Volume 47,
- Yinyu Ye, Michael J. Todd:
Containing and Shrinking Ellipsoids in the Path-Following Algorithm.
1-9 BibTeX
- William Cook:
Cutting-Plane Proofs in Polynomial Space.
11-18 BibTeX
- Manfred Padberg, Giovanni Rinaldi:
An Efficient Algorithm for the Minimum Capacity Cut Problem.
19-36 BibTeX
- Alfredo N. Iusem, Alvaro R. De Pierro:
On the Convergence Properties of Hildreth's Quadratic Programming Algorithm.
37-51 BibTeX
- Y. Yuan:
On a Subproblem of Trust Region Algorithms for Constrained Optimization.
53-63 BibTeX
- Roland Durier:
On Pareto Optima, the Fermat-Weber Problem, and Polyhedral Gauges.
65-79 BibTeX
- James B. Orlin, John H. Vande Vate:
Solving the Linear Matroid Parity Problem as a Sequence of Matroid Intersection Problems.
81-106 BibTeX
- Alexander Shapiro:
On Differential Stability in Stochastic Programming.
107-116 BibTeX
- C. A. Tiahrt, A. B. Poore:
A Bifurcation Analysis of the Nonlinear Parametric Programming Problem.
117-141 BibTeX
- Xiang-Sun Zhang, De-Gang Liu:
A Note on the Continuity of Solutions of Parametric Linear Programs.
143-153 BibTeX
- William J. Cook, Ravi Kannan, Alexander Schrijver:
Chvátal Closures for mixed Integer Programming Problems.
155-174 BibTeX
- Pravin M. Vaidya:
An Algorithm for Linear Programming which Requires O(((m+n)n2 + (m+n)1.5n)L) Arithmetic Operations.
175-201 BibTeX
- A. Jourani, Lionel Thibault:
Approximate Subdifferential and Metric Regularity: The Finite-Dimensional Case.
203-218 BibTeX
- Manfred Padberg, Giovanni Rinaldi:
Facet Identification for the Symmetric Traveling Salesman Polytope.
219-257 BibTeX
- Frieda Granot, Jadranka Skorin-Kapov:
Some Proximity and Sensitivity Results in Quadratic Integer Programming.
259-268 BibTeX
- Kaj Holmberg:
On the Convergence of Cross Decomposition.
269-296 BibTeX
- Achiya Dax:
A New Theorem of the Alternative.
297-299 BibTeX
- James V. Burke, Jorge J. Moré, Gerardo Toraldo:
Convergence Properties of Trust Region Methods for Linear and Convex Constraints.
305-336 BibTeX
- Kurt M. Anstreicher:
A Standard Form Variant, and Safeguarded Linesearch, for the Modified Karmarkar Algorithm.
337-351 BibTeX
- Donald Goldfarb, Jianxiu Hao:
A Primal Simplex Algorithm that Solves the Maximum Flow Problem in at most nm Pivots and O(n2m) Time.
353-365 BibTeX
- Martin Grötschel, Yoshiko Wakabayashi:
Facets of the Clique Partitioning Polytope.
367-387 BibTeX
- R. R. Merkovsky, D. E. Ward:
General Constraint Qualifications in Nondifferentiable Programming.
389-405 BibTeX
- Horand I. Gassmann:
MSLiP: A Computer Code for the Multistage Stochastic Linear Programming Problem.
407-423 BibTeX
- Michael J. Best, Nilotpal Chakravarti:
Active Set Algorithms for Isotonic Regression; A Unifying Framework.
425-439 BibTeX
- Jon Lee:
A Spectral Approach to Polyhedral Dimension.
441-459 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:14:00 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)