
Benjamin N. Lee

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5EEBenjamin N. Lee, WenYen Chen, Edward Y. Chang: Fotofiti: web service for photo management. ACM Multimedia 2006: 485-486
4EEBenjamin N. Lee, WenYen Chen, Edward Y. Chang: A scalable service for photo annotation, sharing, and search. ACM Multimedia 2006: 699-702
3EEWenYen Chen, Benjamin N. Lee, Edward Y. Chang: Fotowiki: distributed map enhancement service. ACM Multimedia 2006: 803-804
2EEBenjamin N. Lee, Li-C. Wang, Magdy S. Abadir: Refined statistical static timing analysis through. DAC 2006: 149-154
1EEBenjamin N. Lee, Li-C. Wang, Magdy S. Abadir: Reducing Pattern Delay Variations for Screening Frequency Dependent Defects. VTS 2005: 153-160

Coauthor Index

1Magdy S. Abadir [1] [2]
2Edward Y. Chang [3] [4] [5]
3WenYen Chen [3] [4] [5]
4Li-C. Wang [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)