Volume 54,
- Robert G. Bland, David L. Jensen:
On the computational behavior of a polynomial-time network flow algorithm.
1-39 BibTeX
- James B. Orlin, Ravindra K. Ahuja:
New scaling algorithms for the assignment and minimum mean cycle problems.
41-56 BibTeX
- Uriel G. Rothblum:
Characterization of stable matchings as extreme points of a polytope.
57-67 BibTeX
- E. R. Barnes, Alan J. Hoffman, Uriel G. Rothblum:
Optimal partitions having disjoint convex and conic hulls.
69-86 BibTeX
- H. C. Lai, S. Y. Wu:
Extremal points and optimal solutions for general capacity problems.
87-113 BibTeX
- Alain Billionnet, Alain Sutter:
Persistency in quadratic 0-1 optimization.
115-119 BibTeX
- Stephen A. Vavasis:
Local minima for indefinite quadratic knapsack problems.
127-153 BibTeX
- E. Polak, J. E. Higgins, D. Q. Mayne:
A barrier function method for minimax problems.
155-176 BibTeX
- Roman A. Polyak:
Modified barrier functions (theory and methods).
177-222 BibTeX
- Regina Hunter Mladineo:
Convergence rates of a global optimization algorithm.
223-232 BibTeX
- Richard J. Caron, M. Hlynka, J. F. McDonald:
On the best case performance of hit and run methods for detecting necessary constraints.
233-249 BibTeX
- Kurt M. Anstreicher, Robert A. Bosch:
Long steps in an O(n3L) algorithm for linear programming.
251-265 BibTeX
- Masakazu Kojima, Nimrod Megiddo, Yinyu Ye:
An interior point potential reduction algorithm for the linear complementarity problem.
267-279 BibTeX
- Kurt M. Anstreicher, Jon Lee, Thomas F. Rutherford:
Crashing a maximum-weight complementary basis.
281-294 BibTeX
- Kees Roos, Jean-Philippe Vial:
A polynomial method of approximate centers for linear programming.
295-305 BibTeX
- Irwin E. Schochetman, Robert L. Smith:
Finite dimensional approximation in infinite dimensional mathematical programming.
307-333 BibTeX
- Donald M. Topkis:
Paths on polymatroids.
335-351 BibTeX
- Jorge P. Sousa, Laurence A. Wolsey:
A time indexed formulation of non-preemptive single machine scheduling problems.
353-367 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:14:01 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)