9. ICAIL 2003:
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law,
ICAIL 2003,
June 24-28,
Research Papers
- Alexander Artikis, Marek J. Sergot, Jeremy Pitt:
An Executable Specification of an Argumentation Protocol.
1-11 BibTeX
- Paul E. Dunne:
Prevarication in Dispute Protocols.
12-21 BibTeX
- Katie Greenwood, Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon, Peter McBurney:
Towards a Computational Account of Persuasion in Law.
22-31 BibTeX
- Henry Prakken, Chris Reed, Douglas Walton:
Argumentation Schemes and Generalizations in Reasoning about Evidence.
32-41 BibTeX
- Joe Halliwell, Jeroen Keppens, Qiang Shen:
Linguistic Bayesian Networks for Reasoning will Objective Probabilities in Forensic Statistics.
42-50 BibTeX
- Jeroen Keppens, John Zeleznikow:
A Model Based Reasoning Approach for Generating Plausible Crime Scenarios from Evidence.
51-59 BibTeX
- Alexander Boer, Tom M. van Engers, Radboud Winkels:
Using Ontologies for Comparing and Harmonizing Legislation.
60-69 BibTeX
- Laurens Mommers:
Applications of a Knowledge-based Ontology of the Legal Domain in Collaborative Workspaces.
70-108 BibTeX
- Guido Boella, Leendert W. N. van der Torre:
Permissions and Obligations in Hierarchical Normative Systems.
109-118 BibTeX
- Cristiano Castelfranchi, Luca Tummolini:
Positive and Negative Expectations and the Deontic Nature of Social Conventions.
119-125 BibTeX
- Shawn Kerrigan, Kincho H. Law:
Logic-Based Regulation Compliance-Assistance.
126-135 BibTeX
- Tânia C. D'Agostini Bueno, Andre Bortolon, Hugo Cesar Hoeschl, Eduardo da Silva Mattos, Marcelo S. Ribeiro:
Analyzing the use of Dynamic Weights in Legal Case Based System.
136-141 BibTeX
- Marie-Francine Moens, Roxana Angheluta:
Concept Extraction from Legal Cases: The Use of a Statistic of Coincidence.
142-146 BibTeX
- Erik Roland van der Meer, I. S. Henriksen, Henrik Reif Andersen:
Using Configuration Technology as the Core of a Legal Decision Support System.
147-151 BibTeX
- Steven Orla Kimbrough, Thomas Y. Lee, Balaji Padmanabhan, Yinghui Yang:
On Original Generation of Structure in Legal Documents.
152-161 BibTeX
- Filipe Santos, Olga Pacheco:
Specifying and Reasoning with Institutional Agents.
162-170 BibTeX
- Gary A. Davis, Jianping Pei:
Bayesian Networks and Traffic Accident Reconstruction.
171-176 BibTeX
- Christopher Dozier, Peter Jackson, Xi S. Guo, Mark Chaudhary, Yohendran Arumainayagam:
Creation of an Expert Witness Database Through Text Mining.
177-184 BibTeX
- Uri J. Schild, Ruth Kannai:
Intelligent Computer Evaluation of Offender' Previous Record.
185-194 BibTeX
- Samuel M. Brasil Jr., Berilhes Borges Garcia:
Modelling Legal Reasoning in a Mathematical Environment through Model-Theoretic Semantics.
195-203 BibTeX
- Benjamin Johnston, Guido Governatori:
Induction of Defeasible Logic Theories in the Legal Domain.
204-213 BibTeX
- Sasha Ivkovic, John Yearwood, Andrew Stranieri:
Visualizing Association Rules for feedback within the legal system.
214-223 BibTeX
- Karl Branting:
A Comparative Evaluation of Name-Matching Algorithms.
224-232 BibTeX
- Stefanie Brüninghaus, Kevin D. Ashley:
Predicting Outcomes of Case-Based Legal Arguments.
233-242 BibTeX
- Claire Grover, Ben Hachey, Ian Hughson, Chris Korycinski:
Automatic Summarisation of Legal Documents.
243-251 BibTeX
- Chao-Lin Liu, Cheng-Tsung Chang, Jim-How Ho:
Classification and Clustering for Case-Based Criminal Summary Judgement.
252-261 BibTeX
- Jack G. Conrad, Joanne S. Claussen:
Client-System Collaboration for Legal Corpus Selection in an Online Production Environment.
262-273 BibTeX
- Maria Jean J. Hall, Richard Hall, John Zeleznikow:
A process for evaluating legal knowledge-based systems based upon the Context Criteria Contingency-guidelines Framework.
274-283 BibTeX
- Tom M. van Engers, Margherita R. Boekenoogen:
Improving Legal Quality - an application report.
284-292 BibTeX
Research Abstracts
- Alexandre Serra Barreto, Tânia C. D'Agostini Bueno, Hugo Cesar Hoeschl:
Applying Case-Based Reasoning to Knowledge Representation of Tributary Decisions.
77-78 BibTeX
- Bostjan Bercic:
Formal representation of the Institute of Criminal Liability.
79-80 BibTeX
- Guido Boella, Leendert W. N. van der Torre:
Rational Norm Creation.
81-82 BibTeX
- Tânia C. D'Agostini Bueno, Hugo Cesar Hoeschl, Cristina Souza Santos, Andre Bortolon, Eduardo da Silva Mattos, Irineu Theiss:
Using RBC to Classify Judicial Petition on e-Court.
83-84 BibTeX
- Alison Chorley, Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon:
Developing Legal Knowledge Based Systems Through Theory Construction.
85-86 BibTeX
- Filipe Corrêa da Costa, Tânia C. D'Agostini Bueno, Hugo Cesar Hoeschl, Érica Bezerra Queiroz Ribeiro:
New Procedures For Environment Licensing with Artificial Intelligence - CIPPLA.
87-88 BibTeX
- Pamela N. Gray, Scott Mann:
The Fraunce (1588) Model of Case-based Reasoning.
89-90 BibTeX
- Éric Grégoire:
About the Fusion of Legal Knowledge with Exceptions.
91-92 BibTeX
- Zaw Z. Han, Tin T. Khine, Imtinan Ahmad, Sunil Shrestha, Laurence L. Leff:
Interoperability from Electronic Commerce to Litigation Using XML Rules.
93-94 BibTeX
- Hugo Cesar Hoeschl, Tânia C. D'Agostini Bueno, Andre Bortolon, Eduardo da Silva Mattos, Marcelo S. Ribeiro, Irineu Theiss:
Dynamically Contextualized Knowledge Representation of The United Nations Security Council Resolution.
95-96 BibTeX
- Hugo Cesar Hoeschl, Tânia C. D'Agostini Bueno, Eduardo da Silva Mattos, Ricardo Miranda Barcia, Marcelo S. Ribeiro:
Knowledge-Based System Applied on the Previous Consent of Brazilian National Defense Council.
97-98 BibTeX
- Eduardo da Silva Mattos, Hugo Cesar Hoeschl, Marcelo S. Ribeiro, Tânia C. D'Agostini Bueno:
A Knowledge Base for Automatic Capitulation in Expert System.
99-100 BibTeX
- Katsumi Nitta, Yoshiaki Yasumura, Masahide Yuasa, Takahiro Tanaka:
An Online Moot Court System Mediated by an Agent.
101-102 BibTeX
- Thomas A. O'Callaghan, James Popple, Eric McGreath:
SHYSTER-MYCIN: A Hybrid Legal Expert System.
103-104 BibTeX
- Monica Palmirani, Raffaella Brighi, Matteo Massini:
Automated Extraction of Normative References in Legal Texts.
105-106 BibTeX
- Clara P. Smith:
A Meta-Level Approach to the Analysis of Legal Phenomena based on the Key Concept of Reduction.
107-108 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:16:02 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)