [8]
16Laszlo Ladanyi [20]
17Carl D. Laird [28]
18Adam N. Letchford [24]
19Janny Leung (Janny May-Yee Leung) [6] [16] [18]
20Andrea Lodi [21] [28]
21Robin Lougee-Heimer [20]
22François Margot [16] [17] [28]
23Hugo Maruri-Aguilar [26]
24Vahab S. Mirrokni (Seyed Vahab Mirrokni) [31]
25Walter D. Morris Jr. [5]
26Viswanath Nagarajan [31]
27Shmuel Onn [26] [27] [29]
28Eva Riccomagno [26]
29Thomas F. Rutherford [4]
30Nicolas Sawaya [28]
31Anureet Saxena [30]
32Matt Scobee [9]
33Einar Steingrímsson [8]
34Maxim Sviridenko [31]
35Paolo Toth [21]
36Sven de Vries [18]
37Andreas Wächter [28]
38Robert Weismantel [26] [27] [29]
39Joy Williams [7] [12]
40Dan Wilson [11]
41Henry P. Wynn [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)