
Albert L. Lederer

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27EEAlice M. Johnson, Albert L. Lederer: The Impact of Communication between CEOs and CIOs on their Shared Views of the Current and Future Role of IT. IS Management 24(1): 85-90 (2007)
26EEYoulong Zhuang, Albert L. Lederer, Terry L. Childers: Generic strategies for business-to-consumer e-commerce. IJEB 4(6): 445-462 (2006)
25EEDinesh A. Mirchandani, Albert L. Lederer: Procedural Justice and the Planning of Information Systems in Multinational Firms. HICSS 2005
24 Dinesh A. Mirchandani, Albert L. Lederer: Autonomy, Procedural Justice, and Information Systems Planning Effectiveness in Multinational Firms. ICIS 2005
23EEVedabrata Basu, Albert L. Lederer: An agency theory model of ERP implementation. CPR 2004: 8-13
22EEYoulong Zhuang, Albert L. Lederer: The Impact of Top Management Commitment, Business Process Redesign, and IT Planning on the Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce Site. Electronic Commerce Research 4(4): 315-333 (2004)
21EEAlice M. Johnson, Albert L. Lederer: Two predictors of CEO/CIO convergence. CPR 2003: 162-167
20EERobert C. Mahaney, Albert L. Lederer: Information systems project management: an agency theory interpretation. Journal of Systems and Software 68(1): 1-9 (2003)
19 Grover S. Kearns, Albert L. Lederer: Strategic IT Alignment: A Model for Competitive Advantage. ICIS 2001: 1-12
18EEJohn Benamati, Albert L. Lederer: The effect of rapid IT change on the demand for training. SIGCPR 2001: 37-47
17EEJohn Benamati, Albert L. Lederer: Coping with rapid changes in IT. Commun. ACM 44(8): 83-88 (2001)
16 Dinesh A. Mirchandani, Albert L. Lederer: Predictors of strategic information systems planning autonomy in U.S. subsidiaries of foreign firms. IRMA Conference 2000: 962-963
15EEJohn Benamati, Albert L. Lederer: The emerging it group and rapid IT change. SIGCPR 2000: 23-32
14EEAlbert L. Lederer, Donna J. Maupin, Mark P. Sena, Youlong Zhuang: The technology acceptance model and the World Wide Web. Decision Support Systems 29(3): 269-282 (2000)
13EEAlbert L. Lederer, Jayesh Prasad: Software management and cost estimating error. Journal of Systems and Software 50(1): 33-42 (2000)
12EEJohn Benamati, Albert L. Lederer: An empirical study of IT management and rapid IT change. SIGCPR 1999: 144-153
11EERobert C. Mahaney, Albert L. Lederer: Runaway information systems projects and escalating commitment. SIGCPR 1999: 291-296
10EEAlbert L. Lederer, Donna J. Maupin, Mark P. Sena, Youlong Zhuang: The role of ease of use, usefulness and attitude in the prediction of World Wide Web usage. SIGCPR 1998: 195-204
9EEJohn Benamati, Albert L. Lederer: Coping with rapid change in information technology. SIGCPR 1998: 37-44
8 Albert L. Lederer, Dinesh A. Mirchandani, Kenneth Sims: Using WISs to enhance Competitiveness. Commun. ACM 41(7): 94-95 (1998)
7EEAlbert L. Lederer, Jayesh Prasad: A Causal Model for Software Cost Estimating Error. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 24(2): 137-148 (1998)
6EEChuleeporn Changchit, Kshiti D. Joshi, Albert L. Lederer: Process and reality in information systems benefit analysis. Inf. Syst. J. 8(2): 145-162 (1998)
5 Albert L. Lederer, John Benamati: What's New? The Challenges of Ermerging Information Technologies. J. Database Manag. 9(1): 33-34 (1998)
4EEJohn Benamati, Albert L. Lederer, Meenu Singh: The problems of rapid information technology change. SIGCPR 1997: 204-209
3EEAlbert L. Lederer, Jayesh Prasad: Causes of inaccurate software development cost estimates. Journal of Systems and Software 31(2): 125-134 (1995)
2 Albert L. Lederer, Jayesh Prasad: Nine Management Guidelines for Better Cost Estimating. Commun. ACM 35(2): 51-59 (1992)
1EEAlbert L. Lederer, Aubrey L. Mendelow: Information Systems Planning: Incentives for Effective Action. DATA BASE 20(3): 13-20 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Vedabrata Basu [23]
2John Benamati [4] [5] [9] [12] [15] [17] [18]
3Chuleeporn Changchit [6]
4Terry L. Childers [26]
5Alice M. Johnson [21] [27]
6Kshiti D. Joshi [6]
7Grover S. Kearns [19]
8Robert C. Mahaney [11] [20]
9Donna J. Maupin [10] [14]
10Aubrey L. Mendelow [1]
11Dinesh A. Mirchandani [8] [16] [24] [25]
12Jayesh Prasad [2] [3] [7] [13]
13Mark P. Sena [10] [14]
14Kenneth Sims [8]
15Meenu Singh [4]
16Youlong Zhuang [10] [14] [22] [26]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)