
François Margot

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15EEAmitabh Basu, Pierre Bonami, Gérard Cornuéjols, François Margot: On the relative strength of split, triangle and quadrilateral cuts. SODA 2009: 1220-1229
14EEGérard Cornuéjols, François Margot: On the Facets of Mixed Integer Programs with Two Integer Variables and Two Constraints. LATIN 2008: 317-328
13EEPierre Bonami, Lorenz T. Biegler, Andrew R. Conn, Gérard Cornuéjols, Ignacio E. Grossmann, Carl D. Laird, Jon Lee, Andrea Lodi, François Margot, Nicolas Sawaya, Andreas Wächter: An algorithmic framework for convex mixed integer nonlinear programs. Discrete Optimization 5(2): 186-204 (2008)
12EEFrançois Margot: Symmetric ILP: Coloring and small integers. Discrete Optimization 4(1): 40-62 (2007)
11EEGareth Bendall, François Margot: Minimum number of below average triangles in a weighted complete graph. Discrete Optimization 3(3): 206-219 (2006)
10EEGareth Bendall, François Margot: Greedy-type resistance of combinatorial problems. Discrete Optimization 3(4): 288-298 (2006)
9EEJon Lee, François Margot: More on a Binary-Encoded Coloring Formulation. IPCO 2004: 271-282
8EEJon Lee, Janny Leung, François Margot: Min-up/min-down polytopes. Discrete Optimization 1(1): 77-85 (2004)
7EEAbraham P. Punnen, François Margot, Santosh N. Kabadi: TSP Heuristics: Domination Analysis and Complexity. Algorithmica 35(2): 111-127 (2003)
6EEFrançois Margot: Pruning by Isomorphism in Branch-and-Cut. IPCO 2001: 304-317
5EEGérard Cornuéjols, Bertrand Guenin, François Margot: The Packing Property. IPCO 1998: 1-8
4 Geir Dahl, François Margot: Weak k-majorization and polyhedra. Math. Program. 81: 37-53 (1998)
3 Komei Fukuda, Thomas M. Liebling, François Margot: Analysis of Backtrack Algorithms for Listing All Vertices and All Faces of a Convex Polyhedron. Comput. Geom. 8: 1-12 (1997)
2 François Margot: Some Complexity Results about Threshold Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 49(1-3): 299-308 (1994)
1 François Margot, A. Prodon, Thomas M. Liebling: Tree polytope on 2-trees. Math. Program. 63: 183-191 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Amitabh Basu [15]
2Gareth Bendall [10] [11]
3Lorenz T. Biegler [13]
4Pierre Bonami [13] [15]
5Andrew R. Conn [13]
6Gérard Cornuéjols [5] [13] [14] [15]
7Geir Dahl [4]
8Komei Fukuda [3]
9Ignacio E. Grossmann [13]
10Bertrand Guenin [5]
11Santosh N. Kabadi [7]
12Carl D. Laird [13]
13Jon Lee [8] [9] [13]
14Janny Leung (Janny May-Yee Leung) [8]
15Thomas M. Liebling [1] [3]
16Andrea Lodi [13]
17A. Prodon [1]
18Abraham P. Punnen [7]
19Nicolas Sawaya [13]
20Andreas Wächter [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)